View Full Version : Puppy I want

09-17-2002, 03:29 PM
Urg. I made a HUGE mistake by going to the HS today. I thought I'd just look and see what I might like, for ideas. Then I saw Augustus again, and he broke my heart! I want him soooooooo bad now! He was just sitting there to the side looking up at me like "I'm soo sad! Please take me home!" While all the other dogs were like happy and jumping around. So I patted him for a while, and he just cuddled into my hand and looked at me, with his little ears back. Then after a little bit, he jumped up on the side of the cage and started to wag his tail and nibble on my hands. I almost broke down and started crying. I hope SO much he's still there next weekend. He's a little older then what I thought I wanted, but he's still a pup. Almost 4 mnths. He's a black and tan GSD/lab He's kinda got a labs body, with GS colorings. I'll be so happy if I can get him. This may sound stupid, but I was kind of imaging taking him home and pictured him being really happy..LOL. Don't ask, I'm weird. He just looked so sad..

09-17-2002, 03:33 PM
I know exactly what you mena, they always look so sad and you want to take them all home with you. My heart melts in those places. Tango is a pound pup and so is my parents dog Snoopy. They are the best!:)

09-17-2002, 03:38 PM
The weird thing was though, the other dogs were cute, but they didn't suit me at all. Er, I can't explain it. They all looked all hyper and playful..he was the only one who looked sad. I told my dad that I liked him (and usually he says something to let me know that Its not gonna happen, but he didnt say anything) and I asked him if he'd go look at him tom (I hope he'll still be there!) and he didn't say yes or no..so that's a good sign too.......My dad has a soft spot for cute little puppies, so I'm hoping he'll really like him, and maybe let me get my pup early. I wasn't gonna get one till next weekend because I'm going to a friends for a night for a party thing or something, and I told ppl already I'd go..and I'd wanna be with the puppy like 24/7. Could I change the name of the pup I end up buying? Some of the names there are kinda weird, would it confuse the dog? I'm not sure if they really call the dog it or not, or if it's just there as a name..

09-17-2002, 04:07 PM
I know what you mean about the oterh dogs not suiting you. I often go to adoption events and some days some nothing there interests me. Now, I don't mean nothing, but they are just not dogs I feel will fit in well at my house. Other days. I almost bring one home. the closest I cam was with Yugo, a dalmation, but we were soon going to be going on vacation. He was gone when I got back. Oh well, wasn't meant to be. If this puppy is meant to be yours, he will be there when you go back. He sounds wonderful!

You can change the name. Since the pup is young, he may not know his name yet. If he does, strat calling by both names, and then over time drop the first one. He won't realize you changed it :)

09-17-2002, 04:27 PM
Thanks :] I know if he wasn't ment to be mine, then I'll end up finding one that is, but I just love him, and I hope he will still be there, or maybe my dad will let me get him tomorrow..I doubt it.

Would it be wrong if I did get him tom (I know I won't but anyway), and I left for a night on Sat? He wouldn't be alone, my dad and bro would be home..??

09-17-2002, 04:42 PM
I know what you mean aobut falling in love wiht dogs at the HS..... There was Rylee... Blink...Peppy... Scrappy....Jesse... Heck i fall in love with them all. I still think Blink was the one. He should've been mine. :(

09-17-2002, 04:55 PM
4 months is a great age for a new pup. By that time, they can "hold it" a bit better than a younger dog. I got Jake at 2 months and he had to pee every 30 minutes on the dot and had to go at least twice during the night. He also had seperation anxiety from his fur mommy.

Addie was 3.5 months when I rescued her. She only had two accidents, ever, in the house. She usually slept through the night and was overall easier to train. Puppies are adorable, but after these two, I think my next new dog will be a bit older.

09-17-2002, 07:11 PM
I'm soo nervous!!!! Dad said he 'might' go look at him tommorrow. I just KNOW he's the right pup..I'm trying to convince him to let me get one now instead of later. I told him he must not know what it's like to fall in love with a pup and know its the right one! I'll probably get no sleep tonight. This always happens to me, I know he'll be adopted tomorrow. Everytime I really want something, it's gone when I go to get it. I think if my dad saw him though, he'd know why I love him. I hope you don't think I'm crazy by yaking about this, but I think I'm going to break down and cry. It's really getting to me. I don't want to look for another pup, I want him. And I greedy for not wanting him to find a home till it can be with me? I wish I knew I could get him tomorrow so I could put him on hold or something..I'm soo grateful for Jo right now, I've been clinging off her. She makes me feel so much better..Wish me luck tomorrow!!!!!!!

09-17-2002, 08:07 PM
I know excatly what you mean...I went to the SPCA today and there were 3 rotties (soft spot for them) and thank god they were all adopted already and there was a golden lab pup (Ginger) what a sweetheart. She was adopted as well. They were all soooo cute and I wanted to take them all BUT the one that caught my attention was this very old girl (14yrs old) and her name was Sara....she looked so sad and you could just see in her eyes that she knew she was too old and someone wouldn't adopt her in time. Oh how I wish I could have taken her...most people that go there are looking for puppies....I just can't have another big dog (she was even bigger than Phoebe)! I sat with her for a little and talked to her and patted her head.

I should learn not to go there cause it makes me sad to see all those pups that shouldn't be there!!!:(

09-17-2002, 08:27 PM
We are crossing our fingers & paws here for you!! Try to get sleep and relax, (I know, easier said than done), and tomorrow will be here before you know it!!! Keep us posted, cause we want to hear how it goes!!!

09-18-2002, 05:57 AM
Yes, I thought about it all night. Now I have to put up with school!! How i'll be able to listen I don't know. I have this feeling he's been adopted, or dad won't go in. -sigh- I have the worst luck.