View Full Version : Fur/Grooming probs?

09-17-2002, 02:23 PM
Josie loses A LOT of fur..It's everywhere, even after I vacuum/wash my blankets, it's back like the next day. I brush her with a regular dog brush..er, it has those metaly-ish brissel things. Can't explain it, but maybe you get the point? Does anyone have any suggestions to get more fur out so she doesn't lose so much fur? It's driving me insane when I cuddle into my blankets and i get fur floating around coming off it. lol. Thanks.

09-17-2002, 02:37 PM
Oh, that is a problem. I keep my parents dog shaved down so that he doesn't shed as much. he is a big shedder and it really helps. Also, get one of those lent brushes and that will remove any loose hair.

09-17-2002, 03:17 PM
What type of dog is Josie? Any dog that has an undercoat will shed more than others. Especially if they are an insde dog as in the winter they go from hot to cold and in the summer it is cooler inside than out. The constant temp changes irregulates & confuses the dogs system. Also dogs with undercoats should not be shaved as it acts as an insulator, it keps them warmenr in winter & cooler in the summer. My dogs shed a lot especially the husky & shep. mixes. Daily brushing helps keep the excess fur at a minimum. Do like I do, vaccume, brush, vaccume, dust, laundry, vaccumme, brush, vaccume....! LOL (actually that is not funny I hate housework!)

09-17-2002, 03:21 PM
Have you heard of a Shed'nBlade brush? It's like a sharp blade with two handles? We just got one, and I can't believe how much fur it gets out! We had a regular brush, but this just does sooo much more. Our trainer swears by it because one edge you use to get water off (after bathing/swimming) and the other very effectively brushes out the undercoat. I got it at the local pet store for like $10. Hope that helps! :)

09-18-2002, 10:16 AM
We always had shedding blades for our horses. When i heard about people using them for their dogs i though holy cripes! JMHO shedding blades aren't the greatest.. It pulls the hair out and also breaks it. I have heard a lot of lab people don't care to use them anymore..
THere is a WONDERFUL! brush out there called a Zoom Groom. It is made by the Kong Company. I swear Josie will LOVE it.. Presley goes nuts when she see's me bring it out. I take her outside and give her a good brushing with it. They are truely wonderful, You would be amazed at how much hair comes out! We always had them for the horses(a different name though) and they worked wonders on them! Presley's is actually a horse one. It massages and it also stimulates the oil glands. I would highly recommend that anyone try them.grooming site for labs (http://www.woodhavenlabs.com/grooming.html)
zoom groom (http://www.kongcompany.com/grooming.html)

Melissa and Presley!

P.S. I guess you guys will know why Presley's coat always looks so glossy now! Good food and this brush is amazing!

09-18-2002, 11:13 AM
My labbie girl shed SO MUCH. I had to brush her every day and vaccuum all the time so I feel for ya. Neither of my dogs now shed though. I got lucky :)

09-18-2002, 11:38 AM
I've heard of the shade and blade brush, it didn't work for my grandmother's dog. Too much hair.

09-18-2002, 03:01 PM
How does that zoom groom thing work? It looks like the curry combs for horses lol..well, a type of them. Do you just use it like a brush? Or like how you would for horses?

09-18-2002, 11:39 PM
A curry comb also works wonderful!!!! You just brush her with it.. Like you would any normal brush! For horses you can run it in cicles over them and i must admitt i do find myself doing that with Presley very lightly and she loves it..