View Full Version : Whale Wars?

12-27-2008, 04:17 PM
Is anyone watching this program on Animal Planet?

An overnight talk show host here in Lost Angeles was was praising the captain that runs the Sea Shepherd program and all the work he does to keep 'illegal' whaling by the Japanese from occuring.

I watched a few episodes and had to laugh at the program.

I am against all whaling - except the fishing done by the indiges peoples who have lived on he practice as a way of survival- The idea of trying to keep any illegal or out of season fishing is appealing to me, but the guy that runs the program is an idiot of supreme proportions.

I'd like to hear your thoughts.

12-27-2008, 04:38 PM
I love that program! They saved 551 whales from being slaughtered by the Nisshim Oru, a whaling vessel out of Japan. I don't think it's anything to laugh at. The Japanese vessel was trespassing in a protected whale sanctuary. The skipper of the American ship was actually hit by a bullet that came from the Japanese vessel, who claim they had no firearms on board (yeah right). His life was saved by a bullet proof vest and his badge.

The Japanese have absolutely no respect for living beings. It angers me.

12-27-2008, 05:15 PM
The skipper of the American ship was actually hit by a bullet that came from the Japanese vessel, who claim they had no firearms on board (yeah right). His life was saved by a bullet proof vest and his badge.

The Japanese have absolutely no respect for living beings. It angers me.

I found that the 'captain' of the ship was more willing to let the people who volunteered for the 'campaigns' to risk their lives while he sat back and delegated the stuff for them to do. Also, he never really attended any on the crew meetings, he let the others do his dirty work.

One other thing I found to be entertaining was the 'no partying' until they got to port.

My ? was, how can people dress up and act the fool on a boat and the people in charge not know what was happening? The penalty was pretty harsh and those people did have the right to be protest a little-yeah, it's his boat but he treated them like kids.

They all volunteered to help this guy out on HIS 'die for the animals' quest, yet he didn't seem that interesting in putting his money where his mouth was.

From what I got out of the programs/episodes is that the turnover on the ship is pretty frequent because of the way the program is run. He's actually doing something good for the animals, but his way seems a little to self serving.

I also loved the clip of him in the captain's jacket at the ceremony.

Good idea, kinda strange way of doing it.


Oh and I was really interested in why the helicopter got ruined.

Anyone knows-especially a pilot - that the utmost care has to be taken when you leave any kind of tool, vehicle, metal exposed to salt water. At the least the copter should have been covered, at the most, they should have washed the darn thing down after every storm that washed sea water on deck.

It just a matter of keeping your equipment clean and ready to roll.

12-27-2008, 05:15 PM
We watch it. It annoys me sometimes that the captain's name is too close to my sweetheart's name - I would never want them to be confused. I think they are doing a good thing, but with weird and often questionable tactics.

12-27-2008, 08:45 PM
I think they are doing a good thing, but with weird and often questionable tactics.
Exactly my thoughts. I watched the entire season up until 3 am LOL. I think it's a fascinating and inspiring show and the captain's intentions are certainly laudable. However, throwing butyric acid at the ship? I understand that they're trying to taint the meat, but...isn't there a better way? Maybe not; I just thought it was weird. I've had to work with butyric acid before, and that stuff is ATROCIOUS. And the slippery bomb things? What? What is the purpose of that? I must have missed the explanation.

Then again, there's only so much you can do to ward off offenders without resorting to, well, all out violence.

BTW, the ship's name is Nisshin Maru. Also, I would hesitate to write these blanket generalizations:

The Japanese have absolutely no respect for living beings. It angers me.
The Japanese, as a collective group, are quite innovative and represent a modern, progressive population. Culturally, they dine on items that we may find deplorable, and the animal rights movement there is vastly different from ours. But I would not say that they have absolutely no respect for living beings. That's quite an angering statement for me to read, honestly..

12-27-2008, 09:25 PM
The paper bombs contained flour- their explanation was that when wet, the flour made the the decks slippery.

I have to say that the tactics were a little strange and the complaints about the retaliation were stranger.

I have to say that the whole scenario reminds me of the protests at the G8 summits. It's O.K. to burn, break and destroy, until the cops come by and beat the living crap outta you.


The story about the bullet/BPV was a little suspicious.

The whole purpose of a BPV is to dissapate the shock of a bullet strike.
Captain Ahab just had a pin prick from the badge? Usually the wearer of a BPV has a large hematoma or bruise from a bullet strike, the range that the supposed shot was fired from would have at least knocked the captain about....and notice the glance at the camera man when the doc was trying to remove the slug-it was almost a "hey, got this in tape" moment?


12-28-2008, 12:13 AM
Richard, I did a little digging - I believe it is Methyl Cellulose, not flour in the paper "bombs" they throw. As I know well, flour get sticky when wet, not slipperier! You can make GLUE with flour + water!

From Wikipedia: Methyl cellulose (or methylcellulose) is a chemical compound derived from cellulose. It is a hydrophilic white powder in pure form and dissolves in cold (but not in hot) water, forming a clear viscous solution or gel. It is sold under a variety of trade names and is used as a thickener and emulsifier in various food and cosmetic products, and also as a treatment of constipation. Like cellulose, it is not digestible, not toxic, and not allergenic.

12-28-2008, 03:24 PM
I've watched a few episodes, but just can't seem to get in to it on a regular basis. I'm waiting for the new season of Deadliest Catch - I'm absolutely addicted to that series! Has anyone heard when it will be back?

12-28-2008, 03:54 PM
The bombs were made of paper and ransid butter, which smelled awful and made the decks slippery. It actually brought the whaling ship to a standstill.

Don't know much about the skipper wanting fortune and fame in front of the television camera. I'll have to watch it more closely and reserve my opinion till then.

12-28-2008, 04:01 PM
The bombs were made of paper and ransid butter, which smelled awful and made the decks slippery. It actually brought the whaling ship to a standstill.

Don't know much about the skipper wanting fortune and fame in front of the television camera. I'll have to watch it more closely and reserve my opinion till then.

They throw two "weapons" - glass bottles of buteric acid (from rancid butter), and the other thing they throw is the methyl cellulose, in paper packages wrapped with tape that burst upon hitting the other ship. It is powder that forms a gel when it gets wet, so is very difficult to wash away. So the buteric acid is the "stinky" and the cellulose" is the "slippery" - just a clarification!

12-28-2008, 04:08 PM
Thanks, Mayor!!;)

12-28-2008, 04:37 PM
Some recent news items: http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/sscs-in-the-news.html

I don't agree with their methods but can't come up with a better (legal) way to deter the whalers.

12-28-2008, 07:39 PM
Richard, I did a little digging - I believe it is Methyl Cellulose, not flour in the paper "bombs" they throw. As I know well, flour get sticky when wet, not slipperier! You can make GLUE with flour + water!

From Wikipedia: Methyl cellulose (or methylcellulose) is a chemical compound derived from cellulose. It is a hydrophilic white powder in pure form and dissolves in cold (but not in hot) water, forming a clear viscous solution or gel. It is sold under a variety of trade names and is used as a thickener and emulsifier in various food and cosmetic products, and also as a treatment of constipation. Like cellulose, it is not digestible, not toxic, and not allergenic.


I was watching with one ear and thought I heard that one of the DHs say it was flour.

I stand corrected.:D


Another point that Ahab made was that he had "Never seen a whale killed" in all the time he had been campaining? I guess he don't watch the videos that are shown all during the show?


MY last 'thing' about the show is the "Steve Irwin" named ship.

Irwin, while a little outrageous in the way he promoted animal welfare, NEVER tried to use strong arm tactics to get the point across. He was more into the educating the masses and getting the message out.

I feel by using SI's name that captain Nemo is disparaging the work Irwin did, and naming the boat is a ploy to get the, "Oh, It's a GOOD cause!" feelings out there.:(

08-14-2010, 08:55 AM
I just caught the latest episode of WW and had to shake my head at this season's campaign.

Last night two of the ships collided, again.

So the captain gets his crew to man a water cannon they had installed on their ship, toss more stink bombs and I noticed one crew member standing next to wall/bulkhead with tube in his hand.

It took me about two seconds to realize he was shining a laser at the Japanese boat.

I guess he didn't read the warning on every hand held laser pointer made.



Again, I do not like whale hunting, but I cannot get behind the idea that 'anything goes' while trying to stop it.

I can really imagine the up roar that the good old captain would raise if one of HIS crew was seriously hurt that way.


08-14-2010, 11:23 AM
I'm with you on this one Richard. I watch this show just to see the whale-hugging sea hippies do stupid stuff and then whine about the consequences:D Their hearts are in the right place, but they sure don't act like they have any brains sometimes. Go ahead, wreck another boat... you'll just keep spinning the story until you find a bunch of goody-goody rich idiots to fix it or buy another one. :rolleyes:

08-14-2010, 12:14 PM
I'm with you on this one Richard. I watch this show just to see the whale-hugging sea hippies do stupid stuff and then whine about the consequences:D Their hearts are in the right place, but they sure don't act like they have any brains sometimes. Go ahead, wreck another boat... you'll just keep spinning the story until you find a bunch of goody-goody rich idiots to fix it or buy another one. :rolleyes:

It's like a train wreck.....er, A ship wreck?..that you can't help but watch.

Like the helicopter?

"Hey, it's making a noise near the rotor, Let's fly it to see if it makes MORE NOISE!"

And the propeller on the new boat that broke away when it was grounded a few episodes ago?

Might as well have run the boat on deck then have the cook toss shiat into the prop to see if it really worked? That way they could have salad for lunch or dinner instead of having the pilot smash the thing on the beach rocks.

I feel guilty at times because while it is a noble cause?

I do cheer for the Japanese (not their whaling) when they fire up the watercannons, the LRAD and start tossing stuff back at them.


08-14-2010, 12:32 PM
and what about the Ady Gil? "Hmmm.... I'm rich, bored, and insane. I think I'll take my bajillion dollar carbon fiber boat to the Antarctic and play in traffic with some giant steel-hulled boats. I'm sure nothing BAD can come of it.... right?":p

I forgot it was on last night, I usually catch the re-run on Sunday. I have it set to record every week, just in case though.

08-14-2010, 03:07 PM
and what about the Ady Gil? "Hmmm.... I'm rich, bored, and insane. I think I'll take my bajillion dollar carbon fiber boat to the Antarctic and play in traffic with some giant steel-hulled boats. I'm sure nothing BAD can come of it.... right?":p

I forgot it was on last night, I usually catch the re-run on Sunday. I have it set to record every week, just in case though.

The Captain of the AG is a maniac. There is a back story to that, but I'll wait until that episode airs?

On this episode?

There are some 'promotions' that were made and general dumbness abounds. I am stunned that no one has been really hurt or killed....:eek:

The one guy that bugs the living poop out of me is Peter Hammerstedt? Instead of leading? He just pushes everyone to the fore and lets them take the brunt of the punishment.

You know what else bothers me?

When they announce that the Mother Ship is around, everyone gets a weird look on their face and they get really pumped up about it.

(I say to the TV that I hope they realize they are going to play bumper cars with the Japanese and someone may get hurt?)

08-14-2010, 06:27 PM
what bothers me most about Peter H is that his facial hair never seems to grow. Reminds me of Joe Dirt, LOL.

08-14-2010, 06:58 PM
what bothers me most about Peter H is that his facial hair never seems to grow. Reminds me of Joe Dirt, LOL.


I was laughing last night because I thought he looked like....


I got the giggles very badly after that. Yes, the facial hair has to go.....:D

08-14-2010, 10:24 PM
Link (http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/251888/). :D

08-15-2010, 09:52 AM
Link (http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/251888/). :D

I had never seen a SP episode with the "words" left in.

Very funny and in SP style? Right on the money.


The across-the-street neighbors have some Chikins and Chick-lets...

I'll have to look for a cow, though.....:D:eek:;)

08-15-2010, 12:00 PM
Here's a link to a site where people bag on TV programs.

There really aren't any spoilers in the site, but there is a ton of very funny, very interesting thoughts and ideas that people have posted.

They have 'christened' they head of the Sea Shepherds as "Captain Arsehat".....Now that he has two boats under his command, he is now an 'Admiral'.

Admiral Arsehat and the Polar Pirates?

Rolls of the tongue, eh?:D
