View Full Version : Happy Birthday, Keira!

12-22-2008, 07:42 PM
Yesterday (Dec. 21st) Keira turned a year old! On Saturday evening her breeder had a birthday party for her and her littermates. Only a few were able to come because of the weather and whatnot. That's ok though! LOL, there were more than enough dogs there to make up for those who couldn't make it. 13 Dobermans, 2 Tollers, 1 Dane, 1 Schnauzer, and a Norwegian Buhund! Anyhow, here are some pictures I took that night. I didn't get many of Keira as she was very tired from playing with all of her friends all day, but once the weather warms up, I'll try to get some new ones of her.

Kiki relaxing:

Sarafina, the Dane, resting on Sue's (breeder) bed:

Fortune was up to no good! Not sure what that white stuff is on her nose:

Fortune again:

Ki, still tired, lying at mom's feet:

Marlo's owner brought an Elf hat and Winston wanted to wear it. He wandered throughout the house showing it off proudly to all of the guests!

Spring thinking Dober-parties are pretty neat! She loves all of her Doberfriends.

Sarafina again:

Naiobi (pronounced like nairobi, but without the 'r'), a 4ish month old guest (not from Sue's breeding).

Bronwyn, eyeing the b-day cake!


12-22-2008, 07:43 PM
Two dogs trying to steal the cake:

A whole group of dogs:

Keira thinking Gemma really needs to shave! She wasn't sure what to make of that beard:

Winston, Bronwyn, Fortune, & Kern:

Winston & Bronwyn:

That's all!

12-22-2008, 09:36 PM
Looks like ya'll had fun! That cake is adorable...and all the pooches are gorgeous!

12-23-2008, 05:06 AM
It looks like a really fun party you had!:D

finn's mom
12-23-2008, 05:35 AM
That's so cool to see all those big "bad" dogs together like that. ;) I can't believe Keira's a year old already! She's beautiful.

12-23-2008, 07:31 AM
That looks like it was a good time. *sigh* I miss going to Sue's. Can you imagine the chaos Mony would have caused there? :(
I'm glad Keira was tired out...see all you need is a pack of 13 dobes ;)
If it ever warms up we have to get her and Mony together and see if they can wear each other out. :)

Daisy and Delilah
12-23-2008, 01:05 PM
Happy Birthday Keira !!! - Enjoy!!

What great pictures!! All the dogs are adorable. Keira is one gorgeous birthday girl. Have a fun time and celebrate all week, Keira!!

12-23-2008, 01:26 PM
I honestly don't think miss Keira could be any more gorgeous. Seeing these great pictures makes me want a Dobe even more!!!:p. They are the most amazing dogs!!! Don't get me wrong, I love my Labby girls more than anything!:).
Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!! Looks like everyone had a great time! ;)

12-23-2008, 05:52 PM
Happy birthday gorgeous Keira!!! :love: It looks like your party was quite the party. :D

12-24-2008, 10:21 AM
Happy Birthday Keira!! Looks like a fun party. :D

12-24-2008, 05:27 PM
Happy (late) 1st Birthday, beautiful Keira! :love:
Glad to see you got to celebrate in good company; I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of everyone having a great time!

12-25-2008, 11:04 PM
Happy Birthday Keira! She really has matured into a beautiful dog!! :) Just curious, do you still have Morgan?

12-26-2008, 01:10 AM
Thanks everyone! She had a good birthday. :)

Amy, no. I kept meaning to post about her here, but put it off a lot for fear of reactions that I'm going to get. Might as well get it out though! I guess it's not much better to have people thinking she's just disappeared forever. She had a lot of major psychological issues, and ultimately we had no choice but to put her down. She was living a terrible, awful life. We knew when we got her that she had fear problems (figured with a lot of socializing and training we'd improve that), but as she got older, she got worse and worse to the point of not being able to learn anything or function properly. She'd sit in a corner shaking and frothing at the mouth all day long if she heard the slightest noise or if she felt you looked at her 'wrong'. She lunged at the other dogs and eventually family/people too. She couldn't go outside if there was even a slight breeze. She'd panic - pacing, frothing, shaking, and tried to dig really deep holes or leap the fence. It was horrible. We sought professional help to no avail. Nothing worked. They as well as our vet and our friend who does Dobe rescue and breeds Dobes think she was just "wired wrong" (as they put it), as she was physically healthy. It was just a horrific situation for all involved, including her. I know the majority of people on PT will probably not agree with what we did... but we knew our dog and did what we could.

12-26-2008, 06:39 AM
Good grief has it been a year already? I remember you posting her and her litter mates as babies. She has grown into an absolutely gorgeous girl.

No judgement from here....I think if you had exhausted yourselves in trying to give Morgan a good life and get her help and nothing was working you made the right decision. She obviously had issues beyond repair whether it be "wired wrong" or just something from in her past that traumatized her forever. You cannot jeopardize others in the household, fur and skin alike. She is now free from all her fears and issues.

12-26-2008, 09:50 PM
Keira, you are a beautiful Birthday Girl! Happy Birthday! And Hello, Spring! I enjoyed the pictures of all the guests at the Dober-Party!

12-26-2008, 09:58 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU AND YOUR LITTERMATES!!!! Looks like a very fun party!