View Full Version : Cats christmas gift from the neighbor

12-29-2008, 08:10 PM
My neighbor brought the kitties a gift yesterday, it was this extremely cute cat bed from Walgreens that was $10. I am going to go buy some and give them to less fortunate kitties at the SPCA, etc. Bailey is the first one I have seen sleeping in it, he has been in it for hours tonight. He's so fat he just fits in it. LOL

The 2nd pic is of Cricket and Owen sleeping together. That is a rarity as he usually drives her crazy.

Laura's Babies
12-29-2008, 09:47 PM
What a cute bed!! Great neighbor you have!! Mine keep trying to bring me more cats!

12-29-2008, 10:01 PM
That is adorable!!!! I might have to take a trip to Walgreen's or look online.

ETA: They have it online but a gray kitty! It looks like Aroara! I may have to place an order.

12-30-2008, 09:57 AM

12-30-2008, 10:40 AM
That is such a cute bed! It would fit Fister perfectly, but there are other things he needs more.

Give your kitties some kisses from me, they're gorgeous!

12-30-2008, 04:32 PM
What a nice gift and what a nice neighbor! Your kitties are beautiful!

12-30-2008, 05:17 PM
Thanks all on the compliments on my kitties.
Laura's babies-
I always get calls or people asking me at work to help rescue something. the last animal I rehomed for someone was a guinea pig. When people know you are an animal lover they will come to you in times of need no matter what it is. :D

Laura's Babies
12-30-2008, 05:23 PM
I know... I have a neighbor I never see or hear from unless she has a friend that wants to get rid of their cat... or she wants to get rid of one of her... :rolleyes:

01-01-2009, 09:51 PM
I bought one today! It is also an orange one. Online they show they have gray ones. I'm going to have to check out other Walgreen's in other towns to see if they have gray ones. They look just like Aroara! I bought the only one they had at this store.

01-01-2009, 10:10 PM
i love that catbed and know mine would love it too...especially my Colby...i just know he'd like it the most...i think walgreen's will soon be out of them;):D
thanks for the lovely pictures of your kittys...they are beautiful:love:

01-18-2009, 08:27 PM
I got my kids some of these beds after you posted about them. I just got around to uploading the pictures.

First I had looked at Walgreen's online where they only had gray stripes. My mom went to the next town south of us with my nieces a couple of weeks ago. I asked her to look there for me. She said they only had one bed was, so she bought it. She said it was orange.

Here is Morgan trying it out.



I think he likes it!

Then the next day my brother was going to a different town that had a Walgreen's. I had showed him pictures of Morgan in the bed that I had taken with my phone and asked him if he could check over there for the gray striped one. I thought that it would be good for Aroara because she is gray with stripes. He called me about half an hour later saying that they had so many options. They had the gray one and 2 different leopard ones and a light yellow striped one, which now that I'm thinking about it, that is probably what was originally posted in this thread. They also had the tiger one that Morgan already had. It was at this point that I realized that Morgan's was different than what was posted here. I was at a loss as to what to tell him. I already have 3 cat beds here for Morgan and Aroara. But I had him get the gray one and one of the leopard ones, since they are my favorite! Here are some pictures of those. As you can see, one of Morgan's other beds is there next to him. He hasn't used it since the new ones have arrived.

Morgan decided he liked the leopard best too! That's my boy. :D



Here is Aroara in hers.

I ended up sending the tiger one with Meg to my sister's house. Hmm and now that I think about it, I don't believe I ever posted about that story. Perhaps I'll have to start a new thread to tell about her adventure!

01-19-2009, 06:59 AM
Great pics. I'm glad your kitties are enjoying them. I love the pic of Morgan with his foot hanging out. He was one comfy kitty. Only "Fat Bail" in my first post has used ours, the others don't seem to pay it any mind at all. I still haven't gone back to buy any more, but for $10 I def am to give as gifts to my cat lover friends and/or to less fortunate kitties that may cross my path. Thanks for sharing pics of your kitties in them. :love: