View Full Version : cat won't eat dry food anymore

12-19-2008, 05:36 PM
So a few weeks ago we had to put down one of our cats. turned our she had a bad mouth infection for a month or so and we didn't know until it was too late. The vet said he wanted to check out our other cat. we brought him in and he had the very early stages of the same infection and had to have 2 teeth removed.

while he was recovering the vet gave us some wet food for him to eat. he was eating that for about 2 weeks. prior to that, they both had always eaten dry food.

now he really won't eat the dry food at all, but will scarf down any wet food we give him. he's starting to loose a bit of weight, but the vet said it's not good for his teeth to only feed him wet food.'

can anyone help? thx

12-19-2008, 07:35 PM
Try mixing a bit of dry in with wet...make a 'stew' for a little while.

Your vet is right about dry food - kitties need it, and it helps their teeth.

You might consider picking up a small bag of Medi-Cal Dental food and using it as treats! :)

Also, feed him some wet food, then leave the dry out all day. If he gets hungry enough, he will eat it. It's possible that he may have some soreness in his teeth still.

My condolences on the loss of your other furbaby...gum and tooth infections can lead to fatal results in humans, too.

12-19-2008, 08:26 PM
I agree with Candace's suggestion of mixing the two. You can also just add some gravy to the dry, to soften it up a bit. Maybe buy a can of chicken broth, put a wee bit on and stick it in the microwave for 20 seconds.

After the first time, the chicken broth will be coming out of the fridge, and cats don' teat cold stuff, which is why you will need to heat it up a bit.

Softening the dry kibble is still better for the cat than the canned food only.

Good luck!

So sorry to read of the loss of your other kitty. :(