View Full Version : Please Read Guinea Pig Needs Your Help!!!!

09-17-2002, 08:55 PM
I posted this here because nobody ever goes on Pet Rescue. I met a person who has a Guinea Pig, and he is dropping down in Vitamin C. She cannot take care of him anymore, so she is giving him away. Anybody want to take him, or know any rescue groups that would?? Please help a poor, little Guinea Pig needs your help, how can you turn your back on a poor animal. Please help even if you do not usually post here, please do it...for the G.P. I'm not sure, but I think his name is Snickers. Please help!

09-17-2002, 09:22 PM
I moved this thread to Pet Rescue, where it should be. Where is the Guinea pig now? How old is he? What do you mean by "he is dropping down in Vitamin C"? Is it not his current person's responsibility to find him a home? Has she tried elementary schools? They often will have a GP as a "classroom pet." Have you looked online for rescue groups? What about shelters in your area?

09-18-2002, 07:27 AM
I too was wondering about droppin down in vit.c? Where abouts do you live in NY? I too live in NY (upstate) and I know of someone that does G.P. rescue as well as a local shelter that will take it. Schools is a good idea!

09-18-2002, 07:48 PM
Ummm, sorry, working on the saying-stupid stuff thing. Umm, she said she lived on Long Island, and I will ask her where soon. I know it is her responsibility, but she asked me to help her. I met her online, and she is an adult too. I do not know how old he is, but he is getting very weak, and stuff. She doesn't want to give him to a school.

too was wondering about droppin down in vit.c? Where abouts do you live in NY? I too live in NY (upstate) and I know of someone that does G.P. rescue as well as a local shelter that will take it. Schools is a good idea!

Really? Well, I will tell her about that.

Umm, I think I answered all of the questions.

Sorry, Karen. I'll post thing where they go next time.:(

09-19-2002, 08:00 AM
I live up by Rochester which is quite a distance but your friend is willing to travel let me know I will give you some more info about te shelter & rescue. If the G.P. is getting really weak maybe she should get it to the vet.

09-28-2002, 08:04 PM
Sorry I didn't reply here sooner, but she found a home, thanks for all the help, though.