View Full Version : Moglie needs prayers...*updated*

01-03-2009, 11:02 AM
A few weeks ago I picked him up and by his backside/tail area was something that looked like a granule of rice. I had remembered my grandma's cat had tapeworm and when she'd sleep, theyd come out and dry up. I said to my bf, "I hope he doesnt have tapeworm' and he replied "Nooo, where the heck would he get that" and I never saw anymore.

Anyway, Thursday, Moglies third eyelid has been up halfway over his eyeball. I picked him up and he had some glitter on his face from rolling in Christmas balls so I figured he got some glitter in his eyes. Then last night, his eyes got worse, hes sneezing, making a funny sound with his mouth, constantly licking of his paws, rubbing his face, biting his back.

I was up all night with him by my pillow praying he'd make it through the night cause I had no idea what was wrong with him.

At 9 I ran him to the vet this morning. She thinks he has a respiratory infection. He has a fever, and she got to look at his eyes.

I have an immuno booster and antibiotics for him, and she hands me a tapeworm dewormer and says "Tapeworms can also cause the third eyelit to well up like that too, so after he starts feeling better, put this on his back just in case"

So now we think he had the tapeworm, and picked up a little virus and the tapeworm reared its head because he's ill.

Please pray my liitle man gets better.

Hes still playing and eating and the doctor said that was very good.

01-03-2009, 11:18 AM
Intestinal parasites, especially tape worms, are caused when the cat grooms himself and licks the larvae (from flies or fleas) ingesting them. "Grains of moving white rice" near the butt are the symptoms, but is not considered life threatening. The third eyelid appearing is a sign of an underlying problem, such as an upper respiratory infection.

You did the right thing by bringing Moglie to the vet. Sounds like he's on the road to recovery. Keep us posted.

01-03-2009, 11:30 AM
I hope so! Thanks. They also loaded his back up with fluids. Right now he is out like a light.

01-03-2009, 12:09 PM
That's good that you took Moglie to the vet right away. Prayers that he will soon be up and about and back in good form!

01-03-2009, 01:54 PM
It is always so scary when the furkids take sick, they can't tell us "where it hurts." I am glad you got him in to the vet. Prayers for a quick recovery!

Laura's Babies
01-03-2009, 02:39 PM
They can get quick SO fast but you responded fast and got him to the vet. Hopefully, the meds will fix him right up and he will bounch back to normal soon

01-03-2009, 03:27 PM
Certainly Our PRAYERS:):) are coming for your Little Pal Moglie:love::):), that Your white Coat can put him back on the road to health.:love::love:
Its so sad and takes a lot out of us when Our Fur Companions are ill, its such a helpless feeling.:eek:

01-03-2009, 03:35 PM
Yes, it is a very good thing that you took Moglie to the vet!!! Hope he feels better soon! And prayers for him,too...

01-03-2009, 05:36 PM
Moglie is one lucky kitty having you to care for him! Many prayers are already being prayed that the treatment will work and Moglie will be good as new in no time! Sending your lovemuffin tons of feel better lovies :love: :love:

01-03-2009, 06:09 PM
Thanks everyone! I dont think he slept a wink last night. He usually sleeps with me, but he was up sneezing and wheezing and scratching all night. His temp at the vet was 103.5.

Finally this afternoon he laid down on my chair cushions and hes been out for a few hours, without sneezing or anything, so I think hes getting some good rest with that medicine in him.

Ive had cats my whole life, and Ive never seen that 3rd eyelid do that! I thought the poor thing had something in his eyes, I didnt know it meant he had a fever.

01-03-2009, 07:18 PM
Paws and fingers crossed for Moglie.

01-03-2009, 08:53 PM
Good news!!! Moglie woke up and ate a whole can of food, and then he wanted more, rubbing my leg and purring.....and then I was sitting on the couch and he jumped up all crazy and started playing/eating my hair! I can tell my little pumpkin feels better.

The twitching is gone but he is still sneezing a little.

01-03-2009, 09:29 PM
That is GREAT news!

Be sure to keep up the meds, right to the end. HUGS to both of you!

01-04-2009, 07:52 AM
Prays are being sent that Moglie will soon be feeling better.

It's so hard to watch our guys be sick.


01-04-2009, 09:58 AM
Well today I need some help. I woke up this morning next to him, and these stains on the bed. They looked like mud but no one had let the dogs out, and they dont smell.

Moglie gets up and jumps off my bed and right before he does.....squirt squirt. Now he has diarhea, that when he jumps off of something or sits, is leaking out. It happened a few times. Other then that his eyes are completely cleared up, he is still eating, no sneezing and he isnt legarthic at all.

Does anyone think maybe the medicine gave him the runs? Should I be going back to the vet?

They gave me Clavamox and they had put Interferon in it to boost his immune system.

01-04-2009, 12:44 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Moglie.:( Yes, the antibiotics are most likely causing him to have diarrhea. You may need to have the vet give you different antibiotics or you can try giving him some canned pumpkin or plain yogurt to help his digestive system. I hope he'll feel better soon. Good luck.:)

01-04-2009, 02:50 PM
Thats to put bacteria back into his digestive tract right? It happened a few times. His tummy bubbles and he isnt unable to hold in his poo.

Sorry to be gross but his poo doesnt smell like poo, it smells like the banana antibiotic. Im going to run out and get him some yogurt.

Hes not vomiting, just has the runs and the vet isnt in til the morning. They are closed on Sunday.

01-04-2009, 09:48 PM
Prayers and feel better lovies are being sent to Moglie. Please let us know what your vet has to say?

01-05-2009, 10:13 AM
The vet didnt seem too concerned as long as he isnt vomiting or lethargic. I told her his stool is still a little loose but he is able to hold it in now.

I mixed his food last night with a little boiled rice and also gave him some plain yogurt. She said to keep doing the yogurt and make sure he gets plenty of water.

So far today he is back to being a little b*st*rd. Hes already broken 2 glasses by knocking them off the counter and its only 11am. Back to being a typical 7 month old!!! LOL

01-05-2009, 05:38 PM
I'm glad to hear he is feeling better but sorry to hear that his feeling better means being nawty!

01-05-2009, 07:52 PM
So far today he is back to being a little b*st*rd. Hes already broken 2 glasses by knocking them off the counter and its only 11am. Back to being a typical 7 month old!!! LOL

Hey there, Moglie! Your kitty friend Groucho and I are so happy and relieved to know that you're feeling better. That's great news, sweetheart :love:
Just watch that nawtee stuff, okay?

01-05-2009, 10:18 PM
So far today he is back to being a little b*st*rd. Hes already broken 2 glasses by knocking them off the counter and its only 11am. Back to being a typical 7 month old!!! LOL

Uh-oh! Moglie, are you feeling better? :eek: Keep it up, sweety!