View Full Version : Anyone on PT take Crestor or Lipitor for cholesterol???

12-30-2008, 01:28 PM
I tried Lipitor a couple of years back. I had to go off it because of "flu-like symptoms". My doctor recently prescribed Crestor (if it ends in "tor" it's pretty much the same). I'm getting the same symptoms.

The pharmacist said that I should stop it and call the doctor. I stopped taking it this morning and am going to the doctor tomorrow.

Anyone have these symptoms? Anyone take anything different that works and doesn't have these side effects? The pharmacist said that Zedia is different, doesn't lower it as much as Crestor/Lipitor, but doesn't have the same side-effects.

I've been feeling like I'm fighting the flu everyday I wake up. I hope these aches go away soon.

12-30-2008, 01:53 PM
Donna are you 100 per cent sure it is the drugs,not something else causing it? both my parents are on Lipitor, have not heard them complain of those problems, i hope you can find something that works better for you. Good luck.

the crews mom
12-30-2008, 02:13 PM
I agree it is the drug and not something else.

12-30-2008, 03:25 PM

I'm almost positive it's the Crestor. I have the same exact symptoms as when I was on Lipitor. I'll find out more tomorrow when I go to the doctor.

I was so sure it was the flu, because my cousin's entire household had the flu a few days before Christmas.

12-30-2008, 03:53 PM
I've been on Lipitor for many years, with no ill effects. However, the symptoms Donna describes do occur among some people.

Just try another of the meds and you will probably be fine.

12-30-2008, 06:21 PM
PM Laura's Babies...she has all kinds of experience with this.

The companies that make Lipitor and the other "tors" were accused earlier this year of spending more on marketing than on research and development.

A friend of mine is weaning himself off the "tor" and using flaxseed oil or goldenrod something....

The alternatives take a little work, but are worth pursuing.

Take care!

12-30-2008, 06:50 PM
I take Zocor, which is called Simvastatin generically. I haven't had any side effects of 20mg. At 40mg I get serious cotton-mouth. My dad takes 40-60mg of this same med as well. He just says it makes him thirsty as well.

You might want to try Zocor.

12-30-2008, 08:54 PM
Moosmom I can't take lipitor or any that end with TOR. I get flu symptoms and other more serious side effects.
Right now I'm taking Lipidil Supra and it hasn't had any side effects and is working great. You might want to ask your doctor about this one and see what he says.

Laura's Babies
12-30-2008, 11:31 PM
I tool the Lipitor and don't even get me started on the problems I had on it.. Those of you that think you are not having problems, I will tell you, I didn't think I did either until I got off of it and by that time I was in such bad shape I was not far from being on disability. It happens so gradually that you don't notice but once it HITS, it brings you down fast. (I was on it 5 to 6 years)

moosmom- A statin is a stain, no matter what it's name, it is still a statin and you will have the same problems on any of them. I think Crestor is the worst of the lot from what I have read on it.

I STRONGLY urge you (and anyone) to change your diet and start eating healthy, get it down naturally before you suffer like I have and do permanent damage to your body taking those drugs.

I have the family cholesterol.... got it from my family. I have mentioned the diet I had been on and loosing that 45 pounds. I also got my cholesterol down to 228 with that diet.. Just had that checked the last time I was home. I was shocked at how low it was and I had gone to the doctor because I was feeling so bad.. when I found out how low it was, I knew what was wrong. I feel the best when my cholesterol is around 250. I increased my fat intake and am feeling 100% better!

I have spent the last 3 years on the internet reading and reading about cholesterol and statin drugs. I won't bore you with the endless mountain of information I have found that has me convienced that statin drugs should not be prescribed but only for those MEN with KNOWN heart disease between the ages of 45 to 65.

I URGE you and anyone else on statins to go watch this video by Dr. Golomb. It is a hour long and you will need to watch it at least 3 times to get everything in it. She did her own study and in the end, kind of let us down, but there is atill a lot of good information in there and explained to me why I had and am still having certian problems. Everytime I watch it I have a jaw dropping moment. Big Pharma did not pay for her study and I did participate in her study, it was pretty detailed and she did 2 follow ups to see if my information changed from the first one. Just watch it and get yourselves educated...

One man's personal experience

This is a MUST read! I saw the ad they are talking about and was STUNNED when I saw it and wondered why they put that in the paper.. They think we are to stupid to understand it, that's why! I kept that ad and have it still..

Part of it states
The second crucial point is hiding in plain sight in Pfizer's own Lipitor newspaper ad. The dramatic 36% figure has an asterisk. Read the smaller type. It says: "That means in a large clinical study, 3% of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor."

Now do some simple math. The numbers in that sentence mean that for every 100 people in the trial, which lasted 3 1/3 years, three people on placebos and two people on Lipitor had heart attacks. The difference credited to the drug? One fewer heart attack per 100 people. So to spare one person a heart attack, 100 people had to take Lipitor for more than three years. The other 99 got no measurable benefit. Or to put it in terms of a little-known but useful statistic, the number needed to treat (or NNT) for one person to benefit is 100.

Go read the whole article.

Go here and type in your statin and read away... people who take the drug post these comments..
(I NEVER take any drug anymore without checking here first!)

Search the internet, learn all you can about cholesterol, what we need it for, what role it has in your body. Lean what you can do to lower it naturally, how to eat healthy. Learn about fats, good ones and bad ones.. What foods to avoid.. Why the needs of older people are diffent that the 45-65 age group, how do we compare to other countries with cholesterol/heart attacks, then put that together with what you saw your grandparents eat and make your own choices.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-31-2008, 04:58 AM
My 19 year old daughter Indra found out 2 years ago that her cholesterol level was way up 360 :eek::eek:. With a diet, she could bring it down to 300. But this was still way to high; since then she is on Crestor, 1/2 a day. She doesn't have any side-effects.

Laura's Babies
12-31-2008, 10:01 AM
I would be VERY concerned with a 19 year old on a statin drug! That scares the daylights out of me!

Please check the diet she is on, research what foods she can eat to help lower it, what supplemants she can take to help lower it.. Remember, for some of us, taking those drugs has been a life altering event for us, the damage done permanent. This is a serious, dangerous drug.

Many things can effect cholesterol! What is going on in your life, not having enough rest, stress plays a big role. I can't imagine what a doctor is thinking putting a 19 year old on it! It was not meant for the young to be on it although big pahrma is pushing it. PLEASE research and research all aspects of this issue and learn as much as you can, do it NOW, before you end up regretting it. I am 61 and I will pay the rest of my life for taking it for 5 to 6 years, educate yourself PLEASE! There is a lot more she can do rather than taking that..

12-31-2008, 10:14 AM
Just because some have side effects does not mean that all will have them.

As I said earlier, I am on Lipitor - have been for probably 10 years. I have had absolutely NO problems taking this medication. I am also a Type 2 Diabetic. Having diabetes, and high blood pressure (which I also have), and high cholesterol puts me at high risk to have a cardiac event at some point in the future. I trust my Endocrinologist and Family Practice doctors to inform me of all the risks and benefits of a prescribed drug. I also do my own investigations on line.

Everyone needs to make their own decisions on health issues.

12-31-2008, 11:00 AM
Unfortunately there is good and bad in every drug on the market, your doctor just needs to find something that works for you. The worst thing you could do, is to take nothing, and hope for the best. My brother did just this - said he was just fine with no high blood pressure or cholesterol meds, and had a massive stroke at the age of 59. His days of a normal life ended there, and he passed away 5 years later from complications (pneumonia).
Ideally, diet is the best way to TRY to control your cholesterol, but if that doesn't lower it sufficiently, then your doctor needs to work with you to find a solution. Afterall - that's what you're paying him for!

12-31-2008, 11:22 AM
I went to the doctor today. He switched me to Zocor, 20 mgs. We'll see how that works. I have to go for a blood test in 6 weeks.

I, too, inherited the high cholesterol, probably from my Dad. Why couldn't I inherit his deep blue eyes. Ugh!!

Laura's Babies
12-31-2008, 06:14 PM
I had the inherited high cholesterol, Mama's cholesterol was never below 365 and mine was that high to start out with and the reason I was put on the drug. I lowered mine by diet, just to show the doctors I could. Mama never had a hint of heart problems and all she ate was fat!

Has anyone metioned Co-Q 10, what statin drugs do to that and what role Co-Q10 has in your body?

12-31-2008, 07:10 PM
You might want to try fish oil capsules as well. They are supposed to help a lot. The doctor wants me to take 40mg. of Zocor, but it gives me dry mouth, so instead I'm just taking the 20mg (with no side effects), and the fish oil (burpless 1200mg 2xs a day).

I hope to see some results!

12-31-2008, 07:22 PM
You might want to try fish oil capsules as well. They are supposed to help a lot. The doctor wants me to take 40mg. of Zocor, but it gives me dry mouth, so instead I'm just taking the 20mg (with no side effects), and the fish oil (burpless 1200mg 2xs a day).

I hope to see some results!

Yes- fish oil DOES work. My cholesterol was a little high at 230, but doc didn't want me on any prescription meds for it unless absolutely necessary. He put me on the fish oil regimen and it brought it down to 203 in just over a month. Don't know if everyone would have the same results of course, but for me it was the way to go.

12-31-2008, 08:28 PM

I've tried the fish oil capsules and they made me burp fish!! I stopped taking them. I didn't realize they came in burpless!!! Will wonders never cease!! Thanks!