View Full Version : The best toy ever in the whole world

12-07-2008, 03:08 AM
I will tell you about the best cat toy ever in the whole world. Guaranteed.

It's called the "Kitty Teaser", I got it about 10 years ago, and sadly, when I tried to find where I could get more because my "family" has grown to 4 furballs I found out the company is no longer in business.

The good news is, however, that it is such a simple toy and concept that I can describe how to make them yourself. It's a simple toy, but amazingly effective and Your babies will go berzerk over it.

What you will need:

1. A stick, rod, whatever ,that you can tie a string to dangle at the end (it's one of those fishing rod type toys). You can even use one that your cat/s have already destroyed the hanging part of.

2. Some kind of thin string that hopefully your cat/s won't chew through, maybe about 2-3 feet long,

3. A piece of denim, about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long and about 3/4 to 1 inch wide. Don't use a softer fabric, you need the firmness of the denim.

4. Needle and thread (even better if you have a sewing machine). This is optional, see step 1 in the directions.


1. With a sewing machine or needle and thread, stitch all around the edge of the denim. This step is optional but if done, the toy will last longer
because it keeps the denim from fraying too quickly.

2. Attach one end of your string to the rod.

3. Fold the piece of denimi in half lengthwise, so it's still 2 1/2 to 3 inches long.

4. Tie the other end of your string around the enter of the folded denim strip, pulling it tightly so the strip won't slip out. What you should end up with is the denim strip cinched in the middle and making somewhat of a "V' shape.

That's it. Sounds like nothing special until you wave it in the air or run it across the floor.

In the air, it looks a moth. Need I say more?

On the floor (best on carpet or a floor that is not terribly smooth), because of the stiffness of the denim and the "V" shape, it wiggles back and forth as you run it along. It looks like a running bug. Need I say more again?


The best toy ever. I suggest making a few of those denim strips. I usually make a longer string than 2 feet and just cut off the old strip of denim and tie a new one to the end of the string when needed until the string gets too short and I tie a new one on and start all over.

12-08-2008, 07:25 AM
An easy and cheap way to make these. Go to your local bait a tackle or sporting goods store and ask if they have any broken fihing rods. I picked up 3 carbo fiber rods that the eyes were damaged for $ 5.00. These rods are almost industructable. Any piece of cloth or a soda straw will do. and I use 30lb fishing line for the string.
Never let the kids play with these type toy alone. I have holes in our cat tree that I stick them in at differant levels. This way if i don't want too play they can, but I an always in the room with them.

12-08-2008, 01:32 PM
That's a great idea about the fishing rods and I'm' going to look into it. I've been using sticks from other toys I've had that have lost their original danglers.

Regarding the fishing rod though, I had originally planned to use that, but was advised against it by someone from the rescue group I am affiliated with, because it is plastic and if a cat were to chew off a piece or in some other way accidentally swallow a piece of the line, it could cause internal damage. For the same reason I would hesitate to use plastic straws as well.

I feel it is safer to use cotton string and fabric.

In fact, when the denim starts to fray a bit, it looks even more buglike, as if there are little legs.

12-11-2008, 03:56 PM
We only use the rods went we are there, the straws they bat around and carry all over. None of the CREW has been seen chewing them. We have been getting soft, fuzzy balls, about 1 1/2 inch, from the Dollar store thier 6 to a pack and they all have thier favorit colors. Right now there has to be about 60-70 toys all over the house.

12-11-2008, 04:04 PM
We only use the rods went we are there,

So they tell you. LOL

Bottom line, everyone knows their own cats. But as a general rule it's a good idea for most to avoid the fishing rod.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-11-2008, 04:40 PM
All my kitties LOVE the fishing-rod toys!! So I will defenitely try to make this!! Thanks for the excellent directions!!