View Full Version : Just plain odd.

12-23-2008, 03:28 PM
Hello all! I am usually on the Cat site, but needed to get someone's opinion on something. I have an 8 month old Newfoundland in the house along with what I think is some sort of Springer Spaniel. Everytime they go outside, The Newfoundland takes the Spaniel by the ear and leads her around. Not hard, just enough to pull her. I would say it's some sort of show of dominance, but they only do this outside and as I said it is in no way aggressive. Any input?

12-23-2008, 04:07 PM
Hee hee - just a Newf being a Newfy goofy! They are bred to be "water rescue" dogs but are also known to be good nannies for small children as well. At some point there may be a scuffle if the older dog decides "enough is enough" but i wouldn't worry about it!

12-23-2008, 08:46 PM
It sounds like just playing. Giselle leads Ivy around by her scruff. Then, she'll let go and they'll play "bitey face", as many grey folks like to call it. If you ever feel uncomfortable about it, though, just step in and make them pause.

12-29-2008, 09:32 AM
Oh! Well the recue dog thing makes sense! And the Nanny too! Like that dog in the old Peter Pan cartoon

New Found Newfoundland Fan
03-16-2009, 08:24 PM
That's simply your Newf being a goof. ^.^

I can guarentee that isn't a display of agression. Newfoundlands are amazing nurturers, and are actually still implemented for active water rescues in their homeland of Canada.

Your Newfie is young. All dogs are playful when they are adolescent. When they act in their odd and exceptional ways, they are exploring the social and behavioral boundries that are inevitably established between themselves, and other dogs and people. If your Newf crosses one of those boundries with another dog, they'll be notified with an alarming reaction.

I wouldn't suspect a Newfoundland to deliberate, or indeliberately harm or damage another pet. They're kind, gentle, affectionant, and easily enamourable. I don't think anyone would consider those arguable opinions. ;)