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12-19-2008, 09:33 AM

Driving in a foot of snow sucks.

I got stuck five times on my way into work. Had to be pushed out four of those times. And the two worst places I got stuck?

On the corner of the intersection right outside of work and in the employee parking lot. :rolleyes:

It took a half an hour and four strangers (bless them :love:) to finally free my car. In the parking lot, three co-workers pushed me into the nearest spot.

I have no idea how I'm gonna get the car out.

Many of the local colleges and universities are closed. We don't even have classes going on right now. So why am I here?

Bah! :mad:

12-19-2008, 09:59 AM
I am in Michigan, too. They had almost 300 closings this morning- just in west michigan. Crazy! Sorry you got stuck. :(

It's snowing SO hard, I can't even see across the road!!!:eek:

12-19-2008, 10:07 AM
:o Bless all of your hearts.. I feel for you in the cold & wet & snow.. Try to stay warm & at home for sure.. Hey could you send just a wittle bit of snow to Tx please..:p

12-19-2008, 10:26 AM
I have to head off to work in a little while myself, and I'm really not looking forward to driving in this stuff. It's still coming down pretty hard and with Kim getting stuck that many times, I'm sure it'll be a pretty stressful drive.

12-19-2008, 10:33 AM
But you gotta admit - it's pretty. As long as you can stay home and admire it from the warmth of your house! :D

12-19-2008, 10:36 AM
I agree that the snow is pretty and festive and I'd rather have a white Christmas than not. I just hate driving in it and driving WHILE it's a blizzard out. :p

It's a love/hate relationship. ;)

12-19-2008, 10:47 AM
Be safe everyone!!!

12-19-2008, 10:47 AM
I just hate driving in it and driving WHILE it's a blizzard out.

Agreed! Several years ago when I was still working, they decided to send us home after we all got to work in a blizzard. My regular 7 minute drive took over 45 minutes, and the only way I could even tell if my car was still on the road (rural area), was to judge where I was by the telephone poles, since the road and farm fields just all became as one big white mass! Not fun. :(

Please be careful driving back home!

12-19-2008, 10:53 AM
The Director just stopped by. There is no one in this library. He's gonna call the Powers That Be and see if we can go home early. *fingers crossed*

12-19-2008, 11:29 AM
I'm over in CT and awaiting the snow to start falling anytime....thanks for the warning and idea of what we are in for.

We bought my mom tickets to see Kenny Rogers at Mohegan Sun...the concert is tonight and they are not cancelling it, so come HE!! or high snow banks we are going. I guess we will have to put in 4x4 and hope for the best.

12-19-2008, 11:41 AM
:) Yes EveryBody Be So Carefull && Safe..

12-19-2008, 12:52 PM
Agreed, please be careful everyone.

(And I thank goodness I live in California. I am petrified to drive in the snow, and refuse to do so when we go to Tahoe. Even the smallest amount of snow scares me.)

Daisy and Delilah
12-19-2008, 02:16 PM
Okay Okay........I'll stop complaining about the heat down here.

All I can say is ......YIKES.......you all have my sympathy. Please be careful. I have friends in Michigan and they all say it's just ridiculous there, and......they live there and are used to it!!!

My BIL just got back from Ann Arbor yesterday. He lives in Flagler Beach, where it's almost like early summer, and, boy was he glad to get home. He said they ran off the road numerous times, got stuck, and could barely get out of there. I love Florida!!!!!!!!:eek:

12-19-2008, 02:49 PM
Sorry you had such a rough trip to work, Kim. We haven't had the snow here...just lots of ice and freezing rain. We do have several people that drive down from Ann Arbor, Adrian, and other cities in MI, and a lot of them either didn't come in today or worked very limited hours. I myself didn't come in until around 10 and plan on heading out of here soon.

The joy of our area in the winter time!

12-19-2008, 07:44 PM
We only had a snow/rain/sleet mix here. I would like it to snow for MONDAY so I can get a break from school. :( It has NOT been my week. Sounds like your day was not fun. I'm sorry to hear your car got stuck, but it brought out the Xmas spirit to see those people help you :D How nice of them!

Lady's Human
12-19-2008, 11:56 PM
Sorry you had such a lousy day, but thanks for the reminder to put the tow strap and other emergency gear I carry back in my truck. It was parked for a while, have to re-stock the kit.

Speaking of which, REMEMBER!

ALways carry a blanket, water, and some non-perishable food in the car when you're driving in lousy weather, especially in rural areas. You never know where you're going to get stuck, or how long you're going to be there.

12-20-2008, 02:07 PM
Uhhh that sounds awful!

We have had a snow blizard over here, we are supposed to have 70 mph + wind and get 6 more inches of snow tonight. To bad I still have to work. Dogs don't let themselfs out and poop doesn't get scooped itself. :( Wish I could get out of it.

12-20-2008, 02:10 PM
ALways carry a blanket, water, and some non-perishable food in the car when you're driving in lousy weather, especially in rural areas.

You reminded me of the earthquake supply kit and those bars that look and taste like particle board!

You can taste the fat and sugar in them--ewwwww!:D

12-20-2008, 06:03 PM
ALways carry a blanket, water, and some non-perishable food in the car when you're driving in lousy weather, especially in rural areas. You never know where you're going to get stuck, or how long you're going to be there.

Also a cell phone.

A couple of years ago I took my cat Priscilla to the vet school hospital at Michigan State University in East Lansing (about 70 miles from Ann Arbor). Right around the time we were leaving, a snowstorm started up. 10 miles or so along on I-96, midway between a couple of exits several miles apart, I had a flat tire! By then, the snow was really coming down and the visibility was poor. I rolled over to the shoulder and turned on the flashers.

I don't use a cell phone in everyday life, but I have a TracFone (prepaid cell phone) for out-of-town and emergency use.. just for something like this, for example!.

I called Triple-A, and before long I was on my way again without a lot of trouble. I shudder to think of what things might have been like if I hadn't had it. (The late, great) Priscilla and I might still be stranded on I-96!

12-20-2008, 06:06 PM
:o Bless all of your hearts.. I feel for you in the cold & wet & snow.. Try to stay warm & at home for sure.. Hey could you send just a wittle bit of snow to Tx please..:p

Well, a few more inches are due to arrive tonight and tomorrow. I would be delighted to FedEx it to you!.. if I only could, sigh... :eek::mad::(

12-20-2008, 10:14 PM
And, Kimmy, we're getting more snow right now! Aren't you excited?! :p

The snow and I have a love/hate relationship as well.

12-20-2008, 10:48 PM
And, Kimmy, we're getting more snow right now! Aren't you excited?! :p

The snow and I have a love/hate relationship as well.
LOL!! Well, I'm home, so it can snow all it wants! ;) :p

It's really starting to come down tonight. Supposed to get 1-3 inches tonight and another 2-4 tomorrow night.

12-20-2008, 11:28 PM
I really feel for all of you.

The weather here can't make up it's mind. One day it's in the lower 30's, the next, upper 60's, a couple of days ago I was able to go outside without a jacket and in short sleeves, and it was warm! :eek: The next day there was ice on everything.

12-21-2008, 12:00 AM
Getting a mixture of some junk tomorrow, maybe a real snowstorm Christmas Eve. Oh joy. Ick.

Loved it when I was a kid but my office never closed no matter how bad it got. One boss even paid for hotel rooms. Clients before personnel, thank you very much. :mad:

Even the slightest flurry causes Philadelphians to panic and either drive too fast or too slow or too stupidly. I don't mind driving in the snow, but when it turns to sheets of deadly ice, furgitaboutit.
Now my fear is injuring my already screwed up spine and hips. But, then doesn't everyone want to splat on the ice? :p:rolleyes: Like, duh.