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12-16-2008, 06:48 PM
Last week I was at the computer and burning a Christmas candle on the desk. My big Manx boy Jack jumped up to visit me and just as I was starting to say "Jack, watch out for the candle..." he turned around and caught his whole butt on fire! He jumped off the table and ran under the couch. By the time I found him the fire was gone out but boy did he smell bad! I gave him a butt trim to cut off the scorched fur. He doesn't have any bad physical after-effects, but he has been very wary of candles since then. And since he wasn't hurt, I can laugh about it now.

12-16-2008, 08:58 PM
My Specs and Coco Puff join the ranks of dunderheads. They both swished their tails across my candles so now I'm extra cautious about where I place them and I'm always watching them. Coco Puff is fascinated w/my fireplace and he sits and stares at the fire through the screen. I came home once and found him curled up and sound asleep atop some charred logs. We can laugh about it now but it's scary. Most cats learn from something like that but not Coco Puff so I don't take chances any more.

12-16-2008, 10:44 PM
Misty used to get up on the kitchen table when a candle was lit. I was very careful and told my mom to NEVER let her on the table when a candle was lit. LOL

Poor Jack boy!

Laura's Babies
12-17-2008, 06:37 AM
I am scared to even try candles. Giz with her fulffy tail would try to swish it over the fire once she discovered it. She is just into to much all the time.

12-17-2008, 09:51 AM
That scares me as sometimes I am boiling water for my tea, and to keep my swer lines clear, and miquelito the Little Orange :)Lion, :love:and Juke Joint Joseph :love::love:will jump on the stove, and I have visions of Falming Cats running through the Found Cat Paradise Hotel, setting everthing on fire.:):):)
I have to keep an eye on my Cats who will do the unpreticable every time:love::love:

12-17-2008, 09:14 PM
I love candles but my boys are into everything. So I only burn candles in huricannes. Silly me thinking that was safe! Calvin sticks his head into the hurricannes and comes out with singed whiskers :rolleyes: No one said he was the sharpest tool in the box! Oi!

12-18-2008, 07:41 AM
I'm terrified of fire so I never use candles but I especially wouldn't with the cats here. I bought one of those candle warmers that looks like a crock pot and "melt" my candles that way. To me it works just as well with no open flame.

12-18-2008, 09:21 PM
How scary.:eek: I have candles for emergency use only. I also have a battery operated candle that looks like the real thing but is safe for pets and small children.

12-19-2008, 08:00 AM
My wife likes to have a candle burning, but she only lights one and places it in the center of our electric stove. The candle is out if she leaves the room. All the kids know that they are no allowed on the counter or stove.

12-19-2008, 02:29 PM
That reminds me of the time that I used to burn candles on the coffee table. This one time Max jumped up (he's allowed there) and when he turned around the fur in the tip of this tail got scorched. I learned my lesson. No candles on the coffee table anymore. Yes, he stunk as well. Glad your kitty is OK.

12-19-2008, 08:59 PM
Mango is, at times, a bit of a dufus. A few years ago he jumped onto the stove, stepped on a hot burner and burned his hind foot. The positive side is that he now is very wary of anything hot in the kitchen. I hope for no repeat burns!

Years back a friend's cat, Cleo, singed her whiskers on a Christmas candle and turned around and singed her tail. She was a bit of a dopey cat...