View Full Version : Ugh.. my car was broken into

12-04-2008, 11:22 AM
I went out to Dennys with friends after bowling last night. We got there at 12:45am and left an hour later. Somewhere in between my rear driver's side window was smashed. All that was taken was my bag (bought for $5), my broken wallet that was needing to be replaced, a maxed out credit card, debit card to an empty account, and miscellaneous items (book, ipod cord, smokes). It will be a pain in the butt replacing my government issued IDs (social insurance card, medical care card, driver's license, birth certificate).. and I'll have to keep a closer eye on any signs of identity theft. I cancelled my credit card and debit card as soon as I saw the window. I filed a report after that but they said it would likely just be for information purposes, which is kind of expected. I did happen to park in a spot with a pub's camera pointing right at it but I'm not counting on it helping. It was stupid of me to leave my bag visible.. It was slightly covered by my ($350) coat, which was left. They also left my buddy's bag right next to mine, my CDs, and DVDs sitting right next to the bag. I'm lucky I didn't lose much.. it's more of an inconvenience than anything. Now to save up to replace the window.. grrr..:mad:

12-04-2008, 01:03 PM
Oh no, Ashley! I'm so sorry that this happened to you, you did not deserve this!:( People are soo stupid sometimes...:mad:

12-04-2008, 01:15 PM
That's terrible that it happened - but I think you got the last laugh on whoever did it. A cheap purse with nothing of value in it - yippee!!! - serves the jerk right - and he probably thought he would get money and usable credit cards. SURPRISE!!!
Maybe the police will find whoever did it thru the survelience camera. That would be sweet revenge!!!

12-04-2008, 02:08 PM
That's terrible that it happened - but I think you got the last laugh on whoever did it. A cheap purse with nothing of value in it - yippee!!! - serves the jerk right - and he probably thought he would get money and usable credit cards. SURPRISE!!!
Maybe the police will find whoever did it thru the survelience camera. That would be sweet revenge!!!

Haha I feel like I should be more upset cause it really is a huge pain in the butt.. but my friends and I got a good laugh out if it. The most valuable thing in my bag was a $10 book.. LOL. I guess the thief went straight for my bag instead of the other because mine is a huge oversized purse.. I could easily fit my laptop and SLR camera in there. Surprise, surprise.. there's junk in there :P

12-04-2008, 02:21 PM
That's horriable.At least they didn't take anything of great value.I bet they were in for a surpise when they found out all the stuff they took was nothing exprensive.

12-04-2008, 02:22 PM
I hope they at least sprained their wrist and/or got some glass in their skin for doing that to you!!!

I have absolutely no sympothy for thieves. They disgust me. Perhaps to some, they deserve pity, but to me, they deserve jail time.

I'm sorry you have to clean up their mess, but relieved they didn't get anything of more value.

Make sure you contact Equifax and file a (free) Consumer Statement. You can Google them and contact them that way and it's 100% free, as long as you don't get any extra 'bells and whistles', just a plain, old Consumer Statement. That will prevent anyone applying for credit under your name, it's a great thing to have even if your ID doesn't get stolen.

12-04-2008, 02:24 PM
Thanks for the tip Leslie! I will do that asap! :)

12-04-2008, 02:41 PM
I've had my car broken into a few times. The last time was the day before Thanksgiving Day two years ago. I had nothing of value in my car except a cell phone, and that was hidden in the charging area of my VW GTI. They took a chunk of cement from the sidewalk, heaved it through my side window (right under the street lamp) and took the cell.

The next thing they did, and I swear it was the same kids (from what was downloaded for the cell, I'm guessing teens), the same year, on Christmas Eve, they slashed my two passenger side tires. Try finding a shop open to get new tires on Christmas Eve. It was horrible. One shop, only one set of tires, and it set me back 800.00. Of course, my car also decides to just stop working that night as well and died on me as I drove to the walk in emergency room to get meds for my bronchitis. That holiday just sucked.

Laura's Babies
12-04-2008, 03:24 PM
I am with AdoreMyDogs! I have NO sympathy for thieves, people that are TO LAZY to work for what they want and steal it from those who do work. NOTHING is worth a jail record that will follow you the rest of your life. They will get what they have coming, sooner or later.