View Full Version : Family Christmas

12-09-2008, 09:44 AM
My family's Christmas is this Saturday! Since my folks live in Florida and the rest of us are in Indiana, each of us 5 daughters takes turns hostessing the gathering. This year is my turn! My folks fly to Indiana today, and will stay with another sister in Lafayette. Then they come up to my house on Friday! I have been busy cleaning and decorating. Unfortunately, I cannot bake treats this year since I am still in a cast from my wrist/thumb joint surgery. But Mom, Dad, and I are going to make lasagna for everyone for dinner.

I have a new apartment, a boyfriend that everyone will get to meet, I get to spend time with my parents,...and have Christmas with my family. I can't wait for this weekend. I feel like a little kid who can't wait for Christmas morning!

12-09-2008, 01:44 PM
Oh how exciting! I can "hear" the excitement in you just by reading your post. You'll have such a wonderful time. Enjoy your family and have a wonderful and blessed family gathering. :)