View Full Version : Logan is very sick - urinary blockage

12-12-2008, 11:45 AM
Update Page 5
Update and Pics Post #83
Video Post #87
Update Post #106
Logan's home! Update #127

Kia's finally better and now this... :(

Wednesday, while I was lying in bed watching TV, Logan came up to join me. (Zam and the pups were already there.) Logan started making strange meows that I'd never heard before. He didn't sound like he was in pain so I just figured he was "talking" at the dogs since he's still skittish around them and if they get to close to him, he hollars.

Thursday, he laid around the room, hardly moving. I found a gray colored vomit in the bathroom. When I went to leave for work, I found him in Chipper's bed. I walked towards him, saying "C'mon Logan", and usually he'll bolt out of the room, but he just laid there and meowed silently several times. I picked him up (which he let me do without a fuss - very not like him) and when I set him on the couch, he let out this pained howl. :(

I called Andy from work to tell him to keep an eye on Logan. He said he found more cat food vomit piles and that Logan was in Chipper's bed again. He was still there when I got home at 2:30 a.m. I shined a flashlight in his eyes and his eyes wouldn't dilate fully.

We put him in his room on the couch and this morning he was on the floor laying in the corner of the room. I called out his name and he didn't budge. I walked over to him and he still didn't move. I touched him and he let out a silent meow. I put him back on the couch and a few minutes later he was back on the floor in his hunched position. I put him in Chipper's bed and he just stood there. When I touched him, he fell over. :( He made no moves to "get comfortable". He just laid where he fell.

I was in the bathroom, and Logan very slowly walked in. He wobbles and is visibly unsteady on his feet. When he stopped (all hunched up) on the bath mat, he was shaking. I touched his head and he wobbled into a sit. A few more wobbles later, he lay in a hunched position. He's still there. I ran a bath (usually he'll bolt) and he just laid there.

The dogs have been practically trampling him and he just lays there. :( :( Something is very wrong.

He has a vet appointment at 3 p.m. Prayers that they can figure out what is wrong. :(


12-12-2008, 11:50 AM
Iīm really sorry.... two sick kids in a row... letīs hope is nothing serious and can be fixed easily...

sending healing vibes to Logan...

12-12-2008, 11:50 AM
Oh no, poor guy! We'll be thinking of him!

12-12-2008, 11:52 AM
Logan is one very sick baby! Prayers that it isn't anything serious. Be sure and let us know what the vet says this afternoon.


Killearn Kitties
12-12-2008, 11:54 AM
All our fingers and paws will be crossed for little Logan, and you!

12-12-2008, 11:54 AM
Oh, sweet boy - I sure hope it isn't something too serious. Keep us posted - we will worry with you.

12-12-2008, 12:17 PM
Poor sweetheart. :( Big prayers on the way.

Cinder & Smoke
12-12-2008, 12:35 PM
< brrring >

Herrow, GOD??

Hi God - we gotz a RED ALert down here onna Durt Ball >>>
Kimmy & Andy's LOGAN Kat - feelin really *sicklie*. :(

Kan you roust out Tubby & Peanut fur a Silver Klowd Flight?
We need You in Misch-e-Gan fur a 3:00 a-klok White Coat appointment.
Please bring da Big Book.

Oh, and THANKS fur helpin Kia to feelin better and *eatin* again ...
We're all Prayin You kan do sumpin similar fur Logan.

And kan You spare a {{{God'sHug}}} fur Kimmy & Andy?

/s/ the Prayer Pups

Feel BETTER SOON, Logan!! ;)

12-12-2008, 12:43 PM
:( Oh no this is sad & does not sound good at all.. Do you think one of the dogs bit his back or sat on him hard?? Poor wittle baby.. Sending Healing Vibes & Prayers..

12-12-2008, 12:48 PM
That's very worrying. I'm sending my best wishes and will keep the paws crossed!

12-12-2008, 12:49 PM
Thanks guys. :love: I'm really scared. After my bath I found he had flopped onto his side. It didn't look like he was breathing. :eek: I touched him and he opened his eyes and silent meowed. I noticed he's been drooling. The fur on his bottom lip is all crusted over.


I just put him on the big bed because I think that's more comfortable than a bath mat.

lvpets, there appear to be no open wounds and only when I touch his hip area does he cry at times. He'll let me pet his back with no complaints and he doesn't cry when I pick him up. He hunches so he won't let me touch his belly.

12-12-2008, 12:51 PM
:eek: Oh no no Now do you think he could have eaten a plant or something bad?? I would be getting this baby to a Vet Now..

12-12-2008, 12:54 PM
oh my!
I hope you find what's wrong!
many prayers on the way!

12-12-2008, 12:55 PM
No plants in the house. It's just a mystery. I'm trying to think of what he could of gotten into.

Cinder & Smoke
12-12-2008, 12:57 PM
I'm really scared.
After my bath I found he had flopped onto his side.
It didn't look like he was breathing. :eek:
I touched him and he opened his eyes and silent meowed.

I noticed he's been drooling. The fur on his bottom lip is all crusted over.


I just put him on the big bed because I think that's more comfortable than a bath mat.

He hunches so he won't let me touch his belly.

Kimmy ~~~

Don't waste time - wrap him up and GO to the VETs - NOW!

With any luck, the'll take one look and make room for him as soon as you get there.

PRAYING for Logan!

12-12-2008, 12:57 PM
:o Well the only thing is one of your dogs was not well on the 9th & throwing up stuff.. Well do you think there is some relation to your kitty being sick now?? Just a thought..
No plants in the house. It's just a mystery. I'm trying to think of what he could of gotten into.

12-12-2008, 12:58 PM
Yep, I'm going. I 'tented' his skin. He's dehydrated.

12-12-2008, 01:02 PM
I just saw this on your LJ.. I'm so glad you are going right now. This sounds very very serious.. you and Logan are in my prayers. Please let us know. :love::love::love:

12-12-2008, 01:05 PM
Prayers for Logan coming from all the gang here in Delaware.

12-12-2008, 01:06 PM
And from the whole Thomas herd here in PA......

Scooter's Mom
12-12-2008, 01:09 PM
Prayers for Logan from me too. I sure hope he's ok.

12-12-2008, 01:10 PM
poor baby... my best wishes for fast recovery for whatever he has

Ginger's Mom
12-12-2008, 01:55 PM
How very scary. Prayers going out for Logan. Is it possible the furkids have found something poisionous to eat that has been long hidden? I hope everything works out well today.

12-12-2008, 01:57 PM
{{Thinking of you guys!}}

12-12-2008, 02:17 PM
Poor Logan! I hope the vet can figure out what is wrong. That sounds really serious, I just hope it's not. Poor little guy!

Thoughts and prayers on the way for your little shy guy.

12-12-2008, 02:24 PM
I agree - get him there NOW! PLEASE!

He needs an xray ASAP!

12-12-2008, 02:34 PM
Poor Logan, it sure sounds serious. I hope the vet can figure it out quickly.

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way.

Cinder & Smoke
12-12-2008, 02:34 PM

Yup, poor Logan's a Sick Kitty! :(

Initial diagnosis is a Urinary Blockage (very full Bladder, and unable to urinate
with pressure applied) means RED Alert with surgery required.

Arrangements are made at MSU (Michigan State University / Veterinary Teaching Hospital
/ Emergency & Critical Care Medicine) and Kimmy + Logan are driving
over there now.

No doubt they'll try a catheter insertion first;
but the possibility of Major Surgery is present.

Kimmy will call in a Progress Report as the situation develops at MSU.

Kimmy Kids have had Great Success with MSU's Vet Staff - They pulled
Kia AND Chipper out of death's grasp when things seemed pretty bleak ---
Send a few Purrayers for Logan that They Do It Again!

Hang IN There, Logan!! ;)

{{{HUGS}}} to Kimmy!!

12-12-2008, 02:39 PM
Just seeing this thread. Prayers for Logan from all of us here. Hugs Kimmy. Prayers that the white coats can help Logan quickly!

smokey the elder
12-12-2008, 02:43 PM
Poor Logan! I hope that he can be sorted out. That blockage is scary.

12-12-2008, 02:43 PM
Is this going to be very expensive? I am so broke this holiday as I don't have a job, but if there is anyway I could help.. I could donate maybe something small??

12-12-2008, 02:44 PM
Oh my -thanks for the update Phred! Prayers for Logan coming and ((((hugs)))) for you Kimmy!

12-12-2008, 02:51 PM
Oh no- poor poor Logan! Hope all goes well- he seems to be in good hands.

Cinder & Smoke
12-12-2008, 02:56 PM
3:40 pm at MSU ...

Yup, He's :eek: *blocked* and full ... :(

He's now "in the back" for the un-plugging procedure.
He'll be sedated and a catheter inserted to hopefully break up the blockage and
allow the backed up urine to flow out.
The Doc will come back to talk to Kimmy after the initial procedure.

At this point it could be either a mucus plug or either of two types of "crystals"
that are stopping up the plumbing.

Stand by for the next update.
... And PRAY!

12-12-2008, 02:56 PM
THANKS, PHRED! They got him just in time. Poor Logan!

I know they can get him fixed up - is it a Univ teaching hosp?

I hope the rates are ok, and that I can help, even a little bit!

PT Prayers for Logan!

12-12-2008, 03:07 PM
Poor Logan :( I'm so sorry you guys are having to go through this. It sounds very scary AND expensive and I'm praying that Logan will get unblocked with the catheter.

Lots of prayers are coming at 'ya from TX. I hope Logan's OK.

12-12-2008, 03:21 PM
Oh my, I am just seeing this. I hope everything works out fine.

12-12-2008, 03:24 PM

12-12-2008, 03:32 PM
Several of my kitties over the years have had urinary issues...You name it, and we've been through it. Hopefully this can be solved, treated, and Logan will recover...:)

12-12-2008, 03:40 PM
:( Aweee poor wittle Logan.. At least the Vet found the problem.. I sure hope this baby is much better soon.. Bigg Huggss & Prayers

12-12-2008, 03:54 PM
Thanks for the updates Phred. I've been worried about Kimmy and Logan so I thought I would check in here to see what's going on. I hope everything goes well with the catheter and they can figure out what caused the blockage and fix it! More healing vibes and prayers on the way for Logan and of course **hugs** for Kimmy!

12-12-2008, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the updates Phred. After having a scare earlier this week with Decker peeing blood I can kind of relate to this. I sure hope they are able to unblock him and it's the best scenario for poor little Logan.

12-12-2008, 04:30 PM
Prayers still on the way, poor kittyboy!

12-12-2008, 04:39 PM
Poor Logan.:( He sounds so sick. I hope the Drs can fix him up soon.
Prayers for the little guy.

12-12-2008, 04:59 PM
Hoping for a good update soon!

12-12-2008, 05:54 PM
Hey guys! Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers! Keep em coming! :love:

They were able to successfully get a catheter in and remove the blockage and drain his bladder. She said she didn't see much mucus so it's potentially crystals we're dealing with.

They will be x-raying him tonight to look for bladder stones. His kidney and potassium levels are very high so he's still there on fluids and antibiotics while being monitored.

If all goes well, Logan can come home Sunday or Monday.

They said he might develop a blockage again someday, but that we can cross that bridge when we get there. Since Logan is a relatively healthy cat with no prior illnesses, they feel it might be an isolated incident. They did mention the surgery to rework his plumbing, but felt it wasn't needed right at this moment in time.

I got to see him before I left. Poor guy is so out of it. His cage has a sign that says 'Semi Feral'. Hope he minds his manners when the sedatives wear off!

Kona & Oreo's mom
12-12-2008, 05:58 PM
I'm so sorry that Logan is sick, but it is great that you were able to get the problem diagnosed and treated so quickly. Let's hope he recovers quickly, too.

Poor little boy--we'll keep him in our thoughts!

12-12-2008, 06:04 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Logan not feeling wel. :( I hope they make him all better.

Prairie Purrs
12-12-2008, 06:09 PM
So glad to hear that they were able to remove the blockage successfully! I hope Logan can come home soon and that the plumbing stays clear.

Cinder & Smoke
12-12-2008, 06:15 PM
I've been replaced. :(

With GOOD NEWS!! :)

Since Logan is a relatively healthy cat with no prior illnesses,
they feel it might be an isolated incident.

They did mention the surgery to rework his plumbing,
but felt it wasn't needed right at this moment in time.

We'll pray he goes plug-free.
Will he get the special "Urinary Diet" food?

Be sure to remember his *symptoms* ... and *watch* for them in the future.

And lest we forget ...


12-12-2008, 06:52 PM
Oh boy, yes, a great big THANKS, GOD, for watching out for our Logan, and for Kimmy as she was driving him up there!

I am guessing you weren't nearly as worried driving back home, knowing the diagnosis and that he is going to be fine. ;) Continued prayers for his recovery. Great news!

12-12-2008, 06:54 PM
I know they can get him fixed up - is it a Univ teaching hosp?

I hope the rates are ok, and that I can help, even a little bit!

PT Prayers for Logan!

Candace, MSU - Michigan State University - has a fabulous Vet School! Our Grady spent a couple of days there a few years back with a badly broken leg. They called with updates more than any 'hooman' hospital would have. We are so lucky to have this place close by.

Logan is in the best possible place for treatment.

12-12-2008, 06:59 PM
If it's crystals, it can be remedied with a food change, but they have to know what kind of crystals to find out what's the right kind of food. Smudge had struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) crystals, and was put on c/d, which he thinks is delicious, and hasn't had any urinary trouble since.

There's a joint supplement called Cosequin which also strengthens the inside of the urinary tract, to keep irritations from escalating into blockages.

Love, Columbine

12-12-2008, 07:26 PM
First, let me offer my prayers to Logan to get through this! At the vet is the best place he can be right now.

I went through this with Dakky, nearly exactly one year ago. I knew, knew, KNEW something was wrong the minute I walked in the door, and we rushed to the ER vet. They nearly sent us home that night, and sadly, Dakky would have died. Daks was completely blocked, and though they unblocked him, he blocked again. It was a total stroke of luck that the vet did an ultra sound and discovered the crystals. I can't tell you how many times I thanked God that for whatever reason, I asked for a scan.

Daks had the surgery (PU), and it was a success. I still watch him like a hawk, and he does have some "dribbles" from time to time. He is on CD only, and I put some wet CD and water down every day to increase his liquid- which is key.

I would really encouage you to keep a hawk-eye on Logan, and don't delay a return trip.

Good luck, and keep the updates coming.

12-12-2008, 07:44 PM
Grace, I figured it was a teaching hosp, and they are the best! I was mainly hoping that the costs would not be as high as they might be at a regular vet.

PRAYERS that Logan heals up soon!

Semi-Feral? What's with that? ;) "Feistiness" will be a sure sign of health!:)

12-12-2008, 08:34 PM
Just got off the phone with MSU. He is awake, walking around, talking! ;) , and seems to be recovering well.

His X-rays came back showing NO stones. YAY!!! :D

They will run a urine culture everyday to check for infection. With luck, he'll be home soon. :)

12-12-2008, 08:41 PM
Whew!! What wonderful news! I know how relieved you are. We all are:).

12-12-2008, 08:42 PM
No stones, great news! And he's up and around, too. Wonderful!

12-12-2008, 08:42 PM
YAAAY! Didn't they let him talk into the receiver? Moms need to hear their babies! :love::D

What great news!

If he needs a new type of food, Royal Canin seems to be a brand most cats like the flavour of.

It is a bit more money - but when I think about the month I spent with Oscar with his bladder infection (very few crystals), I think about the money I am saving with the good food. I measure it, too; that helps!

I hope he can come home soon, and we can see happy Logan pics! :)

12-12-2008, 11:12 PM
Yea for Logan! That is so wonderful they were able to remove the blockage and get sweet Logan feeling better :D Hopefully he will be happy and at home in no time. I would definitely talk to you vet about specialty food. My Baby had a similar problem, and once we put him on special food, he didn't have any urinary tract problems at all. Good luck to you guys! :D:D:D

12-13-2008, 12:04 AM
Oh my gosh, I just read all four pages and I couldn't wait to get to the end with the good update! I'm so glad he got the help he needed, that situation can turn deadly in hours. I'm sure he's feeling a million times better now that he doesn't have a full bladder even though he's just been through surgery.
Prayers that he will be home with you soon. :love:

Cinder & Smoke
12-13-2008, 12:36 AM
His cage has a sign that says 'Semi Feral'.
Hope he minds his manners when the sedatives wear off!


The Badge of Courage - the *STICKER* on your file! :D

So, what'd he do to earn the "Semi Feral" designation? :confused:

12-13-2008, 01:04 AM
What good news! If his problems involve crystals in his urine, then I suspect a dietary change will be recommended. We've had two of our cats over the years with urinary/kidney issues, and both times a special kidney diet food was recommended, and did help. My parents also have a neutered male kitty who has had urinary/kidney problems, and after they put him on the special diet, he hasn't had a problem.

Hopefully, with monitoring and preventative care, this won't happen again.:)

12-13-2008, 05:04 AM
I'm glad to hear Logan is feeling better- and that his X-ray shows no stones!
Tigris had an attack of that iFLUTD (I remember the i meaning idiopathic because there is no known reason to it) 3 years ago during the Christmas days. It came back one time after 2 months and then never again. Hope it is the same with Logan kitty:)
Of course you'll watch Logan just as we watch Tigris now- but there is a good chance he'll stay healthy.

12-13-2008, 07:06 AM
What a great update on Logan - and hopefully he'll be home soon. Sure sounds like he's ready! :)

12-13-2008, 08:05 AM
Gosh, what a scare, but I'm glad to hear Logan is recovering now. You know, Fister was blocked with struvite crystals about three times. Even though he was on a strict Hills S/D diet, he still blocked up 2-3 months later, so he finally had the big operation. I hope Logan won't block up again.

Get better Logan, your mom and dad are waiting anxiously for you come home. :)

12-13-2008, 11:20 AM
I wasn't on PT yesterday so I'm just now seeing this thread.:o I'm so sorry that he became blocked :( but I'm so glad that you took him to the vet and got him the help that he needed. I'm glad that he's doing well and that he's unblocked now and doesn't have stones.:) I hope he'll continue to do well. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

Storm went through this 2 times even though he was put on a special diet. The second time they couldn't catheterize him because he had a lot of scar tissue so he had to have PU surgery the next day. That was when he was about 8 years old and he'll soon be 13 years old. He's now eating Innova Evo and as long as I make sure that he gets plenty of canned food mixed with water every day both my regular vet and holistic vet said that this food is good for him. Hopefully Logan will never block again or have any urinary tract problems.

12-13-2008, 02:22 PM
Poor Logan - I hope he's feeling a little better. Being sick is not fun at any time and such discomfort for the little guy is just plain nasty. Please give him lots of hugs and kisses - a little comfort goes a long way:)

12-13-2008, 02:42 PM
Hey All!!

MSU just called again. They still have the catheter in Logan so as not to risk another block right away. He's been alert and friendly with the staff. :) He isn't eating though which bothers them but I suggested they try tuna if they can. Logan :love: 's tuna.

His kidney, electolyte and potassium levels have come down considerably but he's still not at 100%.

They'll call again later tonight with another update. Thanks for all the prayers! :love:

Phred, my vet knew Logan was feral when I took him in, so I imagine she passed on that information to MSU. I also reiterated the fact because he's so scared of strangers I didn't want to risk the chance of him biting them and them being unaware. Thankfully he's being a good boy. :)

12-13-2008, 02:47 PM
For those asking why they put the SEMI FERAL sign on his cage, it's because he is. He lived out in the forest for an entire year before Kim captured him. She's had him around 5 years now I think, and he's still very skittish. If any family or friends come over, he runs and hides and will stay there the whole time they are over. He has gotten way better over the years compared to how he was originally, but even now he doesn't always even let Kim approach him.

Plus he has all his claws and has gashed Kim up a few times, once requiring hospital care, remember that story from years ago? :rolleyes: So yeah, I believe the "semi feral" thing applies for the safety of the animal hospital staff.

Cinder & Smoke
12-13-2008, 03:33 PM
For those asking why they put the SEMI FERAL sign on his cage, it's because he is.
He lived out in the forest for an entire year before Kim captured him.

... he has all his claws and has gashed Kim up a few times, once requiring hospital care ...

How is he with routine Nail Trimming?

A suggestion:
They'll probably *sedate* him to remove the catheter ...
Ask 'em to give him a really SHORT Nail Clip while he's under sedation -
He'll have nice SHORT Nails and there won't be much risk of having a
MAD :mad: Kat during the trim.

Hope he eats enough today to get his Home Again Pass tomorrow.

Glad things are lookin *UP*!

12-13-2008, 03:38 PM
It sounds like the vet is on top of things with him, and I am also glad that he's cooperating. Working with cats that have been feral can be a real challenge, but Logan likely understands that the vet and the staff are trying to help him. It's amazing how animals can sense that.

Anyway, hopefully Logan will continue to improve and he'll make a full recovery. Fingers crossed!!:)

12-13-2008, 06:20 PM
I's so glad to hear he is improving, and I pray he eats and gets the all clear to come home soon!

Maybe he will eat better when he's at home again.

Hugs to precious Logan, and bless the vets for looking after him so well.

12-13-2008, 07:15 PM
I'm glad to hear that Logan's doing well and hopefully he'll start eating soon.:)

You're very lucky that he's being nice to the vet and staff. I used to have a cat named Cirrus who also became blocked and had the PU surgery. He was also semi-feral but I couldn't even pick him up. I warned everyone at my vet's office but my vet learned the hard way.

My vet went by his office to give Cirrus his meds on his day off but Cirrus was able to get his e-collar off and he bit my vet in the crotch area.:eek: He then jumped off of the table and ran around the vets office. When I went to pick him up the next day they were so happy to get rid of him and everyone was terrified of him. He also wouldn't eat much and he'd hiss and growl like a wild cat at them. No one could even believe that I had him as a pet in my home.

Cirrus was also very young when he became blocked and he had struvite crystals. My vet thought that it may have been caused by stress. Storm and Cirrus didn't get along so Cirrus was always under a lot of stress. It's interesting that both Storm and Cirrus were the cats that had urinary tract blockage.

I also forgot to mention that Storm's surgeon said that his urethra opening was very small so it was only a matter of time before he became blocked. Hopefully Logan will never have to experience this kind of thing again.

12-13-2008, 07:31 PM
They actually trimmed his nails when he was sedated on Friday. :) At home, I have to calmly approach him, then I scruff him and Andy snips the nails.

12-13-2008, 07:34 PM
Give my little fur nephew a kiss and head scritch from me. Glad he's doing better.

12-14-2008, 01:56 PM
MSU called and left a message this afternoon. Logan ate last night! His urine output is good as well. They ran a blood test to check his kidney levels again. Those results will be in later today.

Fingers and paws crossed that he can come home tomorrow. :) :love:

Cinder & Smoke
12-14-2008, 02:14 PM
Good News ~ He *ATE*!! :D

With the *Ins* and *Outs* back to normal - won't they kick him loose TODAY?

He'd probably be a HAPPIER Kampur back in the apartment among Family & Friends. ;)

12-14-2008, 02:18 PM
This sounds great- I am sure Logan will soon be back and just his old self :)

12-14-2008, 02:47 PM
This sounds great- I am sure Logan will soon be back and just his old self :)

That's what we're afraid of. Kim said she's hoping his exposure to the different people at the hospital will change him for the better and he won't be so freaked out around everyone. ;)

12-14-2008, 03:43 PM
We had the same problem a few years ago and last year again in the course of two months twice. The second time was between Christmas and the New Year. That is scary. We watch him all the time and anytime he makes different sounds, I check his eyes, touch his ears, touch his lower back to see how he reacts. In cases like this, you really have to go immediately to the vet, and they always could see us immediately.

Good luck to Logan. He'll get better.

12-14-2008, 07:43 PM
I'm just seeing all this now..

I am so glad to learn how well Logan is doing! God bless you, Kimmy and Andy, for getting him in to to the emergency vets on time, and God bless the staff at MSU! They are great, aren't they.

Saying prayers of gratitude for Logan's close one there and prayers for his continued improvement.


12-15-2008, 12:26 AM
Logan is still at MSU. He's recovering, but just not quite ready to come home. His kidney and other spiked levels are continuing to come back down, but they are still not normal. He can't come home until they are. He still has the catheter in but they are still pleased by his urine output. He wasn't eating a lot of solids for them though.

So Andy and I stopped out to visit him tonight. The second he saw me and heard me say his name, he started "making biscuits" and purring. The vet tech got some food and as soon as I offered it, he started chowing down.

We got to spend a good hour with him. I miss my little man.


Greeting him

His special sign



Making biscuits

Back and belly rubs



Enjoying a second helping

Cheek scritches

Cinder & Smoke
12-15-2008, 01:32 AM
HI, Logan!! :)

He doesn't look totally *thrilled* to be there, but sure seems relaxed with
MOM playing Nurse. Food always seems better if you *think* it's Home-Cooked.

I can't figure it out - WHAT's the lil "container" he's huddled up in?
It almost looks like a chrome BUCKET.

That's quite the wrap he's wearing to protect the IV!
And is he required to wear the E-collar when no one's with him? Poor Kid!

How's he doing with the Staff - "attitude-wise"? Any blood shed?

Here's a Purrayer for good Labs on Monday and a pass OUTTA There.

Sleep Tite, Logan! :)

12-15-2008, 02:57 AM
Poor little Logan- he looks so sad. But he definitely enjoys your kissies and being fed by you.
I hope he can come home soon.

Killearn Kitties
12-15-2008, 04:32 AM
What a sweetheart! He doesn't look very feral with you. :D
All our healthy vibes are going Logan's way.

12-15-2008, 07:05 AM
I think he's laying in a stripped green plastic cat bed without the cushion. It reminds me of this: http://www.ukparrotcages.co.uk/images/cat_bed1.jpg except without all the padding. :)

No blood shed. :D He's been very good for the staff. He's just so nervous he won't eat much. Even when I was there, anytime someone would walk by, he'd stop eating or he'd tense up and his eyes would get big. I'd make kissy noises at him, tell him they are okay people and helping him. He'd relax a little, purr and give me headbumpies. :love:

I couldn't get the video to upload last night. Here it is!

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y164/ramanth/logan_vet/th_MVI_8573.jpg (http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y164/ramanth/logan_vet/?action=view&current=MVI_8573.flv)

12-15-2008, 07:46 AM
Goodness, you could've fooled me that Logan is feral. I think he wouldn't eat because he missed his mommy. When he saw you, he chowed down. Great pix! :love: I'm so glad that he's doing better. Soon he'll be home and all will be right w/the world. :)

12-15-2008, 07:59 AM
Thanks for sharing the updates with us. Hopefully his levels will continue to come down and he'll be home very soon.

12-15-2008, 08:33 AM
Aw, bless him. Thanks for the updates, photos & video, Kimmy. Prayers continuing for a full recovery and for the beautiful boy to be back home very soon.

Kona & Oreo's mom
12-15-2008, 10:16 AM
Aw, the poor little boy! He looks like a sweetheart who misses his momma!

I'm glad that he's continuing to improve. I'll keep hoping that he can come home soon!

Take care,

12-15-2008, 10:43 AM
I'm glad that you were able to get him to eat. Now hopefully he'll be able to come home soon.:)

12-15-2008, 11:05 AM
:love: So glad to hear that all is going good.. Aweee Logan looks good.. So glad to hear he is eating & drinking.. Come home soon wittle Logan to your momma..

12-15-2008, 11:15 AM
YAAAYY!! What great news to start the week!! :)

Cinder & Smoke
12-15-2008, 11:16 AM
Awwwwwwww ... Poor Baby :(

He sure seems pretty *Mild* & *Mellow* in the video!
Maybe he'll come home with a new and better appreciation of "strangers".

Is today The Day for Discharge?

12-15-2008, 12:39 PM
is glad to see his Mom!!!:love: Don't they all look so pathetic when they're at the vet??? They're scared and don't understand all the fuss, and just want to go HOME!!!:(

I'm so glad that Logan is eating something and continues to improve and hopefully, he'll be home soon.

Logan is a handsome boy...He looks a lot like one of our cats. His name is Wally and he's a white and gray striped tabby, too.

Thanks for the photos and video.:)

12-15-2008, 01:42 PM
Oh my gosh, what a sweet video!! He looks sad, but yet happy to see you. Making biscuits with one paw, that was a definite AWWWWE moment!

Big hugs, pets, thoughts and prayers going out to Logan!

12-15-2008, 02:27 PM
What wonderful pictures, and such a touching video. Logan, you are just doing so GOOD. and, your Meowmie loves you so very much!

Hope you will soon be back home.

12-15-2008, 07:11 PM
It's great to see Logan is doing bettter. He sure does look happy to see you.Hopefully he can come home soon.

12-15-2008, 08:50 PM
We went to see him again tonight. This time his IV line was on his other paw and the paw from yesterday is unwrapped. They brought him to us in an exam room this time instead of us going back to his cage area.

No going home yet. His levels still aren't what they're supposed to be so he's now scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow morning. If it comes back that he needs surgery or something, I have no idea what we're going to do..... :(

12-15-2008, 09:20 PM
You'll do what's necessary for dear Logan, ask for a payment plan, and let us know the vet's phone # and address so we at PT can help.

God willing, he won't need any surgery - maybe just some sub q's to get his system cleaned out.

HUGS and huge PT Prayers going out for Logan and you. :):love:

12-15-2008, 09:20 PM
No, he's not home. :( And we have no idea when he'll come home. Like Andy said, his levels aren't coming down and I guess they should of been normal by now. The questioned us intensively about his food, litter, habits, ect. to see if they can get an idea of what caused this.

They say sometimes stones don't show up on the x-rays, so they are going to do an ultrasound. If there are stones, he'll need surgery. He only ate a tiny bit for me tonight.

I'm so tired and stressed. I just want him home.

12-15-2008, 10:53 PM
Prayers for you and Andy...so stressed and exhausted.

Logan sure knew who you were , though - take heart. :love:

Prayers that this will be very treatable; if surgery is necessary, you know you have your PT family here with you.


12-15-2008, 11:03 PM
ask for a payment plan

We still have CareCredit going. We got it at the hospital a little over 2 years ago when Chipper was there. We have been paying for I think 25 months now and next month would have been his final payment on his bill. Of course this now happens with Logan so we'll have to add whatever thousands of dollars onto it that this hospital stay is going to cost us and keep paying on it for a few more years. :(

Man, we were so close to paying that thing off....

12-16-2008, 12:04 AM
I'm late getting here and I'm so sorry. Please accept my prayers the thoughts for dear Logan. :( Come one sweetie, you've got to fight and get those numbers where there should be.

{{{hugs}}} to you Kim and Andy. I can only imagine how stressful this is for you.

slick xoxo :love:

12-16-2008, 08:58 AM
MSU called. Good news and bad news. Logan ate a little more after we left, but he also pulled his catheter out last night. :eek: :(

They ran another blood test and his values did come down a little more. His temperature is slightly elevated (103.2) but that could be due to stress. If it doesn't come down, they'll administer antibiotics. His ultrasound is scheduled to be around 3 p.m.

I'll be visiting him around 5:30.

MSU doesn't offer payment plans. It's to be paid in full when Logan is discharged. We'll use the Care Credit card, but our limit is $4,800. Right now we're looking at over $2,500.

12-16-2008, 11:08 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Logan is still at MSU:( but I'm glad that he ate more and that his values have come down a bit more.:) Hopefully his temp will also improve. I know how it is to receive large vet bills and hopefully he won't need surgery. Logan remains in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

12-16-2008, 05:39 PM
Prayers for dear Logan and for all of you..

Cinder & Smoke
12-16-2008, 09:42 PM
His ultrasound is scheduled to be around 3 p.m.

I'll be visiting him around 5:30.

Any news on Logan???

We'd prefer GOOD news, please.

12-16-2008, 09:52 PM
BIG PRAYERS for Logan, that if he DOES have anything that it's cured quick, and mostly that he can come home soon where he will feel better more quickly!:love:

12-16-2008, 10:22 PM
Good news indeed. :) Logan's kidney values have come down to normal! :D
The ultrasound showed NO stones. There were struvite crystals however and the walls of his bladder were thick. However, the bladder could be thick merely from the catheter so they are not overly concerned.

They will remove his catheter tomorrow morning and if he is able to pee on his own without straining too much, they plan to let him come home tomorrow evening. :love: :D

Keep those prayers coming!!

12-16-2008, 10:26 PM
YaY for Logan! I sure hope he gets to come home to his family!

12-16-2008, 11:24 PM
Singing loudly for Logan to be home soon!

Cinder & Smoke
12-16-2008, 11:33 PM
Good news indeed. :) Logan's kidney values have come down to normal! :D
The ultrasound showed NO stones.

They will remove his catheter tomorrow morning and if he is able to pee on his own
without straining too much, they plan to let him come home tomorrow evening. :love: :D

Homeward Bound ~ 'Almost'. :)

I thought The Lad had already "removed" his own catheter. :o
I take it the White Coat stuck it back in?

Boots never managed to pull one out ... maybe Logan wants to become a White Coat?

Purrayers continue for a restful night and his ability to *pee* to everyone's satisfaction.


12-16-2008, 11:35 PM
This is great news.:) Hopefully he'll be able to come home tomorrow night. He remains in my thoughts and prayers.

12-16-2008, 11:45 PM
LOL! Yeah, the mean ol' doctors put his cath back in. I was also told he was fiesty during the ultrasound. :eek: :rolleyes: No bloodshed though. ;)

12-16-2008, 11:47 PM
This is such great news Kim. I'm so happy but continuing my prayers for dear Logan.

slick ♥♥♥

12-17-2008, 09:12 AM
Talked to the tech at MSU. Logan's IV site became inflamed last night so they removed it. Other than that, he's doing well. :)

They'll remove his catheter soon. If he drinks and pees, he can come home. If he doesn't, the cath and IV go back in.

Fingers and paws crossed!!!! :love:

12-17-2008, 09:28 AM
Still hoping Logan gets better soon so he can be home where he belongs.

12-17-2008, 09:38 AM
Oh, I hope Logan's catheter will come out, and stay out! And I hope he'll pee a nice puddle so he can come home. :)

Sending good thoughts! :love:

12-17-2008, 10:46 AM
Looking forward to Logan being home!

HUGS and prayers that he is home soon!

12-17-2008, 11:32 AM
Looking forward to Logan being home!

HUGS and prayers that he is home soon!

Us too. I just cleaned out his room for him, vacuumed everything, and am washing his pads in the washing machine right now.

12-17-2008, 11:57 AM
...am washing his pads in the washing machine right now.

I'm not sure he will be grateful for that ;)

Hope he is home soon :)

12-17-2008, 05:11 PM
I mean pads he likes to sleep on, not his feet! :p

Just got off the phone with Kim and she was asking me which payment plan we want to use (in years), so it sounds like he's probably being released. Don't know any more details than that, it was a quickie phone call as I'm at work right now.

It came out to be just a hair under $2,500.

12-17-2008, 05:14 PM
Glad to hear he's coming home but YOWZA on the bill!!!!

And here I was complaining about the $275 bill I've had on Decker.

Cinder & Smoke
12-17-2008, 08:10 PM
I just cleaned out his room for him, ...
and am washing his pads in the washing machine right now.

Prolly NOT the recommended method of washing da Kat's FEET!


12-17-2008, 08:44 PM
Logan is home!! :D

He didn't drink much at the clinic, nor did he pee, but when the vet applied a little pressure, Logan urinated so Dr. Ericksen felt comfortable sending him home. :D :love:

Funnily enough, he refused to get in the cat carrier. The tech came out to apologize for the delay and with some assistance, she was able to get him in. Boy was he ever yowling up a storm when she came out with him. :eek: :D

He cried a bit on the way home, but it was great to hear his voice again. He never made a sound when we'd visit him at the clinic.

As soon as I got to the front door, he peed in the cat carrier. LOL!

I took him into the back room where he groomed himself, ate, drank, and used the litter box all within the hour. Yay!

He's to get Clavamox (antibiotic) twice a day and Buprenex as needed for the pain. I gave him the Clavamox and he bolted before I could give him his pain meds. He came out again for a short while, but now he's hiding in his favorite spot. I think he's in pain, but I'll need Andy to help me fish him out. I wish I could make the poor little guy understand the meds will help.

Rolling on the couch



Logan giving some love
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y164/ramanth/logan_vet/th_MVI_8641.jpg (http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y164/ramanth/logan_vet/?action=view&current=MVI_8641.flv)

The most wonderful sound in the world.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y164/ramanth/logan_vet/th_MVI_8649.jpg (http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y164/ramanth/logan_vet/?action=view&current=MVI_8649.flv)

It's so great to have him home.

12-17-2008, 09:07 PM
Yay! Logan is home from the House of Pointy Things!

I know he will continue to heal and feel much better - once you can get those pain meds into him.

Being home with you will do wonders for you and for him!:love:

Welcome home, sweetheart!:)

12-17-2008, 10:11 PM
I am so glad to hear that he is home and seems to be doing well. I hope the medicine helps him feel even better quickly.

12-17-2008, 10:18 PM
Pain meds successfully administered. He's curled up on the couch and sleeping like a baby. :love: :)


Cinder & Smoke
12-17-2008, 10:20 PM

Welcome HOME, Logan!! ;)

Hey God ~ THANKS a Big Bunch!! :)

12-17-2008, 10:31 PM
Thank you God!!!

This sight must do your hearts so much good....

Curled up tight and cozy and sound asleep at HOME. safe and loved.:love::love::love:

12-17-2008, 10:34 PM
Good news that Logan is home with his family! Wow, that is one BIG bill! :eek: It is amazing how it can add up in just a few days. But I'm sure he is worth every penny. He looks so cozy in that last picture.:)

12-17-2008, 11:46 PM

12-18-2008, 12:55 AM
Wow, that is one BIG bill! :eek: It is amazing how it can add up in just a few days.

Tell me about it. We had our dog Chipper there back in November 2006, and next month would have been the very last payment on his bill. Now we're starting all over again. :(

12-18-2008, 12:57 AM
Ramanth, every owner of a cat with urinary problems loves that sound - of their cat drinking. But I'll tell you something else. The best is a little later - ppssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

:)) I think you all know what I mean. I used to follow Pichu to the bathroom and watch him doing that. Yep, I know. I'm crazy. But there's nothing better in the world than knowing that everybody is healthy.

I'm so glad Logan is home.

12-18-2008, 01:00 AM
ramanth, every owner of a cat with urinary problems loves that sound - of their cat drinking. But i'll tell you something else. The best is a little later - ppssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

lol! :)

12-18-2008, 07:13 AM
Why, Logan looks great! He has the cutest little face! I'm so glad that he's back home and on the mend. Yay!

smokey the elder
12-18-2008, 07:32 AM
Good boy, Logan! I'm glad the input and output are getting better!

12-18-2008, 07:41 AM
Gosh it is good to know that he is home! I've been following this saga and was so worried. I know its a large bill, but it is so worth it in the end when you have your precious pet there with you. I've spent that much before and still didn't get the pleasure of bringing my pet home in the end. :(
Now you guys can have a Merry Christmas!!

Killearn Kitties
12-18-2008, 07:44 AM
Wonderful news that Logan is home! I hope he continutes to be a good boy and get better all the time.

12-18-2008, 08:44 AM
Thanks all! Logan did well overnight. Seems he ate and drank a little more and the litterbox was heavily used.

Zam started hissing at Logan last night, so we seperated them. This morning, Logan came out and used the other litterbox. Zam still hissed at him anytime he got too close. Logan seems perplexed about that but doesn't press the issue.

I hope it's just that he "smells funny" to her.

He took his meds like a champ. :)

12-18-2008, 11:30 AM
Welcome home Logan!!!:D I'm so glad that he's doing so well.:)

Yes, Zam probably thinks that he smells like the hospital. My cats have done this before too. I'm sure that she'll stop after a few days.

12-18-2008, 12:58 PM
That's a relief. :)

12-18-2008, 01:23 PM
What great news that Logan is HOME!!!! When Norton recovered after being badly blocked, he was prescribed PHENOXYBENZAMINE for straining when he attemped to urinate. It help alot....Hope Logan becomes a regular at the water bowl......

12-19-2008, 01:32 PM
Welcome home Logan!!!!!! It is so nive that he is back with the family that loves him so much! That is also great that he is using the litterbox and eating. Looks like the sweet little guy is going to be just fine. I wouldnt worry too much about your other kitty hissing at him, as soon as the "vet" smell is gone, they will go back to being buddies! What a great Chirstmas gift!:love::love::love:

12-19-2008, 02:20 PM
Welcome home Logan. Isn't it nice to be among familiar smells??? I'm so happy that you are taking your meds like a good boy. Get better fast!

Kim, those videos and fabulous. I'm sure he's getting hissed at because of the "whitecoat" smell. Please give him a kiss from me.:love:

12-26-2008, 02:37 PM
Logan had his follow up this morning. All the crystals are gone and the bacteria has cleared up. There is still a little blood but Dr. Kuschel wasn't concerned about that. His pH levels have come down considerably but she'd like to see them come down some more. We just have to get more fluids in him.

I ordered one of those Drinkwell Pet Fountains from Dr. Foster's and Smith (on sale for $30!!). I also picked up the 75 oz Reservoir add on and some filters. Merry Christmas to the kitties. ;) :D

12-27-2008, 06:51 PM
What great news!!! Hope that Logan will continue to progress!!! I bet he will LOVE that drinking fountain!!!

12-30-2008, 02:23 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Logan is doing well.:) Hopefully he'll love drinking from the drinkwell.:) I used to have one but then Sunny decided that he'd rather play in it than drink it so he made a huge mess so that was the end of that.:rolleyes:

So which urinary cat food did you decide to go with? Will you also be feeding Logan some canned food? If so you should try adding a some water to it and this will also help to keep him more hydrated and give him more moisture. I hope he continues to do well. Good luck.:)

12-30-2008, 06:07 PM
Great news on Logan! :D