View Full Version : Are they just stupid?

12-12-2008, 02:06 PM
Grrr.... Ashley has a new boyfriend (nothing new there, she's got a new one every other week :rolleyes: ) Anyway, when the boyfriend is into something, she is into it too. I swear if she started dating a religious guy, she'd become the biggest Bible thumper in town. Right now, he's a big gun person and hunter. So all of the sudden, she's into goping to the shooting range, hunting, generally all gun-ho about guns (pun intended ;))

I'm not mad about the whole gun thing, really, I'm not. If she wants to learn about guns, then I'm glad she's taking time to learn how to shoot 'em too. What I don't like is how they are teaching Cameron to shoot the cats and Callie!!! :mad: :eek: :mad: I heard the boyfriend call the cats "target practice" a couple times. Next time he says anything like that, he'll be told he's no lnger welcome in my house. Of course, that will only make our strained relationship with Ashley even more strained.... but we're teaching Cameron to love and respect animals, NOT that they are disposable things.

Can they be any more stupid? I was thinking of posting this thread all morning, then while my computer was booting up, Cameron was saying "pow-pow" and aiming the gun at Allen. :mad: I took the gun away and told him if I ever saw him shoot a cat again, the gun would be thrown away. Now I have a devastated little boy who doesn't understand what he did so wrong to make grandmom so mad. :(

12-12-2008, 02:14 PM
Grrr.... Ashley has a new boyfriend (nothing new there, she's got a new one every other week :rolleyes: ) Anyway, when the boyfriend is into something, she is into it too. I swear if she started dating a religious guy, she'd become the biggest Bible thumper in town. Right now, he's a big gun person and hunter. So all of the sudden, she's into goping to the shooting range, hunting, generally all gun-ho about guns (pun intended ;))

I'm not mad about the whole gun thing, really, I'm not. If she wants to learn about guns, then I'm glad she's taking time to learn how to shoot 'em too. What I don't like is how they are teaching Cameron to shoot the cats and Callie!!! :mad: :eek: :mad: I heard the boyfriend call the cats "target practice" a couple times. Next time he says anything like that, he'll be told he's no lnger welcome in my house. Of course, that will only make our strained relationship with Ashley even more strained.... but we're teaching Cameron to love and respect animals, NOT that they are disposable things.

Can they be any more stupid? I was thinking of posting this thread all morning, then while my computer was booting up, Cameron was saying "pow-pow" and aiming the gun at Allen. :mad: I took the gun away and told him if I ever saw him shoot a cat again, the gun would be thrown away. Now I have a devastated little boy who doesn't understand what he did so wrong to make grandmom so mad. :(

I am surpirsed she would even be interested in anyone that would do that to a cat, even if pertending. I would for sure lay down the law about that.

12-12-2008, 02:22 PM
Yowza!! Something tells me this girl just needs a really swift, and hard, and multiple, kicks in the behind! What is she thinking teaching Cameron that kind of thing??? Is the boyfriend the kind of guy who really WOULD shoot cats and dogs and things like that?? If so, he's disturbed and shouldn't be around Cameron at all.

Oy... I do not envy your position at all, but you must have more patience than I would, because either I'd be out of there (with Cameron), or Ashely would be a goner. She really needs to get her act together.

12-12-2008, 02:46 PM
Oh no, there ARE limits and this is way beyond!

12-12-2008, 03:31 PM
this boy needs to respect YOUR home and YOUR pets... even if he doesnŽt likes them or if the calls them "target practice"... target practice his a$$.....:mad:

what a nerve....

you are a great grandma and IŽm sure heŽll hear from you... I know the least you want is more trouble with Ashley but as Sandie said.. there are limits and heŽs way off and Ash too.. "teaching" Cam that..

Laura's Babies
12-12-2008, 04:01 PM
Sounds to me like she don't know who SHE is! I use to date a guy like that, wanting to be whoever/however I wanted, suddenly loved everything I loved.. I didn't keep him around long at all....

I would strongly voice my thoughts to her about this gun thing and what they are teaching Cammeron and tell her in no uncertain terms that I would not have that in MY house.... and I would ask her does she really want Cammeron going around shooting peoples pets... Time for a reality check with her.

12-12-2008, 04:02 PM
I just wish your daughter had some sense in her to dump him, after what he's influenced the young boy! WHERE is she meeting these type of guys? :confused:

12-12-2008, 08:43 PM
WHERE is she meeting these type of guys? :confused:

Bars. Parties. Nice place for a 20 year old to hook up, eh?

At least Cameron is taking after grandmom and grandpop's care of animals rather than mom's. He is SO into taking good care of Pouncer.... if it wasn't for Cameron, I'd have totally forgotten to give Pouncer his antibiotics and steroids. Cameron reminds me, "Pouncer need medicine?"

He was reading over my shoulder as I posted this earlier. He noticed my Nicki siggie and said "That's Nicki!" and then asked where Nicki is. He's never asked before. I nearly cried trying to explain where she is. He understood heaven is a nice place and asked if he and grandpop could go there soon. I told him I hope not, because if you go, you can't come back to me. There's no easy way to explain that to a toddler.

I do think he thinks its all play (the whole gun thing) but my problem is that this guy HAS guns..... what if he was stupid enough to bring it in the house and Cameron got hold of it, and shot the cats for real?!?! Or shot himself!!!!!

The ironic thing was when I went into work today, my coworker's step-son was in trouble at school yesterday for guns... he mentioned something in class looked like a gun and got into trouble. The mother called her and accused her of watching gun-fighting shows, etc. Sigh... its not as easy as it was when we were kids, is it? I KNEW guns were play. They didn't look or sound real. You should see the gun he has! Anybody would think it was real. It even has a scope light!!

12-12-2008, 08:48 PM
Have you run the guys name for a criminal background check? Ild try and do it for you if I knew his name.

This guy does not need to be in your home and he makes a bad name for other legal gun owners.

Im glad your daughter is comfortable around firearms but maybe she should date a bowler.

12-12-2008, 09:24 PM
I would kick him out the first time! I'm sorry someone would even JOKE about that. Cameron WON'T know that stuff living with you, but this guy shouldn't hang around him if he's going to talk stupid like that. Great influence.

12-12-2008, 10:06 PM
Has her dad recovered enough to put his foot down yet?

HUGS and if she wants to date whoever she wants, she should find her own place.

Interesting she hasn't gone to live with any of them...

Prayers going your way.:love:

12-12-2008, 10:33 PM
Whats a
scope light!!?

12-12-2008, 10:44 PM
Isn't the scope what you look through? I'm thinking that she means it's lighted so you can see at night. Maybe infrared??

12-12-2008, 10:46 PM
Scope Light (http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/standard-pod-wrapped.jsp?id=0022029&navCount=0&parentId=cat601621&masterpathid=&navAction=push&cmCat=null-cat601621&parentType=index&indexId=cat601621&rid=&cmCat=netcon&cm_ven=netcon&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=scope%20light&cm_ite=netcon&rid=0180101070502)

12-12-2008, 10:51 PM
Scope Light (http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/standard-pod-wrapped.jsp?id=0022029&navCount=0&parentId=cat601621&masterpathid=&navAction=push&cmCat=null-cat601621&parentType=index&indexId=cat601621&rid=&cmCat=netcon&cm_ven=netcon&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=scope%20light&cm_ite=netcon&rid=0180101070502)

Thats Bubba worthy!!!

12-13-2008, 06:36 AM
If someone is brave, ie., stupid enough to even try to tell me a joke about cats that has to do w/harming them in any way or a joke that is anything other than cute, they get an education from me really quick! I don't understand why some people feel that violence against a cat is funny and I do believe that this is a large contributing factor to the heinous crimes that are committed against them every day. Case in point: the little kitten in NC that some teenage boys thought would make a great football and the poor little guy ended up losing a leg because of it.

This guy has danger written all over him. He's a stranger who has the potential to harm your family. I would forbid him to enter my home or be anywhere near anyone I love. Guns are not toys and to treat them so nonchalantly, especially to a child, is not only irresponsible, it's dangerous and could turn deadly. Your daughter needs to be made to understand the seriousness of this situation and the consequences of her lack of concern for her son's safety. This isn't an indictment of gun owners; I know several responsible gun owners and they would be appalled if they heard this story. Take control of this situation now before it becomes a life-long regret that you can never change.

Laura's Babies
12-13-2008, 07:41 AM
I have to ask how long she knows these guys before they are brought into your home? These days you have to be real careful WHO you invite into your home. There would be a rule that she can not bring every Tom, Dick and Harry she meets into MY home and I would certianlly be checking out anyone she wanted to bring in the house before they ever set a foot in my door. Hanging out with someone is one thing, bringing them into MY home is another ball game.

I forgot to ask if they gave Cammeron a toy gun? I wouldn't allow that either.

12-13-2008, 10:09 AM
I have a very strict "no gun" policy in my house and, even though I'm having a boy next, I will stand by that rule. Maybe squirt guns, but if they look like real guns, nope, they're not allowed in my house. I'm appauled that someone would teach a child to use a cat as target practice, if even just to mock. I already can't stand that guy Cam's mom is dating and I don't know anything else about him! That's just downright unacceptable and I can totally understand you being upset. I know you're in a tough situation with the tension between Ashley and yourself. This is a very tough situation. I know that I would be just as upset as you if my child were to pretend to shoot my cats or dogs, and I'd never allow anyone into my house if anyone DARED do that with my cats or dogs, BUT...if it involved family it's a whole other story. Wow. That just really stinks for you and I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this. We certainlly don't want Ashley being offended and flipping out and taking off with Cam. That would be terrible.

I'll add you to my prayers that the jerk takes off out of Ashley's life and that's the end of it.

12-13-2008, 10:56 AM
He's stepped WAAAAAY over the line telling Cameron that cats are target practice and I'd definitely put him in his place. It's your home. You have the right to throw his butt out. Knowing Ashley the way I do from all you've told us, she's gotta be out of her mind. Cameron is way to young to learn about guns, be near them or taught that it's okay to hurt litttle innocent animals. I'd send this jerk packing.

12-13-2008, 11:38 AM
Thats Bubba worthy!!!

Ya'll aint never been to a Cabela's afore?! Y'uns need to come to Pennsyltucky and visit one!

12-13-2008, 08:49 PM
My step-son was home this weekend and was appalled at the whole gun thing. He told Cameron he hates guns.... all of the sudden, Cameron no longer has any interest in the gun. His big uncle is one of his very favorite people, and its important to agree with what his favorite uncle thinks

I have no idea what Ashley thinks sometimes. I do know we're finally getting her into therapy. Hubby and I have been going for a while now. I bawled on thursday as I vented for an hour to the therapist. Hubby is bringing her to his appointment on the 23rd.... I'll be a complete nervous mess from now til then. :o Lets just pray she doesn't snowball the therapist the way she has everyone else.

I'll tell you one thing, the only thing I'll teach Cameron to shoot is pool ;)


12-13-2008, 09:02 PM
Kim, are you needing new pool table felt for Christmas? ;) That's one cute little pool shark you have there! :love:

I am so glad Ashley is going to therapy too. After what you and hubby have shared - and given the experience of therapists with client BS - I don't think Ashley is going to be fooling anyone at all!

Hooray for Uncle! :D

And hugs and prayers and hoorays for you and for hubby.

12-13-2008, 09:13 PM
Kim, are you needing new pool table felt for Christmas? ;) That's one cute little pool shark you have there! :love:
Oh goodness, that pool table has seen MANY better days. Its in my parent's basement, and has seen a good loooong life. Cameron didn't care what shape it was in. He had a BLAST. Once he understood you knocked the balls into the pockets, he refused help in knocking them in or retrieving them. He also insisted on using the wrong end of the stick.

You should have seen how confused he was when I asked him if he wanted to go play pool. He was confused that it would be in the house, AND that he wouldn't need to change into swimming trunks. :D