View Full Version : What Vet web sigt do you depend on?

12-03-2008, 01:28 PM
My Simon is still throwing up everything. We took him back to the vet but he just gave him some prescription food which he is throwing up. GAAAA

He has lost around 6 pounds since March when we had him in there first. The vet said he is now at a good weight but I see bones and can feel his spine when I pet him. I'm not sure if 10 pounds is the right weight for a 7 year old cat.

Anyway, I think I am going have to diagnose him myself. Is there a site that gives some idea what is wrong if you put in the symptoms? Any good vet sites out there?

12-03-2008, 01:54 PM
I'd take him to another vet and get a second opinion.

12-03-2008, 01:57 PM
I normally just google serch but a serch is not a substitution for going to the vet. Have you tried a different vet? If your vet has not discussed allergrys then maybe this would be somewhere to start. Im sorry your kitty is sick :confused:

12-03-2008, 02:05 PM
TAKE HIM TO A DIFFERENT VET NOW! We lost ET when she stopped eating, the vet that we had used for over 30 years said it was ear mits, we went to a different vet and she was given fluids and an appitite enhaser. This helped while teh blood work was done. In the end we lost her to cancer, but we also found a great vet that took more time with her and tried.

12-03-2008, 02:16 PM
Well he said next he could give him meds, the blood work taken in March came out alright. If meds don't do the trick then it's a biopsy and that would be cutting, I would hope they x-ray first.

He says he is spoiled to the tuna I have been feeding him but man if that is what he keeps down better (still throws up) than the other food then he gets it. I can see him starving everyday. And even the tuna is getting old for him, he turns away from it.

He stands over his food dish like he would like to eat but can't, then he drinks lots of water. So sad.

12-03-2008, 03:38 PM
I forgot to say the vet did give him a steroid shot. What does that do?

I am thinkiing of taking him to a pet hospital but they may want to charge more.

12-03-2008, 04:07 PM
I would find another vet immediately. My vet's rule of thumb is if one of my cats throws up once, not to worry but if s/he throws up again, I should call him. Your cat may have something as simple as food allergies but it could be something more serious and time may not be on your side, if it's a more serious illness. Tuna is ok to get a cat over the hump and eating again but it's human food and doesn't have all the nutrients that a cat needs, especially the amino acid taurine; otherwise a cat can go blind w/out it. Please find another vet. For your cat to vomit every day is absolutely unacceptable. Imagine how miserable you would be if it was you retching every day. And if he drinks a lot of water, he could be diabetic or a host of other things. To answer your question, a steroid can be administered for inflammation, allergies, etc., a variety of reasons. Didn't you ask your vet why he was giving your cat the shot? Go to another vet, ask a lot of questions and if money is a concern, usually vets will accept payments if you make arrangements before treatment. Get going! And please update us. I hope your kitty is going to be alright. :)

12-03-2008, 04:14 PM
As the others said, NEW VET. ASAP.

It doesn't take long for a cat to go into liver failure due to excessive loss of weight over a short period of time.

12-03-2008, 05:40 PM
Well I talked to my hubby and he says give the vet some more time. He did get the shot and we are monitering his food. I won't let him go long without eating. I just wonder how much is staying down and what nourishment he is getting from it.

The vet said to come back in three weeks but it will be sooner if he doesn't perk up.

12-03-2008, 07:59 PM
I would be in another vet's office right now. It's unheard of for an animal to vomit repeatedly for no apparent reason and your vet should have looked into the cause.

12-03-2008, 09:29 PM
Well I talked to my hubby and he says give the vet some more time. He did get the shot and we are monitering his food. I won't let him go long without eating. I just wonder how much is staying down and what nourishment he is getting from it.

The vet said to come back in three weeks but it will be sooner if he doesn't perk up.

You're going to wait 3 weeks?

Seriously, I wouldn't wait even 2 more days. Get him to another vet, no matter what hubby says. How would he like to be in that poor cat's "shoes"?!

Like I said, liver failure is quick.

12-03-2008, 10:56 PM
A steroid shot may cause excessive thirst. However I mostly agree with the above comments if the cat's health doesn't improve, either find a different vet for a second opinon, let this vet have a chance at doing some of the lab work or x-rays to find out what is causing the problem. Also as said above, tuna is ok for short term, but not long term feeding.

Hope things improve for your kitty.

12-04-2008, 08:32 AM
I would also be in to another vet like a shot. Why on earth would you wait 3 weeks, when this has been going on so long already? As someone already said, time is usually NOT on your side.

Prayers for Simon. And some chin rubs; please deliver.

12-04-2008, 08:44 AM
Well I talked to my hubby and he says give the vet some more time. He did get the shot and we are monitering his food. I won't let him go long without eating. I just wonder how much is staying down and what nourishment he is getting from it.

The vet said to come back in three weeks but it will be sooner if he doesn't perk up.

Your vet doesn't need more time. Your cat needs immediate attention. You are obviously not satisfied w/the level of care that your vet has given your cat or you wouldn't have posted here. How would you like it if you were vomiting every day and feeling miserable and your doctor said to come back in 3 weeks? In that period of time, your cat can become seriously dehydrated, his liver can fail, so can his kidneys. Please find another vet who will truly listen to what you're telling him/her. Time is of the essence.

12-19-2008, 02:09 PM
I would seek the opinion of another vet. I had to switch vets three times before I was happy when my cat Sydney was diagnosed with cancer. You can always do research yourself, but you are going to need a vet's help.

A website I used for research when my turtle and cats have become sick is:


You type in your concern/question (use as much detail as you can) and then for a small price a veterinarian will answer your quesiton. You dont pay them untill you are satisfied with the answer. You basically go back and forth as much as you want. I was given some helpful information on my turtle. :love::love::love: