View Full Version : Missing Bronson

09-16-2002, 11:13 PM
This was in Petwarmer's tonight, and I thought it was important for all of us to keep them in our thoughts and prayers and our eyes peeled.
We had a story similiar to this not long ago. A litter of champion St. Bernard puppies was stolen out of the breeder's back yard while he was at the hospital for his wife's surgery. They were priced at about $1000 a peice and up. But Thank God they were returned.


My 10 month old chocolate Labrador, Bronson, has been stolen.
Bronson is an excellent dog and had this uncanny ability to make
laugh on your darkest days. He, and his brothers and sisters, were
the only friends I had. They never deserted me.
On Thursday, September 5, 2002, Bronson disappeared from our home
Flemingsburg, Kentucky. At first, we thought he had dug under the
and gotten out. However, we noticed that our chain link fence
had been cut with tin snips. Moreover, we found out on the following
Friday that another chocolate Lab down the road from us was missing as
Since there had been other chocolate Labs missing in our area
the past several months, we had to admit to ourselves the hard truth --
Bronson and the others had been stolen.
Unfortunately, there are no leads in the case. We have made a
report, but none of the other stolen dogs have been found.
I know that Petwarmers reaches people from a variety of different
places, and I know that it would be a long shot that anyone reading
would have seen him, but I'm hoping and praying that he'll be returned
I'll never give up on him, I love him too much. Please look at
Bronson's picture at this website: http://www.missingbronson.com
There is
a $1000 cash reward for his return, no questions asked.

-- Sara Brandenburg <sara @ missingbronson.com>

If you have information that can help Sara, you can email her by
here: mailto:[email protected] Moreover, you can visit this
site as
well for lost and stolen pets:

09-16-2002, 11:23 PM
I put this on my community as well, I feel so sorry for this person, to have a dog lost is so sad, to have it stolen is tragic.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

09-17-2002, 02:10 AM
That is so sad, when I looked at the website I couldn't imagine what it must feel like to have your dog stolen. To me my cats are like my kids, if one of them were stolen from me I don't know what I would do.

09-17-2002, 06:34 AM
Oh My! Did you see that sweet puppy's face? No wonder his momma is heart broken! It is still very puzzling to me why anyone would steal a dog! If you want one, there are thousands of them out there that are waiting to be adopted.

I hope poor lil Bronson and his fella chocolabs are safe and will be returned to their homes soon.

09-17-2002, 06:39 AM
Oh this is too sad. I am hoping that, with the possibilities that the internet opens up, Bronson might be quickly found.

There is an ad that runs regularly in our local newspaper right in with the 'Pets for Sale' listings. About once a month someone repeats the ad for their dog that was stolen. It reads something like this "You know who you are. You stole my dog out of my yard five years ago. We are still grieving. You have had her long enough, now please return her to us, no questions asked." Like I said, this has been running off and on for five years now. How heart wrenching. :( I do hope Bronson is found quickly.

09-17-2002, 06:50 AM
I totally agree. I *can't* imagine what I would do if someone took my Malone. I would just lay down & not get up until he was safe back in my arms. Those poor people must be sooo worried. :( Why would anyone do such a cruel & heartless thing?? I just can't understand what is *wrong* with these people (and I guess I really don't want to)...

09-17-2002, 07:16 AM
:( It brings tears to my eyes to think what I would do if something happened to my babies. These poor people.:(

09-17-2002, 08:43 AM
Poor little Bronson.

My parents Irish Setter was stolen out of their yard.... long ago before I was even born. Unfortunately, when they found Shane, he wasn't alive. He had fought with his captors..... :( :(