View Full Version : allergies

12-05-2008, 08:15 AM
I have a 2 1/2 yr old boxer. I have always had some allergies to him, but now I've been really sick from them. What can I do? I've tried all different allergy meds, vacuum multiple times/day. When he licks me I get itchy, when I hug him my skin gets red/itchy/burns. I have constant sinus infections/pain (currently for 1 month straight), coughing, burning watery eyes, congestion. I have asthma also. I know it's not good for me to keep him, but he's my baby. How long do you think a dog parent should put up with making oneself sick due to their dog, before rehoming? My husband bought him for me on our honeymoon, so he's even more special. My boxer also has SEVERE skin allergies so he's CONSTANTLY scratching (spreading more allergens), he can have a bath and smell again in 1 hr. I don't know what to do. I'm scared to rehome as he may not get a loving home.

12-06-2008, 05:09 PM
Have you been to an allergist for you? I am an "allergic person" and always have to try several different mediations before I find one that works.

There are lots of things you can do to help your situation. First of all, no doggie on the bed. This may be a hard adjustment, but you'll both be better off.

If he kisses you, say "aww, thank you, good boy." but then IMMEDIATELY go wash your face. Wash your hands after petting him, so you don't inadvertently transfer the dander to your skin. Do you have wall-to-wall carpeting? Vacuum often, with a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. If you can, consider switching to area rugs over wood or tile floors. That will trap way less dander.

If he naps on the couch, get an inexpensive blanket and wash it often. If he sleeps on a dog bed, same thing. Cover it, and wash the covers often. Make sure you use unscented detergent.

Now, has he been allergy tested as well? What does he eat? Have you tried switching his food to a simpler lamb-and-rice or other simple food to see if that helps his allergies?

And also ask your doctor about possibly starting allergy shots to lessen your dog sensitivity ... it is a possibility!