View Full Version : Does it sound like your cat says any words when they meow??

09-17-2002, 06:50 AM
The other day Yum Yum was standing in front of the door meowing wanting outside..My husband and I could have sworn one of her meows sounded like OUT.

Just wondered if anybody else has noticed this in their babies??

Former User
09-17-2002, 07:18 AM
It must be because we constantly keep saying no to C & K that they know it too. The other night I was crabbing Kitty to take her to the bathroom to sleep, I swear she meowed 'no' :rolleyes: :D

09-17-2002, 07:44 AM
I'm not sure, but at several occasions I got the impression that Luna tries to immitate what I'm saying. When I'm coming home from work, I usually say "Hi, Luna!" and "Na?" (also means something like "hi" or "what's up?" in German) and sometimes she's replying with something that sounds like "nga?", and it almost has the same sound. So I thought she's trying to greet me with my own words. :)


09-17-2002, 09:24 AM
My brother's name is Mihai, Mike in Romanian. I call him in so many different ways, one of these name is Meekee. Naomi loved him more than us and used to sleep with him. Once, a Sunday morning, my brother was still sleeping and Naomi came back from her night walk on the roof (she liked to go out on the roof some times). So we came together to my brother's room and I said: go sleep with Meekee and tried to pick her up. This moment, she said: meekee. So soft and so spoiled and so sweet, I thought I'll swallow her. Meekee also heard it and we both burst into a loud laugh, but Naomi understood we are laughing about her. Well, she was happy too:)
Juni and Vasea also have their words, but they were never so close as Naomi.

Edwina's Secretary
09-17-2002, 09:31 AM
What lovely stories! I have read that cats have developed verbal sounds as a result of being companion animals (i.e. they don't use these noises with each other or when not domesticated.) So it would seem logical that they would "imitate" human sounds.

That might explain why some of Edwina's noises sound distinctly like "cuss words". I keep warning my husband....;) ;)

09-17-2002, 09:43 AM
Yes, you could be right with your theory, ES. :) Would be kind of logical, they're probably looking for ways to communicate! :)


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-17-2002, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
That might explain why some of Edwina's noises sound distinctly like "cuss words". I keep warning my husband....;) ;)

:eek: :eek: Not our sweet Lady Edwina!!!:eek: :D

Peanut says maowmwaa (mama). She did this one morning while we were lounging in bed. She jumped up and said "maowmwaa" and came right to me. Terry says, surprised "She just said mama!" I just smiled and scritched her chin. She knows where her bread is buttered. :D

09-17-2002, 11:14 AM
I am not sure but when I pull out a package of Whiskas temptations I could swear Joseph meows TREATS!!!He absolutely loves these treats and will drag them around the floor until he opens the package then he will eat every single treat in there.Michael,when he smells chicken of any sort wilkl meow NOWWWWWW!The siamese are quite vocalk but no human sounds come from them,just a lot of MRRRROWS and EEEAOWWS!Best Wishes from Catmandu of the [email protected]

09-17-2002, 11:36 AM
What a fun thread! :)

Noah makes "hooman" noises too! He does that "mommy" thing and makes a noise that sounds like he's complaining....it's usually when my husband is playing with him...:rolleyes:

Noel and Basil don't really make any hooman noises. Basil still does his silent meow sometimes. I've begun to imitate him and we go back and forth until he gets mad and gives me a REAL meow. hee hee, they are so fun!! :D

Former User
09-17-2002, 11:49 AM
I forgat Casper's auuuu auuuu meow when he is alone for exapmle in the bedroom. He likes to listen to himself and tell us where he is.

09-17-2002, 12:15 PM
That is cute Noahsmommy...Yum Yum when she wants outside she will meow and meow..till we let her out. Sometimes I will meow back at her and she looks at me very strangely :)

09-17-2002, 12:18 PM
LOL, I'm also sometimes trying to immitate Luna's language, sometimes she would reply (more or less excited), sometimes she doesn't care - guess it depends on my pronounciation or on what I've said. :D


09-17-2002, 12:28 PM
Thanks for posting this. I almost completely forgotten about a particular incident until this thread was posted. Scooter is our vocal (I say fussy) boy. Most the time he just complains...especially if we want to cuddle him. He does a lot of "ooowwww" noises (as if he's being hurt by being held :rolleyes: LOL ) sometimes when we're petting him or he'll just simply fuss. He also has his "yaaaa" which is kind of funny, because I'll ask him a question and he'll respond with his "yaaaa" like he's saying yes.

The wierdest one, was when my hubby was making his move out here to CA. I had moved out previously in November, and he found a job and joined me out here in CA in Feb. He decided to drive from IN to CA with 2 cats as his driving companions. First of all...that in itself is a feat! LOL But, as the driving commenced and just seemed to continue indefinitely to our cats...it got to a point where Aaron got freaked out by Scooter fussing "aaaaroooon". :eek: It was a distinct 2 syllable name coming from the backseat. I remember Aaron telling me that it freaked him out and that he wished he had had a tape recorder or something because it was unbelievable, but Scooter just kept muttering from the backseat...wanting to be finished with the travelling in a cat carrier no doubt! LOL

09-17-2002, 02:55 PM
I never knew Scooter was such a great talker...even saying his Daddy's name!! That would be freaky! Could you imagine??

Our Noel is a talker too...just nothing that resembles English...maybe she's speaking another language? :D

09-17-2002, 06:04 PM
there was a thread similar to this one some months back. yes somethimes I think they do imitate certain sounds or words. Louise used to 'cry' when she didn't know where Emma was, when we first got them. I would say, are you looking for Emma? Emma? and I swear she meowed in a way that sounded just like Emma!:D

09-17-2002, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
What lovely stories! I have read that cats have developed verbal sounds as a result of being companion animals (i.e. they don't use these noises with each other or when not domesticated.) So it would seem logical that they would "imitate" human sounds.

I have also heard that, and I think my two are the same. When I talk to Bassett I always say "Baby Bassett" or something like that, in a high pitched voice, and she always respond with a high sounding "Meow-meow!" When they get fishies in the morning, I make them say "Please!" and they respond with "Meeeew!"

I also talk back to them in their words, so maybe it's all a plot to turn me to their ways :) ;)

09-17-2002, 08:28 PM
Just like Yumyum, my cat Sam has asked to go out first thing in the morning after she has eaten her breakfast. My kids and I on different occasions have opened the front door for her when she asks to go ME-OUT! She asks us nicely so we always get the door for her so she can sit on the front porch and enjoy the fresh air. Of couse some days she just turns right around and comes back in if the weather isn't to her liking!:)

Desert Arabian
09-18-2002, 04:20 PM
When my kitty licks his chops when he is done eating, he can say my name "laura" clear as a bell. He usually does it everytime he gets done eating.

02-12-2005, 05:36 PM
How things,can change,in a Few Years,as JJJ3,has been,on the ardio,and still,as sevral Pet talkers,can testify,MMMMEEEEEOOOOWS ,For his Treats!But BJ,is gone,and that is sad.But,I am typing this,at home,with some of My Found Cats,around,Thanks to My Friends,on this wonderful Site,Pet Talk.

02-12-2005, 07:41 PM
Briggs and my husband, Kyle have a two-way conversation at bedtime almost every night. Briggs starts it off, telling him goodnight (I guess), then Kyle will make cat noises, Briggs will respond and so it goes on and on til Briggs has said all she had to say and she quits. She always is the one to initiate the session and the one to say she's had enough. Kyle can try to engage her in conversation but unless she's in the mood...:rolleyes: Well, we ALL know that the cats run the household and we are just there for chores. :)

02-12-2005, 07:43 PM
And I get,into some chats,with the Found Cats,as well,and Meeeow,to them,all the time!

02-13-2005, 01:24 AM
Weezie says "NOOOOOO!" Her cry is long meow. I'm a bad meowie, too! I'll tease her and go, "Weezie, are you pretty?" because she'll always answer, "Noooooo!"

When Eepie was a baby, she'd go "Eep. Eep." That's how she got her name. We were calling her Angel but when she'd meow I'd say, "Well, you're a little eepie, aren't you?" and so 'Eepie' stuck. Now that she's older, her meow is still very shrill but does actually sound like 'meow' now.

Grey Girl is a diluted tortie. She's got orange 'eyeshadow' around her large round eyes and it makes her look a bit confused, like she's not sure exactly where she's at, so I suppose it's just right she says, "Map? Map?" everytime she opens her mouth.

02-13-2005, 09:02 AM
Sweet Pea says "YUM", and Chip coos like a pigeon, and goes "WOW"! Both are part Siamese, and quite the vocal pair.:D

02-13-2005, 11:49 PM
Sassafras Root used to say "Mir" -- Russian for Peace.

Cassy and Livvy are more traditional Meowers.