View Full Version : Really now, act your dang age.

12-20-2008, 09:00 AM
I think I've told you all about my aunt in previous posts, years ago. Well, she's just as annoying as ever.

We rarely see them (thankfully) but they live about 2 hours away. I guess they are coming to our area today so her husband and friend can go fishing with my brother. My aunt and her friend were going to go shopping while they do.

My aunt was talking to my brother and she couldn't get ahold of my mom (my mom was out) my brother said if she still didn't get ahold of my mom by the time they got here, just to stop by our house.

She says "I don't stop by their house or even go there, ever." My brother asked why and she goes "because of their stupid dogs."

Honestly, really? Screw you lady, you aren't welcome here anyhow. :mad:

12-20-2008, 09:04 AM
Next time she wants to come over I would say "No, I don't want you around my "stupid" dogs". Sounds like my aunt. :rolleyes: She kept comparing her daughter's dog to Sassy saying how she was well-behaved and she never peed on the floor. My mom just about blew her stack and actually got pretty nasty with her.

I'm sorry your aunt said that to your brother, who cares? Her life is not enriched with the love of a dog, you should pity her.

12-20-2008, 09:37 AM
Sounds like someone you wouldn't want at your house anyway. That's unfortunate, considering she is family. :rolleyes::mad:

12-20-2008, 09:42 AM
Consider yourself lucky ... she doesn't come over, and you don't have to deal with her. I wish some members of my family wouldn't come over because of my dogs!

However, I have to admit, I do not ever go to my SIL's house, because of her cats. (I would not, however, say as much as rudely as your aunt did.) It's not that I don't like her cats, they are nice cats. But she has a lot of them, and she isn't the best housekeeper, and consequently there is cat hair all over the furniture. I am very allergic to cats, and a visit to her house is not at all a good thing for me.

12-20-2008, 09:44 AM
She says "I don't stop by their house or even go there, ever." My brother asked why and she goes "because of their stupid dogs."

Actually Kay, you should consider this a blessing.;) Who needs her to come around anyways? :rolleyes: I figure I lose many guests to my home due to having three dogs. It didn't bother you to come here.:cool: Only true dog lovers will come here or at least people who truly love me.:D

12-20-2008, 09:50 AM
The funny thing is, my brother has two dogs and a cat. But I don't think she knows about the two dogs. She will be in for a rude awakening, especially since my brothers dogs are younger and jump all over people. :D

Daisy and Delilah
12-20-2008, 10:10 AM
Well..........la dee da........she's the kind of person I don't ever want to see.:mad:

12-20-2008, 05:34 PM
Kay, I think your aunt is missing out not only on the pleasure of seeing her relatives at the holidays, but also missing out on the pleasure of knowing the precious Muttlies.

12-20-2008, 10:10 PM
The funny thing is, my brother has two dogs and a cat. But I don't think she knows about the two dogs. She will be in for a rude awakening, especially since my brothers dogs are younger and jump all over people. :D

Oh to be a fly on the wall!!! :D:D

You know, Kay, if I ever make it down your way, I'm ONLY coming to see the Muttlies, don't you? :p

12-20-2008, 10:33 PM
She could love dogs and try to call animal control on you on their behave.....
yeah thats right
my aunt HATED coming "for the dogs sake" (thats what we were told by other confused family members) to the house because our shorthair looked skinny..... SHORTHAIRS ALWAYS LOOK SKINNY. thats like saying a greyhound is underfeed because you can see where the rib cage ends and the tummy begins.

she used to walk through the backyard and say well the water bowl isn't completely full after we watched the 2 dogs just drink the water. She would call the other family members and say it was bad that we used the dogs for hunting because it was hard on them to work that hard. Her dogs are COMPLETELY overweight and they get walked about 2 times a week. and there are 3. I feel bad for them but in her mind our dogs getting out and hunting, what labs and shorthairs love to do and not letting trey pant and beg for more water because he is to hot inside was abuse. oh yeah we under fed the shorthair and deprived the dogs of water.... :mad: your lucky she doesnt want to come over. its better then verbally abusive visits and getting stuff mailed to our house from her on how to properly care for your dogs.

your lucky :p haha

she visits now without saying anything after i bought her a book for christmas on GSP's. :D