View Full Version : hair ties

Pinot's Mom
12-30-2008, 08:43 AM
I'm just curious about a favorite toy of my Pinot girl's....

Some time ago, I cut my hair to quite short, but it had been long forever, so I had hair ties stashed everywhere. I was always grabbing them to put my hair back when doing something around the house. Well, my Pinot found some, and they've become a favorite. She has two games: either she brings them to us, we throw them in the air, and she catches them (she's quite a jumper), or she plays on her own by securing the hair tie on the floor with her paw and pulling at it with her teeth. She also puts them under doorways and rugs when she's playing on her own; it's very cute! You'll be in a room, the hair tie will be pushed under the door, and a minute later the paw will come under to search. She just loves to hide them from herself! It's a great cheap toy, so Santa put a bunch in her stocking (the no metal ones, of course). She also tries to hide them under the 'fridge and retrieve them - we think there must be a dozen under there!

Anyway - didn't mean to make that so long! Is she the only one that does this? Pinot's about a year and a half old.

12-30-2008, 11:38 AM
My friend's cat loved just knocking all her daughter's ponytail elastics off the shelf where she was supposed to keep them. She scolded her daughter for not putting them on her shelf many times, to the daughter's protest. The daughter got a big apology from mom when she walked in one day to see the kitty knocking each elastic individually as far as she could make them go!

12-30-2008, 04:29 PM
I do not use hair ties too much. And I think mine would eat them if they were left around. My kitties like to eat rubber bands. They don't just play with them, they EAT them. Also, Taz, my older one LOVES q-tips. He will sometimes knock over the bathroom garbage to get to them. And he will sit on the counter and stare and tap at the glass jar they are kept in. If I leave the lid off he will stick his paw in to get one.

12-31-2008, 08:28 AM
Must be a cat thing, since my son's cats love them. If my granddaughter or dil happen to leave one out, you can bet the cats will confiscate it. They also have a thing for straws!!! Bring home an unfinished drink from a fast food place and leave it on the counter or table, and they will steal the straw right out of the cup!! :p

12-31-2008, 08:16 PM
My RB cat Dusty used to love hair ties! She also liked pushing dice off of window sills, so one Christmas santa brought her a bunch of dice and hair ties all her own. lol

12-31-2008, 09:51 PM
Simone used to be more interested in hair ties than any of my current kitties. I have a friend who has a cat named Iris. She'll get on her counter and open the drawer where she keeps the hair ties. She had to move them.

01-01-2009, 04:44 PM
My orange and white Owen loves hair ties. He steals them right out of my hair when I'm laying in bed. He too loves to play with them, jumping around and throwing them up in the air as well as pawing them under the fridge and washing machine. When I ever move those appliances, I'm sure I will find a hundred of them. LOL

Pinot's Mom
01-05-2009, 02:57 PM
I FORGOT TO MENTION THE WASHING MACHINE!! Pinot, when she can get in the laundry room, also tucks them under there. She doesn't get in very often - it's a closed door room for her. :)

01-23-2009, 04:21 PM
I'll do you one better - Lexi will take the cord to my headphones on my iPod and run away with it, taking the iPod with her. Last time I found it next to the litter box. :rolleyes:

02-08-2009, 02:41 PM
I'm just curious about a favorite toy of my Pinot girl's....

Some time ago, I cut my hair to quite short, but it had been long forever, so I had hair ties stashed everywhere. I was always grabbing them to put my hair back when doing something around the house. Well, my Pinot found some, and they've become a favorite. She has two games: either she brings them to us, we throw them in the air, and she catches them (she's quite a jumper), or she plays on her own by securing the hair tie on the floor with her paw and pulling at it with her teeth. She also puts them under doorways and rugs when she's playing on her own; it's very cute! You'll be in a room, the hair tie will be pushed under the door, and a minute later the paw will come under to search. She just loves to hide them from herself! It's a great cheap toy, so Santa put a bunch in her stocking (the no metal ones, of course). She also tries to hide them under the 'fridge and retrieve them - we think there must be a dozen under there!

Anyway - didn't mean to make that so long! Is she the only one that does this? Pinot's about a year and a half old.my aunt's cat sassy loves playing with the rim of milk bottles \/.][-0 and they are always unda' the fridge! :)

Pinot's Mom
02-09-2009, 07:32 AM
I went under the 'fridge yesterday and pulled out five of them! Two were immediately re-inserted under the 'fridge! :)

02-09-2009, 12:54 PM
You know better then to disturb their storage area.
Years ago, Bill Cosby did a routine about a cat herding toy solders.

02-09-2009, 05:26 PM
My boyfriend's cat, Buddy, loves the milk container caps and, yes, we find them under the fridge all the time! He will also take old shoelaces and sashes off of any of my clothes (I choose to think that I donated them to him, not that he stole them) and do the thing where he holds them down and pulls on them, carries them through the house like prey, and throws them and jumps. Of course, when we catch him doing this, he immediately stops and looks at us as if to say, "You did not see me acting silly. I am FAR to dignified for that!" It's hilarious!