View Full Version : New Year's Resolutions ... How Are We Doing So Far?

01-01-2009, 11:17 PM
Ok, I realize it's been less than twenty-four hours ... but hey, sometimes the first twenty-four hours is the hardest!

So, all of you who made resolutions ... how are you doing so far? Sticking to them and proud of yourself? Fell off the wagon but starting again tomorrow? Or already given up?

As for mine ... I'm pretty proud of myself! :D Twenty-four hours without a cigarette, and no patches or gum, either! And no one has died a brutal, senseless death at my hands, yet - always a plus.

I also ate healthy food today. I am resisting calling it a "diet", since a diet implies you go on, and then go off later. I'm trying to look at it as a life-long change. I also got my fat butt on the eliptical trainer. (Is it a bad thing when you literally have to dust it before you use it? I think so.) Ok, so it was only twenty minutes, but it's a start!

01-01-2009, 11:28 PM
So far so good. I was going to try and quit smoking, but I finished my pack today (only 3, though!) so I'll try and continue that tomorrow. As far as exercise, I'm about to pop in my pilates DVD (which also has to be dusted off! :P) but I need to run an errand first.

01-01-2009, 11:49 PM
Twisterdog, so proud of you for quitting smoking! So, so, so proud!
Twisterdog, I just read and reviewed a book set in Wyoming - see my blog (http://karenwatts.com/blog) if you're curious.

If you feel like smoking, PM me, and I promise to list reasons why not to!

And Megan, we'll be proud of you, too when you quit, too!

I didn't make any formal resolutions, so I haven't broken any yet.

Laura's Babies
01-02-2009, 08:19 AM
I have already started cutting back on the carbs! I gained 2 pounds from Christmas to New Years.. Gotta watch what I eat and get back to eating healthy again, the holidays are OVER!

01-02-2009, 09:53 AM
I have been watching what I'm eating and doing OK so far. I will start my exercise routine on Monday.....for some reason I can not start something 100% unless it's a Monday....weird I know. :)

01-02-2009, 03:35 PM
I respect your concern Karen. And good for you Twister! A good thing when you have the craving, suck on a lollipop or drink something yummy ;)

Twisterdog, so proud of you for quitting smoking! So, so, so proud!
Twisterdog, I just read and reviewed a book set in Wyoming - see my blog (http://karenwatts.com/blog) if you're curious.

If you feel like smoking, PM me, and I promise to list reasons why not to!

And Megan, we'll be proud of you, too when you quit, too!

I didn't make any formal resolutions, so I haven't broken any yet.

01-02-2009, 06:15 PM
Well I wasn't perfect.
I did pass on the donuts at work today.
If I did not come home and eat a bowl of ice-cream I would
have been pretty good.;)

01-02-2009, 07:26 PM
Resolved to stop burning myself out and to rest when I needed it. Wasn't hard today since I was too burned to move. Found the holidays very long this year, seems when it's mid week everyone takes 2 weeks off and no rest in between.

01-02-2009, 07:39 PM
I feel like the past few months my attitude at work is getting worse and worse, so my New year's Resolution is to keep a more positive attitiude. I took today off, so I haven't been at work since Christmas Eve. No negative attitude yet!!!

01-02-2009, 07:47 PM
Twisterdog, so proud of you for quitting smoking! So, so, so proud!
Twisterdog, I just read and reviewed a book set in Wyoming - see my blog (http://karenwatts.com/blog) if you're curious.

Thanks. :D Now 48 hours and no smoking. I can already smell that nasty, stale cigarette smoke smell in my house, the one you just cannot smell while you are smoking. I made an appointment to get the carpets cleaned next week.

And, by the way, smokers, if you are wanting to quit, I highly recommend you give Chantix a try. Yes, I'm having some very vivid and odd dreams, which is one of the side effects ... but it works great.

Looks like an interesting book, I'll see if our local library has it. I wonder if the fictional town of Brown Rock is actually my home town, Rock Springs. It's most definately brown ... in fact that is one of it's nicknames, The Brown Town. The other nickname is not even that flattering.

01-02-2009, 08:39 PM
Thanks. :D Now 48 hours and no smoking. I can already smell that nasty, stale cigarette smoke smell in my house, the one you just cannot smell while you are smoking. I made an appointment to get the carpets cleaned next week.

Excellent! And that will be more incentive to stay quitted!

As for me, I didn't even visit the bakery department at Whole Foods tonight ... that's gotta count for something! Especially as I kind of went past it getting from the cheese department to the registers ...

01-02-2009, 09:26 PM
Twisterdog, that's great! Congratulations! Please keep us updated on your smoking resolution. I really hate to hear of anyone smoking.

I kinda started my resolution before Christmas, it's to loose weight and *try* and start jogging. No promises there (for jogging) :rolleyes: BUT I did go to Retrofitness today and I jogged for 4 minutes straight without stopping, then when I started again my Ipod fell off the treadmil and went flying so it threw me off. :o But I am trying to loose wait. I need to start watching what I eat as well. I had a choice of Gram Crackers or chocolate cookies for Breakfast this morning, I chose Gram Crackers! :D THE HEALTHIER CHOICE, that is so not like me LOL.

01-02-2009, 09:52 PM
And, by the way, smokers, if you are wanting to quit, I highly recommend you give Chantix a try. Yes, I'm having some very vivid and odd dreams, which is one of the side effects ... but it work great

How expensive is Chantix? I've had a script for it in my wallet for ages. My doc said my RX coverage will not pay for it. (the prescription plan people figure if you can pay for ciggies, you can pay for Chantix). He advised me to check around. I already have vivid dreams, so I'm not concerned. Do you still have THAT urge? I had hypnotism 1x (free) and it didn't help and I don't have money to pay $200 a session to continue. It wasn't a NY resolution. but it sure would be nice not to have to stand out in the cold (even in my own house) I sure am proud of you!
Smoking is the most addicting, nasty habit ever. Ick on me.

01-03-2009, 10:53 AM
How expensive is Chantix? I've had a script for it in my wallet for ages. My doc said my RX coverage will not pay for it. (the prescription plan people figure if you can pay for ciggies, you can pay for Chantix). He advised me to check around. I already have vivid dreams, so I'm not concerned. Do you still have THAT urge? I had hypnotism 1x (free) and it didn't help and I don't have money to pay $200 a session to continue. It wasn't a NY resolution. but it sure would be nice not to have to stand out in the cold (even in my own house) I sure am proud of you!
Smoking is the most addicting, nasty habit ever. Ick on me.

It's expensive. I paid $95 for the first month. However ... at $40 a carton, cigarettes cost more than that, at least for me.

Hypnotism didn't help me either, not at all.

There is no nicotine craving with Chantix, that's the beauty of it. It chemically binds to the nicotine receptors in your brain, and blocks them. It's physically impossible to have a physical craving while using it. Of course, the psychological portion of the addiction remains, the habit. But that's a lot easier to ignore, if you aren't feeling sick and murderous.

01-03-2009, 07:21 PM
I keep figuring I'll start them on the 2nd... then the 3rd... and the 4th. Perhaps I'll start mine as Valentine's Day Resolutions?

Mine is to get back to eating healthy. I've gained 15 pounds thanks to the holidays and stress eating. I did SO GOOD today at work... until I got home. Then in a matter of 5 minutes of getting home and hearing the latest Ashley drama, I ate 6 Pringles, a bowl of Ice cream, a chicken sandwich, and last night's leftover doggie-bagged fried shrimp and fries. :rolleyes:

01-03-2009, 07:40 PM
It's expensive. I paid $95 for the first month. However ... at $40 a carton, cigarettes cost more than that, at least for me.

Hypnotism didn't help me either, not at all.

There is no nicotine craving with Chantix, that's the beauty of it. It chemically binds to the nicotine receptors in your brain, and blocks them. It's physically impossible to have a physical craving while using it. Of course, the psychological portion of the addiction remains, the habit. But that's a lot easier to ignore, if you aren't feeling sick and murderous.

Good job Twisterdog, I am really rooting for you. My 50 year neighbor has been hospitalized and in an induced coma for 10 days due to complications from smoking.

01-03-2009, 07:46 PM
Mine is to get back to eating healthy. I've gained 15 pounds thanks to the holidays and stress eating. I did SO GOOD today at work... until I got home. Then in a matter of 5 minutes of getting home and hearing the latest Ashley drama, I ate 6 Pringles, a bowl of Ice cream, a chicken sandwich, and last night's leftover doggie-bagged fried shrimp and fries. :rolleyes:

I understand this completely. I am a terrible emotional eater. Bored? Try ice cream! Stressed? Have some chips! Unhappy? Eat half the contents of the pantry! One could look back at photographs of me throughout my life and tell exactly how happy I was at any given stage, simply by how much I weighed.

01-03-2009, 10:45 PM
So far so good. Jasper got a long walk today.

As far as cooking one or more nutritious meals per week....tomato-ginger chicken is simmering on the stove right now.

As far as my spending...I haven't bought anything frivolous yet, though I did get an $80 blood test done on Jasper today that probably wasn't really necessary.

01-03-2009, 11:12 PM
So far so good. Jasper got a long walk today.

As far as cooking one or more nutritious meals per week....tomato-ginger chicken is simmering on the stove right now.

As far as my spending...I haven't bought anything frivolous yet, though I did get an $80 blood test done on Jasper today that probably wasn't really necessary.

Hey tomato-ginger chicken sounds yummy! Wanna share the recipe over in the Recipe thread?