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12-20-2008, 05:16 PM
We had to babysit my neice's son this morning. So we decided to get a photo of the two boys with Santa as a Christmas gift for my father in law. The event was "Breakfast with Santa" and we got there when it first opened to avoid the crowds.

First off, trying to get two little boys dressed..... I think I gained a few grey hairs over that one! Cameron was so jealous of his cousin getting his old clothes. But we got dressed, and outside. Then came the strollers. Cameron couldn't decide which stroller he would let his cousin ride in. Eventually, both boys were seated and buckled in. and off we went to the breakfast down the street.

Cameron was SO excited to see Santa. He was mesmerized while we waited for our turn with Santa. I don't know why, but I love this photo.

I did get a nice shot of the two boys. Don't they look cute in coordinating outfits?

After their photo with Santa, they ran around like two wild children getting free balloon animals and pumped up on sugary sweets. Of course they refused to eat the breatkfast part of the "breakfast" and stuck to the donuts. :rolleyes:

We got out of there in a timely manner and headed home with less fuss over the strollers than we had going. It took a few hours for both boys ot come off their sugar high and take a nap. Hubby and I took one too.

How do they do it with two kids all the time? I am SO glad my kids are furry and well behaved ;)

12-20-2008, 06:23 PM
Terrific photos, and you created a lovely memory for all of you! That is SO important.

You ahve also been reminded (yet again) why the moms and dads don't allow the kids to load up on sugar; it is so they (the parents) can survive! :D

But heck, what are Aunties for, except to break all the rules, right?;)

12-20-2008, 06:35 PM
Two cuties!!! Lucky you!! I'm sure you survived, lol! (not that I want to trade fur for skin, though!)