View Full Version : Question: Stocking Stuffer Traditions

12-16-2008, 01:32 PM
Hello there..

I was replying to the thread about Christmas shopping and this thought came to mind.

My family has always wrapped stocking stuffers. We also include one apple and one orange in each stocking, to round out the toe and heel of the stocking.

What are your stocking traditions? Do you wrap the stuffers? Do you put anything special in every year?

Suki Wingy
12-16-2008, 02:06 PM
They are not wrapped. We usually get an apple and an orange, candy, and a hotwheels car or something similar.

12-16-2008, 02:35 PM
I never really had a stocking tradition, but i did do it for my children a few times over the years, as I saw other family's doing it, i usually filled them with chocolates, and little gifts, like jewellry etc, but never oranges and apples.:)

12-16-2008, 03:42 PM
We always got an orange in the toe. Mom said that made it easier for her to fill the darn thing, lol! The other stuff in there was never wrapped, except once in a great while whatever landed on top. I haven't filled a stocking, not having children. Oh, we almost always got a toothbrush in there; this was before the electric ones, lol.

12-16-2008, 03:50 PM
Growing up (and even now) my mom always gave us a bag of M&M's in our stocking. And as the size of the bag grew over the years she now has to just set them beside the stockings. LOL And we used to get little things like earrings, or small trinket type things. Sometimes she would wrap them just to have more to unwrap.
Bruce and I exchange stockings too. I usually get candy and if I can think of something small to put in there I will. Otherwise, just candy. One year I bought the package of the mini bottles of cologne and wrapped each one individually. One year he got me cute cat and dog pencils and neat ink pens. Just silly stuff like that. :p
This year he will be getting Almond Rocha candy and his main gift will be in his stocking - a gift card. Boring, but oh well.

12-16-2008, 04:52 PM
Thanks for the replies!

My family and I still exchange stockings, and when I started dating my bf two years ago, I sewed him a stocking and filled it for him as well.

Our stockings are usually filled with things like toiletries (fave shampoo, soaps and bubble bath, toothepaste, etc), socks, undies, candy, and any small stuff.. like this year I got my bf a wine bottle thermometre.. little things like that. Sometimes I will put in a CD as well.

I remember talking about stockings in school one time and I was shocked that not everyone wrapped their stocking stuffers - opening stockings is always so much fun!! :D

12-16-2008, 05:25 PM
Because we are German we do not use stockings instead we use plates. They are called Bunta-tella (sic) the meaning is colorful plates.
Santa leaves an orange, red apple, green pear and lots of candies, M&M, chocolate coins, beautiful wrapped chocolates are a German/ Swiss/France tradtion. The plates are piled high with all kinds of chocolate goodies and on Christmas morning we munch and munch while we spend hours opening the gifts. We take our time opening the gifts, thanking each other and going over memories. Each person takes a turn and there is usually a photo taken of each gift being opened. We finished around noon. Then it's clean up time, shower time and I head into the kitchen for the guests will soon arrive for the Christmas party and the merryment continues long into the night. I cook and bake and bake and cook the day before and the day off. When all is said and done I am one tired elf and one blessed one as well. This year we are having Chrismtas in Jan again as that is when Mike can come home.

12-16-2008, 05:25 PM
We all have stockings, but we never had any stocking stuffers. I once got a little lego thing in it, but that was it. We never did anything like that. Sassy got Greenies(the love of her life) and treats in hers EVERY year though LOL. She also always got a toy, she would play with it for one day and the next day never touch it again!

12-16-2008, 05:28 PM
My parents usely put lip gloss in mine and candy in mine and my brothers.

12-16-2008, 05:57 PM
Usually I get candy, dollars, lipgloss, shower gel, notepads, perfume, and some other little gifts. I usually find it in my room, christmas morning when I wake up. To have something to open until later when my parents wake up and the family comes over to open all the presents.

Everything in them are usually just little things.

12-16-2008, 06:29 PM
I never heard of the apple or orange thing!

We always get silly little things like the Lifesaver's book or packs of gum. We also get new toothbrushes, socks, deoderant. Such exciting things!

Cameron found his stash of stocking stuffers. It was only a fake Rubics Cube and some stickers. But he was soooo excited. I told him that he found some Christmas gifts grandmom had bought him... you shold have seen how big his eyes got. He asked if he could please have them now. Of course grandmom can't refuse him.

12-16-2008, 06:49 PM
We always, always got a tangerine in the toe, then usually peanuts in the "foot" part, then toys and stuff in the upright part. Not much candy, usually, and the things weren't wrapped, just stuffed into the sock as is!

12-16-2008, 07:07 PM
I will post some pics of my stockings later, maybe others might want to do that, mine are just for decoration these days, the only one that has anything in it is Nikkita's one.

Does anyone have an advent calendar, i have had one for Melissa for some years now, and i put little chocolate santas,ladybugs, and gold coins in it, i thought since she was now 16 i would not bother this year, but she still wanted it, i guess you never grow tired of chocolate, i said do i have to keep filling it up until you are 40 jokingly, she grinned, I guess if i am still alive i will lol.:):D

I also have this cute pink glass heart which every year i used to put a special piece of jewellery in it, and hang on the xmas tree, that is before i had all the kitties, no more xmas trees these days,too tempting for them,but Melissa has her own taste now, so i have stopped doing that.

We also have two xmas scratchies each to see if we can win ten thousand dollars each,oh if only we could.

Anyhow will post pics later when i figure how to get them on here. cheers.:)

Suki Wingy
12-17-2008, 02:16 AM
Yes, we have advent calendars every year. My mom buys the ones that are just cardboard with a little piece of chocolate in each window. I remember one year I had one with a whole bunch of little things in it, there was candy and toys, and wood statues to paint.

I've never heard of anyone getting toiletries or wrapping the gifts before.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-17-2008, 04:05 AM
No "stocking tradition" here! Our presents are all wrapped, and under the tree. We open them during Christmas Eve, in between dinner.

Killearn Kitties
12-17-2008, 05:52 AM
Always a tangerine and a coin of some sort in the toe, and filled up with small toys. I don't specifically remember sweeties being in there, although there may have been something. The stocking presents weren't wrapped, although they are now. Yes, my mum still gives me a stocking - she insists, I don't!

For the record, it is not full of toys any more. Usually it features toiletries, sweets, cat-related bits and pieces, that kind of thing.

12-17-2008, 11:00 AM
Since this is my first Christmas with Daniel we're starting our own traditions this year. :) I have a bunch of little things wrapped to put in his stocking.

My mom still always wraps up some little stuff (bookmarks, candy, etc) to put in our stockings at her house too. :)

12-17-2008, 01:15 PM
In my family, (on my mom's side) all of the grandchildren (and there's a lot of us!) usually get those little chocolate coins, you know, the ones wrapped in eathier gold or silver foil. We also usually get randome little things in our stockings as well... such a jewelry, bobby pins, little notebooks, and almost always get a calander.:)

12-17-2008, 02:15 PM
Here's a pic of my stockings,you can press the mouse ones paw and it plays xmas music, this one i am keeping to give to my first grandchild, when-ever that will be lol,and you can see nikkita's one with her neon mice in it. And a pic of the advent calendar, hope everyone will post theirs too.:)

12-18-2008, 01:03 PM
Some years we wrap them, some we don't. Lately we've been dropping our gift cards into stockings along with candy. :)