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View Full Version : Thursday #294 - For our Richard

12-03-2008, 11:43 PM
The Bar is now open and this week it will be in Richard's honor.

Our excellent bartender has had to face the loss of his dear Mother this week. Many of us have suffered the loss of a parent this year so you will understand.

Richard, come on over here - sit on the sofa. We got Orc to light a warm fire in the fireplace for you. Put your feet up too!

Now tell us some stories about your Mom. We loved the Mr. and Mrs. Apple story - so you must have hundreds more to share with us.

Drinks? No, Richard sit back down - we will do the serving and clean up this week - not to worry. Everyone help themselves to whatever you would like - coffee is made - tea is brewing.

We just wanted to crowd around you today and offer our support in your loss. If you need to be by yourself for a while - we understand that too.

Just know you are well loved.

(a box of Kleenex is on the bar).

12-04-2008, 12:36 AM
I've got a good pot of hot chocolate with plenty of cinnamon, another pot of chai and blueberry tea all ready. Richard, your choice. And I can leave the cinnamon out of the hot chocolate, too if you want.

My Jewish neighbor whom I didn't know very well presented me with a round loaf of Challah bread the day of my mom's funeral - she said it is traditional to eat something round after a funeral, to represent the circle of life. So a round coffee ring is also here for you - a Swedish take on a Jewish tradition?

12-04-2008, 12:39 AM
Ill raise my next jar to RICHARDs mom, elbow high.

12-04-2008, 01:00 AM
I'd like to sit and listen, I'll have some of Karen's cocoa with a shot of peppermint snaps.

I will toast to you Angelita, you raised your children and have done your duty, its time for you to rest now. You are missed by your son, we will sit by if he needs us, rest and don't worry about him.

12-04-2008, 01:08 AM
The Bar is now open and this week it will be in Richard's honor.

Our excellent bartender has had to face the loss of his dear Mother this week. Many of us have suffered the loss of a parent this year so you will understand.

Richard, come on over here - sit on the sofa. We got Orc to light a warm fire in the fireplace for you. Put your feet up too!

Now tell us some stories about your Mom. We loved the Mr. and Mrs. Apple story - so you must have hundreds more to share with us.

Drinks? No, Richard sit back down - we will do the serving and clean up this week - not to worry. Everyone help themselves to whatever you would like - coffee is made - tea is brewing.

We just wanted to crowd around you today and offer our support in your loss. If you need to be by yourself for a while - we understand that too.

Just know you are well loved.

(a box of Kleenex is on the bar).

I second this. *HUGS* to you RICHARD

Cinder & Smoke
12-04-2008, 01:16 AM
Here, Richard ~

I've got a spare shoulder ... lean over here an let the tears flow.
Maybe we can swap Mom Tails ... both of our Moms led pretty full and interesting lives.

Did you ever take your Mom to see the Fireworks on the 4th of July?
Cinder, Smokey, and I were visiting Mom on the day Upper St Clair was going to
shoot off a big community display. I asked Mom if she'd like to go ...
Even though she was almost blind, she thought it would be fun to go.
We signed out of the Village and all piled into da Bus ... Me, Mom, and the two
unsuspecting Dawgs. We parked among Thousands at the South Hills Village Mall
and aimed the bus towards the hillside south of the Center.

Darkness came, the Mall killed most of the parking lot lights, and the Show started.
Mom had a blast - "Ooohin and Awwwwin" with each aerial ...
while the back-seat crowd closed their eyes and huddled together with the
occasional *whiiine or whimper* if a really 'loud one' went off.

OK Richard - your turn. ;)

Oh, the Extra Glass? ~~~ That one's for Your Mom ... I'll bet she joins us.

BIG {{{Hugs}}}, Bud!

12-04-2008, 01:51 AM
Who knows how to make a Grasshopper?

When I was 8 or 9 Granny Mo made my older brother and I a couple of Grasshoppers to get us to go to sleep. We slept and we slept good that night. To this day I have no idea how to make a Grasshopper other then the Creme de Menthe.

Menth Menthe Meanth however its spelled

This is alot more fun when the Whiteposts are actually White Posts.

12-04-2008, 02:28 AM
Thanks guys, I had to stop in and start the thursday thread, I saw it was started and decided to go look around first.

YOU guys Rock!

My mom was a Guy's kinda mom!

I have a ton of stories about her and my dad!

LOL, I can tell this one!

We would go camping on the beach in Mexico and my dad would buy a case of bottled Mexican sodas! It went on the table and we were allowed to split one between us kids. Dad would have HIS bottle and warned us that we were NOT to drink from it.

He was doing the cooking that day and my mom DIDN't listen well that time.
When dad turned to tend to the food, Mom came over and took a few healthy swigs from it. MY dad caught wind of it and IT WAS ON!

Mom started to get really funny, stumbling around and really loud.

Dad's soda had some of his "medicine" in it and mom got a little tanked. She was kinda rambunctious and us kids walked her to the beach to 'walk' it off.

There were some dead sting rays on the beach and I remember her walking over and giving them a few kicks. I was kinda amused and startled at the time, but we got her back to the tent and to sleep.

She woke up kinda hung over the next day-then, for years we would jokingly offer her a drink only to have her vehemently deny ever having tasted any kind of booze.

We would tell her she was drunk on the beach in Mexico all those years ago and she would call us liars.

A few years ago we caught her asleep on the couch and took a picture of her with a bottle of booze nestled in her arm.

LOLOLOLOL, We showed her the photo and she was so mad that for the life of me I don't know if I lost the photo on purpose or she scared me into losing it.



My mom was also a huge sports fan, She loved her Lakers-the AHs had to lose on Tuesday night on a last second shot-I have to laugh and think if she didn't have a hand in the loss. She was never satisfied with close games. She wanted a 20 point victory every game.

This is terrlible but she was also a motorsports fan. I would go next door to watch the start of the NASCAR races and we would rate the singers who did the Star Spangled Banner.

Her least favorite motorsport? Motorcycle roadracing. I would go over and pop it on the tube to watch a few laps. She would freak out when the racers would put their knees on the concrete in the turns.

"OH, I HATE WHEN THEY DO THAT-I think that they are gonna knock their knees off!"

After a few laps she'd say, "Who is winning?":D

12-04-2008, 10:45 AM
:) WoW that was another great story about your Mother Richard.. Tell us some more ok.. Only if you feel up to it.. I brought some Plum Bread/Cake.. Orc can you go get us some of Karen's Blueberry Tea please??


12-04-2008, 10:46 AM
Ah Richard, what a great story. Taking the picture is classic! Reminds me of some of the things we did to my mom. Thanks for the laugh and fond memories.

12-04-2008, 11:40 AM
hello there!!... I thought to drop by.... I brought some Flaming Hot Lays... letīs have more sizzling stories.... moms are great!!

12-04-2008, 12:17 PM
hello there!!... I thought to drop by.... I brought some Flaming Hot Lays... letīs have more sizzling stories.... moms are great!!

:eek: No No Orc dont dump a bucket of water on Isabel.. She did not say she had Flames.. :p Whewwss whats we gonna do with our Orc..:D

12-04-2008, 03:53 PM
Hi, everyone! I thought I'd better take over the bartender chores and keep an eye on Orc! It's great hearing those stories about your mother, RICHARD.

12-04-2008, 06:48 PM
hello there!!... I thought to drop by.... I brought some Flaming Hot Lays... letīs have more sizzling stories.... moms are great!!

Oh, I had to laugh when I read we were having FLAMING HOT LAYS!:o

I could use one about now but I ate come vinegar and salt LAYS just before I went on line.... I should have waited!;)

Let me make you a grasshopper.....DONE!

Menthe-I think you got it right!


OH when I start to think back I can tell thousands of them...

I have one of my dad- I thing a regular thread in the General section would be good later on, for the people who don't go near the DH!

My brother told me this on today.

My dad was going thru alzheimer's disease and kidney failure, dialysis, circulatory problems and he had his toes amputated. Not a nice way to go but he hung in there.

One day, on the way back from dialysis, my brother was pulled over because dad didn't have on a seat belt. The cop explained to my bro and dad why they were pulled over.

MY dad leaned over and asked the cop if he spoke Spanish. The cop said yes and this is what my brother said came outta Pop's mouth. It sounded way better in Espanol, but it's translates well!

"Look, I was driving before there were seatbelts in cars and way before you found a hard stool in your diaper......"

My brother buckled up my Dad and they drove off with a warning.:confused::D

12-04-2008, 08:07 PM
Richard, how about a mug of coffee w/some Bailey's Irish Cream in it? I've also been in the mood for some homemade guacamole and tortilla chips. I know, it doesn't exactly mix w/Bailey's, does it? My tastes in food and drink are weird but my taste in friends is not. I feel honored to be able to join the group and hear more stories about Mom Angelita. You can skip the food and drink if you like and just go straight to the storytelling. I'm all ears. :)

12-04-2008, 08:37 PM
Oh Richard....I see you!!!;)

I'd love to join in and honor Angelita! She sure sounds feisty, if I can use that word.

LOLOL I have to laugh at all the "Mom" stories here. I could tell you a few about mine but this is a family bar! Anyway, Gini has met her.....'nough said.:D

So, now it's the end of a long work day and I'm winding down. I'm going to plunk myself down on the comfy couch and chill a little before heading home. Hmmm, I could sure use a double BM with a twist of lemon, a celery stick and a prawn & tomato skewer! Oh and bartender, please put a dash of horseradish in the BM....just the way Richard makes it! Yummy! :D

So Richard, you posted that we could all come and live with you. I'll take you up on that provided Ed. E. Katz gets to sleep with me. Only trouble is if I eat too much Mexican food, well....my intestines will probably complain loudly, if you get my drift. Poor Ed. E. Not sure if he could stand it. :D

Here's a toast to you Angelita. Thank you for giving us Richard.:love:

12-04-2008, 11:33 PM
I have a wonderful fire in the fireplace here at home, the cat is arse end toward the hearth and I would love a sip and bite of everything you all have made today.

Would anyone be interested in a homemade tortilla with real butter on it.

I made a batch today and the masa/dough was really great. THe best batch yet.

Let me roll out a few and let's sit down and hang out for a while!:D

12-04-2008, 11:36 PM
And I just orderred a salad and pizza.

ETA: When we where kids visiting dad at Granny Mo's house, we called her that because my brother and I couldnt pronounce our last name when we where real little, GM came out from whatever she was doing in the kitchen and pointed at each of us in turn saying, "einy meany miny" then pointed to herself and said "Mo". She then went back to whatever she was doing in the kitchen.

12-05-2008, 12:05 AM
How heartwarming is all of this? All of us are telling stories about our parents or grandparents. This is great!

Richard, I hope you are coping - you are such a faker - you try to hide behind that sense of humor and have all of us laughing. That's why we love you.

I have an Uncle story. I loved this Uncle Hal. I didn't get to see him often but when I did it was clear that he loved me. So fearlessly I would climb on his lap and ask him to "click" his teeth. He had false teeth that just fascinated me - I was just a wee one then.

He is also the one that taught me "I scream.....you scream......we all scream for ice cream. That meant ice cream was in my near future.

A homemade tortilla - you betcha - can I add some salt on top of the melted butter?

12-05-2008, 12:18 AM
Salt? How about a little bit of sugar and a lotta bit of cinnamon!

Cinder & Smoke
12-05-2008, 12:43 AM

How about a little bit of sugar and a lotta bit of cinnamon!


Uhhhh ... Isn't there supposed to be some "stuff" in there, too?
Like maybe:

* A Meat
* A Cheese
* A Salad
* Beans
* SOMEthing ??

But I could be wrong.

12-05-2008, 12:53 AM
Nope. Butter, sugar, cinnamon inside a folded and browned-just-right tortilla makes a YUMMY dessert.

12-05-2008, 01:09 AM

Tortillas are like bread to us!

You can take a flour tortilla, deep fry it and while it's still hot take some cinnamon and sugar to it!

Or you take them hot off the griddle and you can stuff it with beans, rice and meat too!:D

IT's Mexican white bread!:D


I am a faker.;)

Cinder & Smoke
12-05-2008, 01:39 AM

Ooooh-Kaaaaay ...

Now I wonder what those things I order from the place with the Sombrero and the Bell are????
They always come stuffed with more *stuff* than Cinnamon & Sugar!

I hate it when you can't pronounce the stuff on the menu board!
But then ... if ya can't pronounce it, ya prolly shouldn't otta try *eating* it!
Remynds me of my first of only TWO visits to a Chinese Restaurant -
with "authentic" Chinese Waitresses AND Chinese MENU!
How you say PLAIN *BEEF* Hamburger?


12-05-2008, 04:38 AM
We would tell her she was drunk on the beach in Mexico all those years ago and she would call us liars.

Hey Richard, shame on you...what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico! :p

Actually the whole episode sounds like it would make a good Kenny Chesney video! :D

12-05-2008, 07:15 AM
Oh Phred, that's not even good Mexican food! (And I hesitate to even call it real food!) lol

I think my area is probably more Tex-Mex but come on out and I'll treat you guys to something alot better (and more tastey!) than the drive thru.


I have a jar of unopened local honey that I've been wanting to try. How about some homemade sopaipilla... better known in our house as "sophie-pillas." (Oh how I still miss that bunny, Miz Sophie! Mom was missing/recalling her antics the other day, too.)

Cinder & Smoke
12-05-2008, 09:58 AM
Oh Phred, that's not even good Mexican food!
(And I hesitate to even call it real food!) lol

That's the shame of it - MOST of us don't know what Mexican food is
*supposed* to taste like! "The Bell" is all we know! :(

How about some homemade sopaipilla ... better known in our house as "sophie-pillas."
(Oh how I still miss that bunny, Miz Sophie!
Mom was missing/recalling her antics the other day, too.)


I try to mentally sound out words I can't pronounce ...
My first try at "sopaipilla" came out as "Sophie-pilla" ...
We ALL *Miss da Lil Black Bunny*! :(


12-05-2008, 09:08 PM
That's the shame of it - MOST of us don't know what Mexican food is
*supposed* to taste like! "The Bell" is all we know! :(


The old menus on the TB board had a phonetical translation under the names of the offerings.:D

I love the Bellbeefers- it was a hamburger bun with ground beef, lettuce and I can't remember what else!


Spooky stuff?

I was upset that I didn't have my mom recorded on any tapes or video...:(

I was vacumning my mom's house and ended up getting the cord stuck behind the phone jack and ripped it out.

As I tried to see how I could get it hooked up again I came across an old portable phone my mom hated.

I plugged it back in and one of the last messages was her talking to my brother- she didn't turn off the machine and it caught her voice!

A while later I put on the cable channels for music and was skipping thru to find something cheery.

I was coming close to the seasonal music and thought how mom loved Silent Night...

Sure enough, I hit the channel and.......:eek::D

That woman!;)

12-06-2008, 06:09 PM
Anyone out there?

I am going to build a fire and was hoping for a little company!:D

12-06-2008, 06:30 PM
Richard you sound like you have some real good memories of your mom, some of us don't have that. You're a very lucky person to be able to share this with us. Thanks and enjoy the treats your friends have for you.

12-06-2008, 06:31 PM
RICHARD, I'll be your company for as long as you want. I'm a little nervous about turning 60 this friday!

12-06-2008, 06:57 PM
RICHARD, I'll be your company for as long as you want. I'm a little nervous about turning 60 this friday!

It's only a number!

Hang tough my friend, we made it this far!


You would not believe some of the stories I have about my mom....

Can I tell one more?

It has to do with Joseph Cotten a old actor, Leonard Maltin a movie critic and my mom and me.

I bought a book, a kind of encyclopedia of movies. When I'd go over to spend time with her we would get to the old movies and try to figure out who the actors were. If we could not get who they were, we would look at the Leonard Maltin book as a last resort.

It got to the point-god help me, I can't remember how Cotten's name came up-where any actor we could not ID became JOSEPH COTTEN.


She would turn to me and say, "You are a liar!", then we would laugh like idiots, try and guess who the actor was and, as a last resort, go to the book.

LOL, JC made more movies than he was ever given credit for!


12-06-2008, 07:13 PM
That fire is nice, okay, I'll join you!

Okay, David, don't worry about turning the big 60! It's just one of those zero numbers, after all, and zero means nothin', right?

But another birthday - well, that's cause for cake!

12-06-2008, 08:06 PM
A toast to dear friends, tell someone you love them today because it could be the last chance you get.

I love everyone on PT, you guys have been nothing but supportive through my struggles and you all have shared in my joys (speaking of joy, does anyone want to watch a cat play with a tennis ball? I've got one over here having a blast :D )

*HUGS* to you Richard and everyone! To me a hug is the greatest gift because they always fit and no one complains if you re-gift them to someone else. ;)

David, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Here's to many more!

While were on the subject of sharing fond memories, let me share some about my dear grandmother. When I was little, I would spend a lot of time at my grandmas house when my parents were at work (especially when school was out for the summer). My grandmas yard had a pair of HUGE plum trees. I remember spending hours picking plums and eating them fresh from the tree. My grandma made the best plum preserves too ;) Grandmas house to me was days spent outside, climbing trees or playing with all the toys that were at grandmas only :D She also had the coolest orange tabby cat ever. My parents had cats but they weren't nearly as friendly as old Boots. I think Boots really started me on the path to liking cats...now that I think about it Remus and Boots really have similar purrsonalites lol.

12-09-2008, 06:35 AM
**knock knock**
Anyone home??? Is the bar still open?
It's early here.....just after 4:30am and I can't sleep. Got anything to help with this??? How about a Spanish Coffee????

**yawn** I think I'll just crash on the couch for awhile.:o

12-09-2008, 07:40 AM
Gosh, I should've joined you, Slick. I couldn't sleep either. Well, I'm a little late so my hazelnut coffee will have to be w/out the Bailey's because it's morning now.

Richard, those are all great stories about your Mom. Keep 'em comin'.

David, turning 60 is like turning 59 or any other number. Doesn't hurt a bit. :)

12-09-2008, 09:46 AM
As they say - old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative! :D

Or - It's not how old you are - it's how you are old. ;)

A neighbour of mine is in his early-mid 50s and thinks he is in an unemployable category because of his age.

I am 52 and started a new career as a computer tech!

there ya go....:)

12-09-2008, 10:18 AM
Richard, I'd love a tortilla, it has to have avocado in it, and the rest is up to you - any cheese, meat and salad - but NO BEANS, please! And I'll have a Corona (or are they called Sol in Mexico) in honor of your mom. Unos Nachos con queso tambien, por favor?

David, don't worry! You won't feel your age, until the day after! ;)

Slick, I'll join you on the couch - if you don't mind. :)

12-09-2008, 02:38 PM
Sorry I'm so late here to the bar - been doing lots of decorating!

Richard - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. So many of us are now in that transition of saying goodbye to our parents and becoming the "senior" generation.:eek:

I always enjoyed your stories of Eddie and your mom. :D

big cyber hug<<<>>>

12-09-2008, 03:33 PM
Hey, Stopped in for a second.....

Let me serve everyone with a HUGE DONE!

I'll come back for individual orders later on!

I love you all!:D

12-09-2008, 04:04 PM
Would anyone be interested in a homemade tortilla with real butter on it.

Mega drooling... I love homemade tortillas *drools*


Tortillas are like bread to us!

You can take a flour tortilla, deep fry it and while it's still hot take some cinnamon and sugar to it!

Or you take them hot off the griddle and you can stuff it with beans, rice and meat too!:D

IT's Mexican white bread!:D

now I need a tortilla fix.... Iīm soooo hungry...

and TB is nowhere even near to Mexican food... one of these days Iīll be glad to show you some... one of these days....

12-09-2008, 11:17 PM
Hey, Stopped in for a second.....

Let me serve everyone with a HUGE DONE!

I'll come back for individual orders later on!

I love you all!:D

We love you too! :D My chair seems to have a plush tabby cat sitting on it...hopefully he will be content to share ;)

Who wants to pet a kitty. :) Catnip teas and a round for everyone, my treat!

12-09-2008, 11:49 PM
A round for everyone! DONE!

When I get off the couch I come back to a white car in my place!

Please watch where you sit!:D

12-09-2008, 11:51 PM
A round for everyone! DONE!

When I get off the couch I come back to a white car in my place!

Please watch where you sit!:D

Who parked the white car on RICHARDS couch?

12-10-2008, 12:08 AM
A white CAT may have had something to do with it...Where is Ed anyway? :D

12-10-2008, 02:41 AM
A white CAT may have had something to do with it...Where is Ed anyway? :D

Lets not be to logical here. Have a martini.

Killearn Kitties
12-10-2008, 05:15 AM
*puff* *pant* Only just made it this week! Why is there so much to do at this time of year???
Lovely stories, Richard. No need to rush back behind the bar on my account. I'll help myself to some festive coffee and Baillies and sit with my feet up for a while.

12-10-2008, 06:24 AM
*puff* *pant* Only just made it this week! Why is there so much to do at this time of year???
Lovely stories, Richard. No need to rush back behind the bar on my account. I'll help myself to some festive coffee and Baillies and sit with my feet up for a while.

Karen, I'll get the coffee and Bailey's for the both of us so just put your feet up. I have another session with the dentist today so hopefully new dentures for Christmas!

Killearn Kitties
12-10-2008, 07:41 AM
Oh that's very kind David, you are spoiling me! My father-in-law recently got new dentures, and very good he looks too. Hope you get on well at the dentist today, and you look like this by Christmas --> :D.