View Full Version : I don't know WHAT is wrong with Hannah :(

12-05-2008, 12:55 AM
Hannah is not well.

the past three or four days she has woken up with a fever of almost 101 degrees. Motrin helps to get her temp get back to normal.... but she is sleeping A LOT. WAY more than normal. so far it is just been a fever and fatigue but no other symptoms.

today though things changed.... she didn't wake up with a fever today... she actually felt normal. However later in the day she was starting to feel COLD. She feels cold all over but is sweating so she feels clammy. and GRUMPY. She will just randomly start bawling and is unconsolable... and that is so unlike her. She goes from happy to bawling back to happy and back to bawling within ten minutes. And when she is crying... she is REALLY crying. Crying like she is mad or frustrated with something.

She has been drinking her milk just fine (she won't drink anything but milk still) maybe even drinking more milk than usual.... but she won't eat her solids. She was really pale today too.

If she isn't regular temp tomorrow we are taking her to the Dr's. I called the doc yesterday and they said that she may have a virus but there was no need to bring her in right away but to keep an eye on her and if she got worse or didn't improve over the next few days to bring her in. So if she isn't back to normal tomorrow or showing vast improvement... she's going in.

12-05-2008, 01:01 AM
Aww, poor Hannah. It's no fun being sick. I hope she feels better soon.

12-05-2008, 01:13 AM
thanks Karen.

You know I wasn't TOO concerned with the fever part of it because it was controllable but now this whole thing with her being cold all over and having the sweats at the same time has really got me concerned. Add in the fact that she has been so fussy and is lashing out... it is SO unlike her. Even during her worst sicknesses and pains she has still managed to be smiley. But right now she is absolutely miserable and frustrated and it breaks my heart.

12-05-2008, 04:44 AM
I am worried too just reading your post (moms KNOW their babies ;) ) so I know how worried you must be. It sounds to me like little Hannah will be seeing the doctor today. Please keep us updated. We will be thinking of you.

12-05-2008, 06:34 AM
It's been a long time since my son was a toddler but I can still remember the fear whenever he would get sick. Heck, he got a nasty virus this past February and I was scared witless! As long as she isn't vomiting and/or doesn't have diarrhea, I would watch her closely but try not to be too worried. At least she isn't dehydrated. Your pediatrician is on it and, of course, so are you. I'm sorry that she's feeling so poorly and prayers are going up right now that she'll get over this bug and be back to normal ASAP. :love:

12-05-2008, 07:57 AM
thanks everyone

well this morning I got her out of bed and she still felt cool to the touch... and I had her heater at 80 degrees last night to try to help keep her warm. So I sat out on the couch with her while she drank her bottle and it took a while but she finally started to warm up and felt like she was at a regular temperature... thank goodness.

She also seems happier so far today than she was last night.

She's going to the Dr this evening when Brian is done work.

Right now she is back asleep.

12-05-2008, 08:19 AM
Okay you have her cyber auntie's worried now. I looked in my Kaiser book and can't find anything about the cool thing, maybe she was so hot she feels cool now in comparison? I know mothers have insticts about this stuff so I do hope you take her in.

Have you taken her temp today? When my kids where in pre school they were sick all the time it seemed.

12-05-2008, 09:10 AM
She may have felt cold and clammy because she was breaking her fever.
I hope she feels better.
Being sick is no fun. :(

12-05-2008, 09:10 AM
Hope she is feeling better soon! I think I would be off to the doctor's office, too.

12-05-2008, 09:28 AM
Gosh.. poor Hannah! Do you think it's the flu?? That might explain the hot and cold thing. I feel so badly when the little ones are sick and you don't know how to make them better or if they are just so sick they are inconsolable!

Gentle hugs to Hannah, and hugs to you as well! I hope the doctor has good news and some tasty meds for Hannah to take to get better!

12-05-2008, 09:29 AM
I hope Hannah doesn't have a fever and is feeling better soon. Poor little girl. It's no fun to be sick, but especially around the holidays. So get better fast, Hannah girl!! :)

12-05-2008, 10:20 AM
Yea, it never hurts to just take her in and get her checked.

It could be something as simple as roseola. Lydia had this last June...4 or 5 days of a fever followed by a non-itchy rash for a couple of days, and then all better.

I hope your sweet little Hannah feels better ASAP and back to her normal giggily self.

{{Hugs}} Mama!

12-05-2008, 11:22 AM
poor baby!!... my first thought was teething... it can be accompanied by fever...but the cold had me thinking again...

perhaps a viral infection, stomach flu... only fevers, cramps maybe, then cold...

it´s way different but when I was a teen I had super mega heavy cramps.. that made me sweat and feel feverish... then super cold..then hot again.. and made wanna curl on the floor then move every 5 secs as I was not comfortable...

maybe Hannah is having some sort of cramp but baby size... and still make her so uncomfortable she cries it off....

hope she´s ok and the doc finds out why so she can be back to the happy baby she is... ((hugs))

12-05-2008, 11:27 AM
I think I would take her to the doctor. I pray she is all better very soon!

12-05-2008, 11:29 AM
I hope she is feeling better soon!!

12-05-2008, 12:09 PM
Just checking in on little Hannah - how is she doing? Still sleeping? Let us know how the doc visit goes this evening - always best to check when your "mom-radar" is telling you things are not right. Hope she is on the mend and back to her smiley self very soon:)

12-05-2008, 12:13 PM
Now I am getting worried....give us an update....

12-05-2008, 12:54 PM
Hey guys... sorry to worry you hehe... I decided to have a "little" nap myself.

Hannah is still fast asleep. I am going to let her sleep as long as she wants to.

I have a nice warm sleeper out and ready to put on her when she wakes up with a onesie underneath for some extra warmth.

I'm going to take her temp when she wakes up and see what it says.

Thanks for all the well wishes :)

Roseola... hmmm I hadn't thought of that but now that you mention it I noticed a little rash on the back of her neck this morning.

12-05-2008, 01:04 PM
I thought maybe you were catching up on sleep but got a bit worried.

She is sleeping a lot, when is the last time she ate?

12-05-2008, 01:07 PM
I thought maybe you were catching up on sleep but got a bit worried.

She is sleeping a lot, when is the last time she ate?


She actually IS eating her solids somewhat but will only eat about half of what she would normally have. But she hasn't woken up for her lunch yet so she hasn't eaten solids since last night. But she did have some milk this morning

12-05-2008, 01:09 PM
Just seems like she is sleeping a lot this morning, have you checked on her...sorry I am a worry wort.

12-05-2008, 01:12 PM
Just seems like she is sleeping a lot this morning, have you checked on her...sorry I am a worry wort.

She has slept like this in the morning the past 4 days.

She actually did wake up about an hour ago but by the time I got up and went downstairs to the laundry to get her a sleeper and got back up stairs she was back asleep.

I'm going to go in shortly and get her up just to see if I can get some food into her.

12-05-2008, 01:24 PM
Our beautiful sunshine girl.............I can't even imagine her crying!

I sure hope she is feeling better and that she will eat for you. Thanks for keeping us posted.

12-05-2008, 01:24 PM
I think the milk thing is okay, whatever she will eat and milk is nourishment. Hopefully she is on the mend.

12-05-2008, 01:29 PM
just as cassiesmom said.. all she´d eat drink is good... and sleep is a great medicine...

hopefully she´ll wake up feeling better...

12-05-2008, 01:36 PM
Austin had roseola a few weeks ago and it was awful. His fever spiked to around 105 on several occasions:eek: I made many calls and trips to the doctor. He was just out of it and would barely eat and just wanted to sleep. At one point he even fell asleep right on the living room floor. Motrin is best for fever but you can alternate with tylenol if it doesn't control it alone.
Austin was a VERY sick little boy but there was nothing they could do besides control the fever. The good news is that if it IS roseola and you are seeing a rash, then the worst is over. The roseola rash doesn't appear until the virus has run its course.
I hope that she perks up soon:)

12-05-2008, 01:39 PM
I don't know how true this is, but it sticks in my mind and will forever.
When I worked in day care there was a mom who worked at a hospital or doctors office. One time I took her son's temp after he woke up from a nap and he had a slight fever. She flipped out on me that you should wait about 30 minutes after they wake up to get an accurate temperature.
Just thought I'd share that.

I hope Hannah is better. And sleep is good!!! :)

12-05-2008, 02:16 PM
yeah the nurse on the phone told me the same thing Taz :)

Well good news.... she is doing SO much better since she got up.

She didn't want to get up from her nap lol. she kept curling up and squeezing her eyes shut and looking away from me but eventually she gave up and got up lol. Since then she has eaten ALL her yogurt and cereal, is actually drinking some pedialyte, her temp is completely normal and right now she is playing on the floor happy as a clam and talking away.

This really is a night and day difference from yesterday

12-05-2008, 02:58 PM
Yay! I'm glad to hear she is doing better :D

12-05-2008, 03:13 PM
Oh good...are you still going to the doctor? Sounds like she is on the mend.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-05-2008, 03:16 PM
I'm so glad to read she is getting better!! I wanted to reply here sooner, but my arm was to painful ( I fell yesterday)

12-05-2008, 04:02 PM
Oh good...are you still going to the doctor? Sounds like she is on the mend.

I decided to not go to the Dr... I told Brian that if she has a relapse tonight then we will take her to ER but if she is on the mend I don't want to take her to a germ infested waiting room if I dont have to lol.

12-05-2008, 04:02 PM
I'm so glad to read she is getting better!! I wanted to reply here sooner, but my arm was to painful ( I fell yesterday)

Thank you

I read your thread about that :( ouch

12-05-2008, 04:25 PM
I decided to not go to the Dr... I told Brian that if she has a relapse tonight then we will take her to ER but if she is on the mend I don't want to take her to a germ infested waiting room if I dont have to lol.

Yeah I use to hate taking the kids to the doctors office for that reason. Especially Hannah's age where she will touch everything. I am sure she will be fine.

12-05-2008, 05:55 PM
Woo Hoo!! I'm so glad to hear she is doing much better! That should be a huge relief for you. :D :D

12-07-2008, 06:55 AM
Glad to hear she is on the mend!

12-07-2008, 09:44 AM
How is Hannah doing?

12-07-2008, 12:01 PM
She is still a little more tired than usual but as each day passes she sleeps a little less and a little less and is getting back to her normal sleep schedule.

Other than that... she is back to her normal self :D She's eating, happy, playing and SNEAKY lol

She's doing great :)

thanks for all the concerns and well wishes everyone. really means a lot

12-07-2008, 09:58 PM
Oh good, I was really worried about her Friday.

12-07-2008, 10:28 PM
Oh good, I was really worried about her Friday.

Thank you :)

So was I. Other than her Pneumonia when she was born I can honestly say I have NEVER been so concerned until Friday... but I'm sure I have much more to come lol

12-07-2008, 11:03 PM
If you homeschool like you plan it won't be so bad. One of my kids was sick a lot more than the other, my youngest wouldn't really show it when she was sick but her fever could get up to 105 which scared the crud out of me.