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12-16-2008, 04:15 PM
a Santa for Pelham, NH?

I have just posted this on craigslist in the "gigs special events" section. Any thoughts where else I can find a Santa?

Looking for a Special Santa

I am in need of a Santa for a party THIS SUNDAY, Dec 21st, for one hour at most, starting at 1:30 PM.

This is a family gathering, youngest person present is 23. Eldest if 86. There will be a maximum of 15, if everyone attends.

My family is going through a difficult time, we have 2 family members with terminal inoperable cancer and hospice care. We hope both will be attending the party.

I have gifts for everyone, wanted to help lighten the mood by having Santa stop by, give a few "Ho Ho Ho" belly laughs, smile and pat folks reminding them of the Christmas spirit.

Our family typically gets together at every holiday. Well, that hasn't happened since Sept 6th of this year. Thanksgiving was a "bust" all around, for 7 households. So I've been talking with my cousins and we are getting together with all the aunties and remaining uncle, no matter WHAT. None of us is making our great big food items, we will just have some finger foods.

I wasn't sure where to look for a Santa, or even which area of craigslist to post on. So if you can guide me, I'd also appreciate hearing from you.

12-16-2008, 04:38 PM
:) Oh my I saw something the other day on TV of about how to Rent A Santa.. I would just type into the computer for Rent A Santa & see what happens.. You might ask your local church if anyone has a suit & would do the party for you..

12-16-2008, 04:51 PM
:) You might ask your local church if anyone has a suit & would do the party for you..

Nice thought, but we are taking Christmas to them; this is an hour and a half drive from my home. My cousin doesn't like to be too far from her husband just now, as he may "go" at any time. :(

I'll try that rent a santa; I already tried Find a Santa, but couldn't find one.

12-16-2008, 07:08 PM
Check with a local costume/party shop, if you have one. Or call a temp service, like ManPower.

12-16-2008, 07:25 PM
Or call a local community center or even Town Hall - ask if whomever answers the phone knows someone who could play the part. Any deep-voice male will do - a rented costume and pillows can provide the rest!

12-17-2008, 10:47 AM
take a look at this one...


ETA: I emailed them as I didnīt knew when youīd see this... and sadly they donīt have any Santas available at the time they are all booked :(

12-17-2008, 11:29 AM
another one... just scroll to number 8
