View Full Version : Happy Day!!!

01-04-2009, 09:51 AM
Guess who is out signing the lease for her apartment right now? Ashley!!!

Her aunt is giving her the down payment and buying her all new furniture.... because the ungreatful girl refuses to take anything I offered her. She also told hubby that I will not be welcome in her apartment, which is fine by me because it would have been awkward going over (and hubby would have forced me to go... complete with a house warming gift :rolleyes: )

I'm working hard on letting her go, and not trying to understand what I did so wrong. She totally hates me, when all I ever did was try to help her. I swear she blames me for getting pregnant (though I am fairly certain I can feel guilt free on that one ;)) and I know she resents that I was the only one to embrace her when she was pregnant... the rest of the world shunned her and I helped her. Oh well, like I said, I'm working hard on letting her go without a reason WHY she hates me so much.

So I am doing MAJOR happy danes. She won't tell us when move-in is, but we're sure its before Feb 1st. If you think I'm happy now, just wait til she's all moved out and officially in her own place!!!!

Can I get a WOOHOOO!!!?

01-04-2009, 10:36 AM

01-04-2009, 11:17 AM
That is great!! But I have to ask, is Cameron going to live with her?

01-04-2009, 12:23 PM
WOOHOO!!!:D I hope that everything goes smoothly and that your life will finally became less stressful.:)

01-04-2009, 02:15 PM
Wow.. she doesn't have the down payment for the lease, and she won't buy her own furniture. I can see where this one is going. Sorry! Let's hope she'll just mooch off of friends or something.

How does she expect to make rental payments and live like an "adult" when she can't pay right from the beginning?? It's not like she's buying a house and needs help with that kind of down payment.

If she comes crawling back, remind her about the "you're not welcome at my new apartment" she made sure you knew about, and make sure she doesn't get back into the house. I just hope Cameron is safe. I wish there was a way you could petition for custody until she is mature enough to take care of him, if that will ever happen.

I just want to give the ungrateful brat a kick in the pants.

For you, I am happy she is gone. I just hope she stays gone. Hopefully there will be less drama now, and you and Grant can get some peace and quiet.


01-04-2009, 02:17 PM


;) :p

01-04-2009, 02:23 PM
Congratulations. I'm gonna keep Cameron in my prayers, though!

01-04-2009, 03:59 PM

Don't worry there are some people you just cannot help, you have done your very best with her, and you should feel no guilt whatsoever,ungrateful as she is, maybe one day she will grow up and realize what you did for her and thank you, but don't be holding your breath lol.:)

01-04-2009, 04:32 PM
Wow, I can't believe how rude she's being to you after all that stuff you gave her!! OR were going to give her! :mad: No matter, next time she needs something she'll get nothing I'm sure..I'm glad she's finally moving out and you can get some peace.

Laura's Babies
01-04-2009, 06:06 PM

She don't have a clue that this is a baaaaad mistake... letting you know what have a peaceful house it like... Once she is out, you do NOT have to let her back in!!

01-04-2009, 06:10 PM
I suspect Cam would be living with her 'over someone's dead body'!!!

Now that the therapist has a 'picture' of her, she'd have a real fight on her hands to even try to get Cameron under the same roof as her.


01-13-2009, 06:47 PM
How's the new apartment working out for Ashley??

More over, how is Cameron?

01-15-2009, 11:49 AM
Congrats - I can relate to your situation.

Mine is rather bittersweet - since it involves my first born. I haven't seen or spoken to him in about 14 years, but he made his bed, and now he has to lay in it! Some day maybe he'll realize I gave him the best that he has - LIFE. But most likely he won't, and that's fine with me!

Maybe one day Ashley will wake up and realize all that you did for her. If not, then you're better off with no relationship, just as I am with my long, lost son! :(

01-16-2009, 12:18 AM
I've read all your posts about Ashley, but don't think I ever responded. Mostly because I was so dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say.

I think she hates herself and is taking it out on you. Anyway, my parents used to say that sometimes the more you give, the less you get back. I think I'm shocked because your her mother (parents) and I couldn't fanthom treating my parents that way. I visit my 90 y.o. aunt in a nursing home 3x a week, do her wash and sit with her, and her son comes 1x a week for 15 minutes. Granted, she's a difficult person (all her life) and I was never crazy about her, but she's family and I was taught respect.

I'm glad Ashley will be out of your hair. Like it was mentioned, make sure you make it clear she can't come back. It must still hurt you, although you're happy she'll be gone. But I hope this gives you some peace in your lives now, so you can rebuild your relationships. You did all you could. I pray you don't waste precious time and start thinking back what you did wrong, or could have done better. Forget about it and live your life. You deserve it after suffering all these years. Bless you and Grant.
(go on a 2nd honeymoon!)

01-16-2009, 10:46 AM
"Hard letting her go."????:confused::confused:

Are you outta your mind, girl?? This is your DREAM. Remember??? The hours on the phone whining about this girl, her obnoxiousness, rudeness, inconsiderability (if there IS such a word). Take a walk down memory lane there, missy. You finally have what you've always wanted. Here's how to let go:

"Raise hand in air, shake vigorously yelling 'Buh-bye!!!!!' ". It's that's simple.

Next, go out and buy candles, bubble bath, bottle of wine and have a great time!!!

WOOHOO!!!!!!!! *doing the VERY happy dance!!*