View Full Version : Basket problem

C.C.'s Mom
09-17-2002, 02:58 AM
Well, it's not really a big problem.
Ever since we have Dunja staying with us (just while my parents are on their holiday), Cookie seems to be very confused when it comes to her basket.

We have a little rule here at home: after the morning wallk the dogs have to sleep in their baskets while I do the house cleaning. It always worked out fine. Until Dunja came with her basket.

Cookie is always going into Dunja's basket! And Dunja is smaller than the average cat!!! So you can understand how it looks like when Cookie tries to be comfortable in that little basket. Her legs, ears, tail, body... everything just pops out.

The thing is: she won't come out. And Dunja doesn't want to go into Cookie's basket and can't get her rest.

Is there a reason why Cookie goes into that basket? Is she jealous?

09-17-2002, 04:41 AM
I have been having a problem with doggie beds too! When Abby came into our family in July we bought a new pet mat for her. Buddy already had one which he slept in everynight and at nap times Ect. So Abby goes in Buddys bed or on occasion her own (seldom). And she won't get out of it either! Buddy looks so disguested! And goes and sleeps on my side of the bed on the floor. I really don't know if its the alpha thing but, I think in my case Abby sleeps in Budddys bed because it smells like Buddy!

09-17-2002, 01:35 PM
Tango hates doggie beds, he only sleeps in them when I am at my parent's house. He will crawl up with their dog in it. It's a cute picture.

09-17-2002, 03:07 PM
My dogs are always trying to sleep on the others beds (and play with the others toys, eat others food, attention etc...). I think it is like a kid; always wanting what the other one has. At my house it is not a big deal as they all just quietly lay somewhere else to get rest. Since Dunja is loosing rest I think it becomes more of a concern than my story.
Since Dunja is a small cat (sorry bad memory especially with names but cookie's a retrv?) try putting Dunja's bed behind something in a corner or somewhere that has a small opening or up on top of something?
Also PRAISE ccokie whenever she is in her own bed. Maybe after your walk give her a kong toy filled with goodies in her basket. At first you may have to watch, if cookie starts to get up with the kong and heads towards Dunja's basket then take away the kong & bring it back to ccokies bed. Don't give it to her until she lays down on her bed.
Maybe enroll in obedience classes or teach her yourself a down stay for longer periods of time.

Cinder & Smoke
09-28-2002, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
Since Dunja is a small cat...
try putting Dunja's bed ...
up on top of something?

hee-hee-hee :D
Phunnie lookin "small K-A-T"...
How "high" can Dunja jump to get into bed??
Top of the fridge OK?

Pix of Cookie (under the chair) and Dunja (ON the chair)...


Don't feel bad - keepin all the Pet Talk Kritterz straight is almost an impossible task!

:rolleyes: :D

C.C.'s Mom
09-29-2002, 02:34 AM
:D :) :D