View Full Version : cats and babies

09-17-2002, 11:20 AM
We are the proud parents of three wonderful cats and they have been the center of attention and the "real" owners of our house for years. Lucky us, we will have a new addition to our familiy in February as I am 20 weeks pregnants. We never thought about giving our cats away, but I have some concers about cats and babies being in the same enviroment. So I would appreciate any advise from people who have young kids and cats enjoying life together. Especially if there are any specific precautions that I need to take to protect our baby withour making our cats jealous, agressive, and unhappy.
Thank you all...

09-17-2002, 12:29 PM
OHHHHHH just don't listen to any of those wives tales about cats and babies!!!!!!!! My sister in law is pregnant with their second child- and they have three cats! My best girlfriend has three dogs and five cats, and a ten month old!! My sister is trying to get pregnant, has three cats, (and a hubby he he) and has no concerns at all! I have six cats, no babies, and have tested positive for toxoplasmosis...go figure, and according to my gyno...will have no worries should I become pregnant.

Having said that, I think as long as the cats (or dogs, or other children) are not abandoned, forgotten, uncared for, it will not be a problem! All cats have different personalities, and with the right training, it shouldn't be an issue. I don't think if I had a real cuddler of a cat that I would let my cat sleep with my newborn...but once the infant reaches nine months, and is big enough to throw the cat off, there shouldn't be any problems. Good luck.

09-17-2002, 12:39 PM
I had the same concern and wrote about this to everyone. My husband and I are going to start trying to have a baby soon and they told us we didn't need to worry about getting rid of our babies..
Also, I have been reading a book about pregnancy and they suggested having your cats testing for something..not sure of the name since my book is at home and I am at work. But anyways...they said something about if you have had your kitties for a long time you have already been immuend (spelling) to it and so you would be okay. Also, they suggested that your partner do the dirty work of the litter box :)

Hope this helps !!

09-17-2002, 01:18 PM
First of all congrats on being pregnant! Your cats will be fine when the baby comes. I have had my cat for 14 years and have gotten married and had 3 kids since then and she gets along fine with all of them. There may be a short adjustment period until they get used to the baby but as long as you keep giving them attention too(just like regular siblings) they should be fine. You should have your husband clean the litterbox so you don't get toxoplasmosis otherwise the cats will be fine around the baby until the baby learns to crawl and chases after them! My cat learned to find higher perches and better hiding places then! Your cats and baby should end up being great friends, napping and playing together and you will get lots of great photos!
Yumyum, where was that thread that you did on this subject? I remember replying to it, it may be helpful for Mira to check it out too.