View Full Version : what do you think?

01-02-2009, 07:45 PM
We just adopted Harley from the pound a few weeks ago. Nobody could tell us what he had in him, they just warned us that he will be a VERY large dog. Thats what we want though. He was 10 weeks old in the pictures and wighed 19 lb. He just turned 3 months old this week and is now almost 25 lbs. We can't decide what he has in him, we've considered Pitbul, Mastiff, St. Bernard, and American Bulldog. What do you think and exactly how big do you think he'll get? :)http://i479.photobucket.com/albums/rr159/stace1319/Hurley022.jpg

01-02-2009, 07:59 PM
What a cutie! Only time will tell, those paws look big! Does he have webbed toes? Saint Bernards do, as I remember very well - they act like swim fins in the water and snow shoes on snow!

He's adorable, something definitely shorthaired as well as Saint in his mix. He doesn't seem jowly enough to be part Mastiff, is he a drooler? Instead of pittie, I see Boxer in his face ...

01-02-2009, 08:39 PM
I was thinking BOXER even before I read Karen's post! Just look at his face, lol! And the long slender legs, too.

But his coat is longer / thicker than a boxer's, so this is where the St. Bernard seems to come in.

Whatever he is, he will be one BIG HANDSOME fella!

01-02-2009, 09:44 PM
we think he probably has some st. bernard in him. Here are a few more up to date pictures of him. He is 3 months old here.

01-02-2009, 11:03 PM
How much will he weigh? Wait until he reaches 6 months old. That weight will be 1/2 to 3/4 of his adult weight.

As for his mix, take a close look at your shelters and see which breeds are most popular in your area. For example, in my area, Pitbulls are extremely popular. Ergo, almost every mix that we get probably has Pitbull somewhere in them.

Also, whoever "bred" him docked his tail. That tells me that he probably has a traditionally docked breed in his pedigree, like a Boxer. However, his ears aren't the right natural Boxer ears. His ears and his thick coat remind me of a Labradors. So, for now, I would say Boxer/Labrador, but I'm almost sure he's got multiple breeds in him. I would wait for him to grow older, look at his height, look at his weight, see what breeds are in your local shelters, and then decide :) And re-post for us!

You know, he does resemble a St. Bernard, but I have real hesitations about a Saint because they're not too popular and I don't know how many stray, intact St. Bernards there are running around in your area. So, check out what's in your area!

He looks an awful lot like fawn/white Pitties:

01-03-2009, 08:57 AM
I don't think lab, but thanx for the info about waiting untill he is 6 months of age. I never knew that before but now that you mention it, it does make since. I do think that he may have a little bit of pit in him. I think they are pritty much the most popular breed in america and they are ALWAYS in the pound when I stop by. I also think that what ever his parents are, they may have been bred on perpose because of his docked and he was brought in alone and the workers told me that the person who brought him in seemed to know the exact age so they think that maybe they just told them he was a stray so they wouldn't have to pay a fee. Saints really arn't that popular around here but there are some around... It's just so hard to tell what he has in him because some dogs that are mixed, you can't even see some of the breeds that are in them

01-03-2009, 10:05 AM
How cute is that little guy!
I would go with a boxer or an american bulldog. You never know. You could take him to your nearest vet and he should be able to tell :p

01-03-2009, 10:30 AM
I did... even the vet was stumped, haha! He just said he didn't know but he's gonna be a big boy and even he would like to know what he is

01-03-2009, 06:06 PM
I wouldn't be so quick to cross of Lab from your list. They are extremely popular/common and they, like Pitties, tend to show up a lot in mixes.

Here's a pic of a Pittie/Lab mix for comparison:

If he were lab, that would explain his "chunky" legs. Boxers and Pitties have spindly legs. Labs tend to give their mixes "stocky" legs. But the best thing is to wait until he's full grown :) We could all be wrong!

01-04-2009, 04:18 PM
I say who cares what breed he is. ;) His eyes are just mesmerizing to me. He is so darn handsome!!! :D
Yeah, wait until he is a little older and you might even see a different breed we didn't even mention come out in him. :)
Please keep us updated on his growth so we can see too. :p

01-04-2009, 08:02 PM
Whatever he has in him, he is just PRECIOUS!!!! He will make a very good best friend and protector for your equally precious little girl!!!

01-05-2009, 08:44 AM
Whatever he has in him, he is just PRECIOUS!!!! He will make a very good best friend and protector for your equally precious little girl!!!

Yes, they love each other to death but some how it seems like have two toddlers in the house instead of just one now. All day long all I say is "stop that, get that out of your mouth, leave that alone, let go of that!" They fight over toys too. She can't stand for him to play with anything and he always takes her toys away, lol. It's been a mad house around here but they love being together. As soon as she wakes up she bailes him out of his crate and they are together for the rest of the day. I love seeing them like that. It reminds me of my child hood dog, Roxxy. :)