View Full Version : Help, Decker is peeing blood! UPDATE #38 - He's sick again!

12-08-2008, 06:04 PM
I noticed a little red tinted pee when I cleaned the boxes last night but had no clue who it was. I checked this morning and saw no signs of blood in the boxes but about an hour ago I noticed Decker run from the litter box, drop and start licking himself. I've been watching him and he has come from the litterboxes several times and started licking and I just found drops of red stained urine in two or three boxes. I did see a larger pee with some drops of red so he did urinate - not blocked. He seems okay except for licking himself and he is eating and drinking okay. Do you think I can wait until morning to take him to the vet? I don't think he is blocked, at least not yet.

We do have an emergency vet here but I haven't heard great things about them. I'd much rather wait to take him to my vet in the morning. Of course if he gets worse I'll take him anyway.

I pray my vet can take us in the morning because I have to drive down to my Dad's to take him the dr. at 2 tomorrow. Why couldn't I have noticed this earlier today. :(

12-08-2008, 06:11 PM
Can you call your regular vet and explain what's going on to him or her, tell them you'd rather see them in the morning, and see what your regular vet thinks?

Many of them can be reached after hours for emergencies at least for a phone consult.

12-08-2008, 06:13 PM
Can you call your regular vet and explain what's going on to him or her, tell them you'd rather see them in the morning, and see what your regular vet thinks?

Many of them can be reached after hours for emergencies at least for a phone consult.
No, after hours my vet has a recording telling you of office hours and to call the emergency vet if it's an emergency.

Edit: I called my vet's office to get the emergency vet number and it automatically rolled over to the emergency vet. They told me where they were located and that it's $75 to bring him in and then any treatment was additional. At least I know now in case we have to go.

12-08-2008, 06:19 PM
If it were me, I'd be at the vet's with Decker the moment they open in the morning. I wouldn't wait for them to open, and call first, I would just BE there.

They can hold him there in a cage, get a pee sample, take him when they have an opening, and you can go to get your dad. They can call you when they know something.

Can you keep him in a room alone over night? I wouldn't be able to do that with any here, so I understand if not possible.

12-08-2008, 06:36 PM
Poor Decker :( If he isn't in any pain or discomfort it might be best to bring him to the vet you know and trust. Please know that prayers are being prayed that the problem is nothing serious and Decker will be as good as new in no time. Please keep us updated? Feel better scritchies are being sent for your sweetie :love: :love: :love:

12-08-2008, 06:43 PM
Blockage is the first thing I thought but since you said he's urinating ok, maybe he just has a UTI. I hope he'll be ok! Thinking of you...

12-08-2008, 08:31 PM
Hoping for the best and praying things won't be too serious.

12-08-2008, 08:37 PM
Sounds like he's got cystitis, like Pouncer. It could be from crystals or just stress and irritation. I think if you've seen him pee, you can wait til morning. Its when they don't pee at all that it becomes life threatening.

Poor little guy. Many paws crossed that its nothing major for him.

12-08-2008, 09:45 PM
Oh Lori, I am sorry to hear that Decker is not well. I agree though with the others, that since he IS peeing, that it could wait until morning.

Prayers that it isn't anything serious and will get treated quickly for his problem.

{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} for the worried meowmie.

12-08-2008, 09:47 PM
If it were me, I'd be at the vet's with Decker the moment they open in the morning. I wouldn't wait for them to open, and call first, I would just BE there.

Not always a good idea to do that depending on the vet and how the office operates.

If the vet(s) should happen to be later coming in than office opening hours the poor kitty may be waiting in a cage for some time. Depending on what staff is available at opening time, there may not be a vet or tech there capable of handling an emergency should one arise.

At our hospital it's not uncommon for the office to open an hour or so earlier (and stay open later) than the vets are in so that people can call for appts, pick up refills and such longer than what the vets are available. Sometimes only the reception staff and maybe an assistant or two (not techs) would be on staff at the time, neither of which would be able to treat in an emergency.

I'd highly recommend calling first thing in the morning to see if it's ok to bring the cat in as a drop off, get an appt. or get worked in as an ER visit as they have time.

As long as the cat is going you would probably be ok waiting until morning if the cat is acting fine otherwise. If the cat should stop eating/drinking/playing, or be unable to go at all then a trip to the ER vet is in order.

12-08-2008, 09:58 PM
I've never experienced this w/males, only Puddy, my calico. Having had bladder infections myself, I can tell you that they're miserable and painful. My vet has told me that if I have an emergency just to come in. Call first and let them know I'm coming but just come in. Do you have any left over pain meds and/or antibiotics that you can give Decker until he can go in tomorrow? I sure hope that he isn't blocked. Prayers going up that all will be well.

12-08-2008, 10:52 PM
Just a quick update. Decker is doing okay but I haven't seen another pee biscuit since about 6 pm. He is dribbling red urine in the box. Some is coming out but no large amount, of course he goes often so that may be why. Other than that he seems okay and he ate all his dinner (and some of Scouts). He's staying quiet and sleeping in my lap. I sure hope waiting till morning is the right thing to do. I will call the vet as soon as they open. I'm sure they will tell me to bring him in a leave him which I'll have to do since tomorrow is my day with Dad and he has an appointment. Richard already said he would pick Decker up by 5:30 if he can come home tomorrow.

Please keep my blue boy in your prayers.

12-09-2008, 01:39 AM
Lori, I'm so sorry to hear about Decker.:( Hopefully it's nothing serious. It sounds like it could be a UTI. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated about him.

12-09-2008, 01:44 AM
Lori, I am so sorry about Decker:(

If this helps, the same thing happened to Susie, she started peeing and it had a dark orange tint, but the next day it had "swirls" of blood in the pee. She always urinates OUTSIDE the box, so I saw it immediately. I took her into the vet, and with baytril she was just fine. I pray that is all Decker needs.

Please keep us updated!

*HUGS* to Decker and his worried Meowmie:love:

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-09-2008, 04:35 AM
I would head to the vet asap!!

12-09-2008, 05:13 AM
I think I would take Decker right away this morning. Poor thing. :(

12-09-2008, 07:11 AM
Morning update: I called and got an appointment for 9:15. The vet I see most the time now is off today but my old vet who is in high demand will fit him in. He's the vet who took care of Ripley when he was shot 14 years ago and again when Ripley almost died from a blood infection 6 years ago.

I'm glad I don't have to just drop him off but I bet I'll have to leave him because I think he's getting blocked. He just jumped in the litterbox and nothing but a couple drops came out. Poor little guy.

I'll update when I get back from the vet. Thanks for the prayers everyone.

12-09-2008, 07:13 AM
I started my morning prayers w/Decker and Barney. Hopefully, he'll get relief very soon, poor sweet little guy. Praying for no blockage, just a UTI. :love:

12-09-2008, 07:38 AM
Sounds like a severe UTI and so it is good to take him in.

12-09-2008, 08:16 AM
Prays that the vet visit goes well.

Please keep us updated.

12-09-2008, 08:55 AM
I'm glad you're able to get him in this morning. Hopefully Decker will get the meds he needs and be more comfortable very soon. :love:

12-09-2008, 09:40 AM
UPDATE: Back from the vet with Decker. Dr. H said his bladder was mostly empty so no blockage and that he thinks it's a severe UTI. He gave him an antibiotic injection and another injection to help with the cramping and discomfort. He said to try to keep him stress-free and to bring him back in a week for a checkup and another injection if needed.

I'll be keeping a close eye on him to makes sure the injections are working. He's very stressed right now because he isn't used to other people handling him. The vet tech remembered him from being that little wild kitten from under the deck. She was hugging on him and telling him how handsome he is. Decker looked absolutely terrified but took it very well thank goodness.

12-09-2008, 09:46 AM

12-09-2008, 10:37 AM
I do hope the injections work quickly and Dexter feels better soon!

12-09-2008, 10:59 AM
I hope that the injections work and that you'll be able to keep him stress free. I'll continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

One time Sunny became so stressed out that he kept jumping in and out of the litter boxes and he was also only peeing very small amounts of urine. He didn't have any blood though. I kept trying to think what had changed that would stress him out. I first thought that it was because I had my carpet cleaned but that wasn't it. It turned out to be his collar. He was so stressed out from wearing his new collar that it made him sick. Now he's the only one that doesn't wear one. This was a very expensive collar.

12-09-2008, 11:00 AM
That's good news! Moon had a similar problem when he was around 3 and the vet told me to put him on the special urinary tract food even though it wasn't a blockage, it's good to prevent those in male cats if possible. I've had Bean on it as well since he was a kitten and he never had any urinary tract issues. They both love it. I use the Purina ONEŽ Urinary Tract Dry and canned foods. Feel Better Decker!!!! And as I always say whenever one of our babies is sick, Thank God you're in a PT home!

12-09-2008, 03:03 PM
Decker, I sure hope you feel better fast. Those darned UTI are so frustrating.

12-09-2008, 03:17 PM
He's very stressed right now because he isn't used to other people handling him. The vet tech remembered him from being that little wild kitten from under the deck. She was hugging on him and telling him how handsome he is. Decker looked absolutely terrified but took it very well thank goodness.

I guess THAT took his mind off his discomfort for a few moments! Feel better, Decker!

It turned out to be his collar. He was so stressed out from wearing his new collar that it made him sick. Now he's the only one that doesn't wear one. This was a very expensive collar.
This was a very expensive collar. Of course! It would HAVE to be, right? I mean, that is bound to be the case! :D Couldn't be some $1 store one, oh no, not with a CAT!:D:D

12-09-2008, 04:12 PM
No blockage - good news!
UTI - not good news. :(

I hope the injections work and Decker is feeling better real soon. :)

12-09-2008, 04:26 PM
I hope the injections take care of Decker and he's feeling better in no time. Thanks for the update.

12-09-2008, 04:29 PM
:love: Good News on no blockage.. I hope the wittle one starts to feel better real soon.. Sending Lots of Positive Fibes & Prayers & Huggss..

12-09-2008, 06:20 PM
Lori I know you are glad there is no blockage and we sure are! Hope the antibiotics knock that UTI out pretty quickly. You are such a good cat meowmie!! (((hugs))) Sleep for you should be better tonight! Feel better SOON Decker!

12-09-2008, 07:04 PM
I'm sure that the injection and anti-cramp med will have Decker feeling better in no time. Ever since Puddy left a bloody puddle at her food dish, I've made a point of keeping Clindamycin and a pain med on hand just in case she or any one of the Fur Posse got a UTI at night or on a weekend when these things usually occur, of course. LOL

12-09-2008, 07:09 PM
Gosh, Lori, I am just now seeing this thread! I'm glad he wasn't blocked but I can imagine how uncomfortable he must be! I hope and pray that the medicine helps relieve some of the discomfort. I wonder if they could give cats something like they do us for cystitis ... you know the pill that numbs you when you pee?

I don't know if you use them or not, but pet fountains are great about making them drink more water! I hope little Decker is cleared up quickly and you can get a break! (hugs)

12-09-2008, 09:29 PM
Thanks everyone. We appreciate the good thoughts and prayers.

My not so little blue boy is being quiet and not litterbox hopping tonight, thank goodness. I can tell he is already getting some relief. The vet told me to start him on Scout prescription diet which I already had as of last night. He loves that food so I think he believes he's getting a special treat.:)

Kim - I have a fountain but now that I think about it I don't really see Decker drinking much. Maybe I need to entice him with dripping water at the faucet or something fun like that.

12-09-2008, 10:28 PM
Thanks everyone. We appreciate the good thoughts and prayers.

My not so little blue boy is being quiet and not litterbox hopping tonight, thank goodness. I can tell he is already getting some relief. The vet told me to start him on Scout prescription diet which I already had as of last night. He loves that food so I think he believes he's getting a special treat.:)

Kim - I have a fountain but now that I think about it I don't really see Decker drinking much. Maybe I need to entice him with dripping water at the faucet or something fun like that.

I'm glad to hear that isn't litter box hopping tonight and I hope that Scout's food will help him.:) You might also want to try giving him some canned food and then mix in some water with it for more added moisture. I do this for Storm 2 times a day and he's doing very well so far. I hope he'll recover quickly.

12-10-2008, 02:25 AM
Poor Decker. I hope that the injections work quickly!

Please give Decker a good rub down from me, once his nerves calm down:love:

12-15-2008, 05:02 PM
Decker started peeing blood again.:( Update in Cat Health

12-15-2008, 05:14 PM
OH NO!!:eek::eek:

12-15-2008, 05:22 PM
MEGA prayers for Decker!!! At our house, we know all to well about these UTI's!!! Hope Decker will be his old self very soon!!!

12-15-2008, 06:00 PM
Prays coming for Decker.

12-15-2008, 07:22 PM
Prayers for Decker and meowmy too,