View Full Version : I am so mad right now.....

12-14-2008, 08:19 PM
please folks help calm me down, let me explain, i have just been up the road, around the corner about four houses down from where i live, i went for a bit of retail therapy,and on the way back at this particular house, which has been having loud party's until three in the morning on a fairly regular basis, I see two people i hoped never to set eyes on again.

This is the woman and her daughter who let Ellie-Mae and Nikkita and other cats breed continuously, neglected them, feed them when she felt like it, never cared a dam about them, there were starving cats and kittens everywhere,and you guessed it she has a cat there, and i have heard a dog barking as well.This is the poor excuse for a human being, who let one of the kittens suffer terribly and never admitted to it being one of my now furbabies, babies,who also abandoned them and one more kitty, Toby, which was Ellie's son, who i managed to re-home to a farm, as he was attacking Ash and I simply could not afford anymore.

I am so stressed and so angry right now i think i might explode, I cannot take the stress of this woman being in my neighbour hood again, i am so worried she will let this cat breed and it starts all over again, and nothing can be done about her that is what really gets to me.

I just glared at her, believe me i wanted to go up and punch her lights out, but i know better than that.

I cannot believe her gaul to turn up here again after three years and be so close to me, now i know she is there, every time there is a party i am going to ring noise control and complain, so hopefully they will kick her out eventually,but i am not holding my breath.

I know this is going to eat away at me,and i don't know how to stop myself thinking about what might happen, and I feel really unhappy, i just want to leave my neighbour hood, but of course that is not at all possible.

I really want to give her a piece of my mind, but i won't do that, i just have to never go around the corner,luckily i don't go walking that way much anymore, now i certainly won't be if i can help it.

I really don't know what to do.:(:mad::mad::mad:honestly i feel like bawling my eyes out right now.

12-14-2008, 09:31 PM
Oh Carole, I am so sorry. I don't even know what to tell you. You have enough going on right now. Please don't let these "people" get the best of you. Just do as you said you would and call if/when they have the loud parties. Sorry, I'm not much help.

12-15-2008, 12:29 PM
Hey thank you for caring enough to reply, it does help, i was like a firecracker yesterday ready to explode,I am much calmer now, although i did not sleep that well, nothing new there, but was thinking about it all, at the time,which was like three years ago, the whole situation i found extremely stressful, and i don't want a repeat of it all again.,it caused me a lot of grief and unhappiness at the time, and why I have so much respect for people who do cat rescuing on a daily basis, i am in awe of them.

Hubby put it into perspective for me, saying she was probably just visiting, i never gave that a thought, but honestly it looked more like she was leaving her house for the day,this is a woman who cares for people in her job, can you imagine it ,she cannot even take proper care of a kitty,anyhow i am holding on to that thought and keeping away from her house period.

My girlfriend say's i have every right to bowl up to her house and give her what for, after what she did, but i just don't want to go there, i can do without the aggro in my life especially right now.,my mother is my main concern at the moment.

It justs brings it all back, this woman is a cruel,sore excuse for a human being, yet she comes across as nice as pie,honestly i am not a hateful person, but i truly can say I do hate her,for what she did to my beautiful girls,and i wish her nothing but bad karma,maybe i will learn voodoo, lol,thanks for listening to my venting, but i know coming to my friends at PT ,they will understand and have probably been there themselves in one way or another.

Daisy and Delilah
12-15-2008, 12:54 PM
I can imagine that this is drving you crazy, Carole. I also have neighbors that have pets. They don't know how to take care of them and they don't care about them. It makes me physically sick every time I have to deal with them. Irresponsible people need to be herded into an area and treated just like they treat their pets. It's a terrible tragedy!!

I'm so sorry. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}:(:mad::(:mad:

12-15-2008, 01:00 PM
Thanks ,sadly i knew there would be many who could relate to this situation, i just never thought she would show her face around here again, some people have such a nerve,still i have the satisfaction of knowing I saved many kittens and my two beautiful girls from a life of further misery,and that makes it all worthwhile,but i just don't want to go there again,here's hoping it was just a visit and nothing more.

When i got home i cuddled my girls so tightly, i guess i felt threatened by her presence again, i know the girls are mine, and she would never want them back, but it just makes you feel uneasy, as i said to hubby over my dead body would she ever get them back.

Here is a pic of Nikki when that woman had her, i had just had her spayed, she was starved,had tons of kittens,never de-flead,de-wormed,vaccinated or loved in anyway, think you can see a tad of a difference.,the photo actually makes her look better than she really was, Ellie-Mae was not much better either, a little more meat on her bones, but not much, and her coat was very coarse, she has that type of coat, but now it is soft and lovely to pat.

12-15-2008, 01:33 PM
All I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for caring and taking these babies in.

12-15-2008, 01:37 PM
Believe me when I say they are the most beautiful kitty's, they have brought so much joy into my life,they have great purssonalitys. I also had help from a very special PT member Lisa,without her help I could not have done it.:love:

12-15-2008, 01:44 PM
Carole, it's so sad that some people treat animals like dirt, but we can only do what we do, try to save them - and at the right moment, try to educate people.

We have some residents in our building who also don't have a clue. Just this afternoon I had a chat with a woman in the laundrette about her cat, who she lets sit in the window, body half way out - she lives 3 floors up, and the cat is now 12 years old. There are bicycles under, so if the cat slipped, that would be the end. :(

I hope the woman you mentioned is only visting someone, and no more cats will suffer because of her.

Could you report her to an animal organisation, perhaps?


12-15-2008, 02:41 PM
Oh Carole, what a horrendous situation. I don't blame you for being so upse! I would be the same.

Here's hoping she was just visiting. Meanwhile, stay away from that house as much as you can, and if they keep having loud parties in the middle of the night, report them every time. Maybe they'll get tired of being harassed by the authorities and move away! (One can dream.. )

God bless you for saving your two beautiful girls and Toby!

12-15-2008, 03:06 PM
Carole, I can easily imagine how you must have felt, just seeing her again.

For now, there is no issue that you know of, and no reason to get tied up in knots. There WAS a problem, you helped solve it. Just hold on to that: There is NOT an issue now. It is not easy, I know.

Wonder where the nearest voo doo class is?? :D

I saw this on a bumper sticker last week:
Animal abusers should be neutered and spayed.

So, you know how, if you have to speak in front a group of people, they tell ya to just picture everyone in their underwear? Well, just picture her recovering from "being spayed," and out of commission to do any more harm for now.


12-15-2008, 03:41 PM
Thanks for making me laugh freedom, i needed that, i reckon one of these days she will get her's, just wish i was around to see it.

You are right i need to chill a bit and not get tied up in knots about it all, but that is easier said than done,however i have decided just to stay away from around the corner, i really have no need to go there,it just infuriates me to think she has the nerve to show her face around here again, i sure hope i don't find little kittens turning up on my doorstep in the future, then i will know it is her doing.

Oh and i will be ringing noise control every time from now on,should have done it anyhow,not just because she might be living there.

Randi there is nothing that can be done, i reported her to the SPCA, about the injured young cat, which was one of my dear furbabies kittens,(before i rescued them) they came around and could do nothing, she denied it was anything to do with her, cats are not registered like dogs, so you can just say it isn't mine and they cannot touch you.,even though the daughter had admitted to us it was her mothers cat's kitten.

She did not care that is suffered, it had horrendous back leg injuries,blood seeping out and getting infected,I managed to rescue it, sadly it had to be put to sleep,but at least it was not suffering anymore. I will never forget it's little face looking up at me, i felt so bad, as i knew it's young life was over, it still cuts me up today thinking of it, and to think it was my sweet girl's baby too, knowing them as I do , and how lovely they are, it really hurt to do what i had to do, sadly the kitten was feral too, as that woman never did anything with the kittens, just left the starving mums to take care of them, she did not give a toss.

Ok got that out of my system, it just brings it all back again, and it hurts thinking about it all, but i will be ok, thanks my friends, it means alot to me to read your kind words and support.