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Don Juan's mom
12-17-2008, 12:59 PM

Let's see, Zerlina's most common remarks are:

Play with me!
Pet me!
Rub my tummy!
Don Juan you stupid dork! How many times do I have to tell you! I've been SPAYED!
Whaddiya mean, it's YOUR space heater?
Oh, come one, can't I sit on the compooter for a bit?

Don Juan's are:

I love you!
Cuddle me!
My food dish is empty. What are you gonna do about it?
Play with me, Zerlina!
Brush me!
Isn't it time for treats?

12-17-2008, 03:11 PM
"Meow!" (Human, I am so glad you are here to serve me!)
"Meow!" (Feed me)
"Meow!" (Pet me)
"Meow!" (Did I say you could pick me up? Put me down, for cryin out loud!)
"Meow!" (Wake up, it is 3:30 AM, my food dish is empty and you're the one with the opposable thumbs.)
"Meow!" (The contents of my food dish are unsatisfactory. What are you going to do about it?)

12-17-2008, 06:16 PM
I would like to think that the Found Cats would be:
Say that foods pretty good , Dad!
Say this is sure a nice place to sleep that youve found for us!
Say isnt that Deli Turkey, thank you for sharing!
Say it sure is warm and cozy, 70 degrees is just right!!:love::love:
I pray I have earned thier love.:love::love:
And that I am doing a better job as a Cat Dad every day:love::love:

Laura's Babies
12-17-2008, 10:09 PM
Samantha is a talker and we talk a lot. Giz use to talk to me a lot and tell me her daily woes but she has slowed down, now all she says is "Look how pretty I am PET ME! Rub my tummy, NO! Don't stop, RUB IT MORE!"

Amy just calls out to me every now and then, "MOMMIE WHERE ARE YOU!?" Boo does the same as she comes up the hall.