View Full Version : Minion becomes skittish

09-17-2002, 11:39 AM
The Minion who helped himself right into my old apartment and rubbed up against me, even though I was a complete stranger, as I was boxing things up still LOVES me and my husband (but especially me), has become really nervous of other people. I love him just the same, but I don't understand how he could go from being SO outgoing, to being so nervous of anyone other then Dan and I.

Minion has met his grandma (my mom) several times, and she is a BIG TIME cat lover. She is always thrilled to see Minion, but Minion takes off when anyone pulles into the driveway. He was all relaxed and cuddeling on my lap last night when my mom came over. When he heard her car pull up in my driveway, he got all tense and watched her get out of her car and come towards the house. He then darted off my lap and into one of the spare bedrooms. When my mom came in, he would peek at her from behind a door, but whenever my mom tried to get any closer to him, he bolted further away.

I have noticed that he seems to be incresingly skittish, but have not thought much of it, but last night I became curious. I wonder why he is like this? I have noticed a few things that led me to believe that he was abused at one point, so maybe he still has some emotional baggage to work through?

Any ideas on how a completely outgoing and un-shy little kitty can become such a "one family" cat so quickly?

09-17-2002, 02:43 PM
awww...sweet sweet Minion!! Bless his little kitty heart!

My only guess would be he's become like that because he's afraid of being left behind again, or it's something related to his past. Maybe he was really outgoing (which is when and how he got your attention) at first, but now that he landed you for his new family...he's become more afraid of people other than you and Dan. He might feel insecure.
It's hard to tell when behaviors like this crop up, because we don't really know what happened to animals before we rescued them. It's possible that a visitor came and took Minion away and dumped him, or maybe he was simply left behind. It's hard to tell... :(
My suggestion would be to have your guests get the opportunity to give Minion treats when they come in, so he associates good things with visitors. Have the guests sit in one place and remain calm, and let him come to them.
What a cutie he is! I sure hope this is something he can work through! Give him extra scritchies and treats for me!


09-17-2002, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
My suggestion would be to have your guests get the opportunity to give Minion treats when they come in, so he associates good things with visitors. Have the guests sit in one place and remain calm, and let him come to them.

Great idea Karen, exactly what I was going to say! I would have more people over as well...so he can get used to other people coming to your home.

I'm so glad he is a happy boy with you and your hubby! :)

Edwina's Secretary
09-17-2002, 03:25 PM
Perhaps...just to eliminate the possiblity see if he reacts differently when someone walks up to the house rather than drives to your house.

09-17-2002, 03:35 PM
I love that picture of graham with the treat on his nose. I have tried to do that with Tango, he justs eats it.

09-17-2002, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Perhaps...just to eliminate the possiblity see if he reacts differently when someone walks up to the house rather than drives to your house.

Exactly what I was thinking too!! You never know though, Leslie. My Butter, who adores us, I truly believe, carries LOTS of baggage with him. At least Minnion hasn't scarred your hands and arms!! There's a lot to be said for that!!! :o

09-17-2002, 11:50 PM
I also agree with the above posts. He may be afraid that someone is going to take him away from you. My cat Sunny is also very cautious around strangers especially men. I think that he must of had a bad experience with someone in his past. He's very outgoing and a real mama's boy to me but as soon as he hears someone knock on the door he runs back in my room. He will usually become very curious and then come out to the visitor. Sometimes he's very friendly to them or sometimes very shy. I've had him for about 1 year and almost 6 months now and he's really come out of his shell quite a bit. He's a lot braver around other people than he used to be. It just takes time and patience. I'm glad that Minion loves you and your husband.

09-18-2002, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by lovemymaltese
I love that picture of graham with the treat on his nose. I have tried to do that with Tango, he justs eats it.

Thanks :) I think it's cute, too. Graham is a pretty tolerant little boy to put up with such a thing :)

Thanks for the advice, everyone. I really do think that lil Minion was abused at some point, and maybe he's nervous of anyone hurting him or taking him away. My poor little kitty. He's so wonderful and I hope at least my family can see that wonderful side of him. If not, then it's OK. I love him anyway. He is a wonderful cat and he is a wonderful little friend. I am glad that Dan and I have earned his friendship at least.

09-18-2002, 07:08 AM
Leslie my Andy hides whenever anyone comes into our house. Some people just have to take my word for it that I have a white cat. :rolleyes: He goes through the cat flap that leads to the basement and sits on the stairs and listens. If he recognizes the voice, he will eventually come up. With Andy I know that he was never abused because we got him at 8 weeks and he was a little bitty guy who only weighed 1 lb. and came from a loving home :) I think in time Minion might come around a little. If not, he's still yours and Dan's to love and that's not bad at all. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-18-2002, 09:54 AM
Peanut, too, will run and hide whenever anybody comes to the door, especially if they ring the doorbell - she hates the doorbell. I felt so bad one day. I was replacing the doorbell with a nicer one and I accidentally kept hitting the button as I was putting the new one in. She must have been terrified because she didn't come out for an hour after I was done. :(

But anyway, Peanut will run and hide, especially if it's a male voice or a kids voice. She was never abused, but she was somewhat traumatized when I first brought her home. My brother is kind of a loud kind of guy :rolleyes: and she had come from a quiet, one person, small apartment into this huge house with 4 adults and one cat already there, then had visitors and grandkids and all sorts of people show up on occassion, so she would hightail it into the basement and not come out until the house was quiet. My mom and my Aunt will come and visit for a weekend now and then, and Peanut will eventually come out, but only after all has quieted down and then she comes peeking around the corner. I think she then remembers my mom, and will become quite sociable for the rest of the visit.

But most people are like Pam's visitors, taking my word for it that I really have two cats because they will only ever see Tubby. So Minnion's behavior is not all that uncommon, but hopefully she will come around after settling in a little more. And if your family are regular visitors, hopefully she will begin to recognize and trust them so they can share in your new found bundle of joy. :)

09-18-2002, 10:19 AM
Sidney became nervous once when a pizza commercial was on TV because they rang a doorbell that sounded just like our doorbell. He looked at the door, preparing to run!

One way to help a shy cat is to ask your friends/family that come over to not make sustained eye contact. From what I've heard, this is a sign of aggression in the cat world (same reason why you shouldn't smile at an unfriendly dog, for them, baring of teeth is a sign of aggression).

Anyway, I've had some success with my in-law's cat, who is very skittish. I'll glance her way, and then the moment we make eye contact, I'll look in a different direction. While she still doesn't come up to me, I can tell that this relaxes her, and we are able to be in the same room together.

09-18-2002, 10:54 AM
I hate those doorbell commercials too! Another bad one is the TV show Frasier, they always are ringing the doorbell on that show. My dogs go nuts.

Anyway, my cat Bo has never been abused and hates visitors. You have dogs - do they get really excited when people come over? If your dogs are like mine, they go nuts and I think that is why Bo hides - it's not the visitors, he'd rather stay away from the hyper, barking, jumping dogs. I let him hide out until he feels comfortable coming out. Could that be part of Minion's fear?

09-18-2002, 11:38 AM
I heard the same about the sustained eye contact...and also another piece of help...I heard if instead of extending your hand to sniff or attempt to pet the kitty, extend your fist- supposedly, the size and shape resembles that of a cat head (Hey, I didn't make this up, I read it someplact ;) ) and is viewed as less threatening.

It also helps my scaredy cat Georgie to be on her level, aka, the floor.

While I admit having a scaredy cat is not good, usually, there are some plusses! Like, if the gas man comes in, or some other visitor, that scaredy cat won't run for the door! And, you will always know if someone is in your house- like a robber...cause that cat will be in hiding. I left my front door open once (ok, several times) and was fearful upon my arrival. When I saw all the cats lounging on the couch- I figured I was safe:D (My front door opens onto a tiny little screened in porch- my cats weren't given free access to the outside).

And, it could be worse...my two babies- Allie and Dakky are SO socialized that the plumber called me at work to ask if I minded if he confined the cats to my room, as they wouldn't stay off of his back/chest while he was working!!! Too Funny!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-18-2002, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
And, it could be worse...my two babies- Allie and Dakky are SO socialized that the plumber called me at work to ask if I minded if he confined the cats to my room, as they wouldn't stay off of his back/chest while he was working!!! Too Funny!!

http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/roflmao.gif http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/roflmao.gif http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/roflmao.gif

That is too funny. http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/roflmao.gif

Whenever we have people coming in like the plumber or cleaning lady or whoever, I always put the cats in the basement with a note to please not let them out. Two reasons for this 1)I know Peanut will feel safer once she hears all the banging going on upstairs, and 2)I know Tubby will not get in the way as he likes to greet everybody who comes in the door, and is a great "helper" too. ;) :D Oh, and the note is because I know once Tubby hears that people are on the other side of the door he will make his presence known and I don't want them to feel sorry for him and let him out, which would only lead to him "helping" and them putting him back in the basement. :D

09-18-2002, 12:34 PM
I have a little house that needs lots of minor stuff...so repair people are in and out alot it seems. The one guy that painted my LR and DR though kinda made me laugh. I asked him if the cats bothered him (and I figured they wouldn't cause of the smell), and he said "No, I only saw one of them all day"....ugh, Mr. Painter, I have five (at the time) black and white cats...all pretty identical. I wonder which ONE you saw...he he he..Either he is the most unobservant or he was drinking on the job, thought he was seeing double (or triple) and it best not to tell me about it.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

09-18-2002, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I have a little house that needs lots of minor stuff...so repair people are in and out alot it seems. The one guy that painted my LR and DR though kinda made me laugh. I asked him if the cats bothered him (and I figured they wouldn't cause of the smell), and he said "No, I only saw one of them all day"....ugh, Mr. Painter, I have five (at the time) black and white cats...all pretty identical. I wonder which ONE you saw...he he he..Either he is the most unobservant or he was drinking on the job, thought he was seeing double (or triple) and it best not to tell me about it.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

LOL!!!! That is too funny! :D