View Full Version : I need a huge favor from all of you.

12-02-2008, 03:34 PM
I don't usually ask for things but.....

And it does not involve CHOCOLATE!

Please go for all your annual tests, prostate, mammograms, blood and x-rays.

Don't hesitate! Don't put them off and don't think any ailment 'will go away' on it's own.

The next thing is to If you have an idea as to what you want to do with your possessions after you depart the planet-get your things in order.

It's sounds morbid but it's probably the best for everyone that you know and love.


Medicine is WAY more advanced now that it ever has been -some discomfort now is better than any pain and complications you or your loved ones may encounter later on.

Do it for yourselves and your loved ones.


12-02-2008, 03:37 PM
:) Well that was so Sweet of you to think of us & to ask of this medical favor.. I sure will.. Many Thanks for the reminder..

12-02-2008, 03:53 PM
That's good advice, Richard. Unfortunately, I haven't done what I should, yet. Will try to sort things out soon, though. ;)

12-02-2008, 04:01 PM

Do not let anyone talk you into a prostate check!:confused:;)

12-02-2008, 04:01 PM
Richard - what prompted this? Are you trying to tell us something, or am I reading between the lines? :( You just didn't think of this out of the blue - did you?

And at my age - how I hate being reminded - since it makes me take note of my own mortality!

Queen of Poop
12-02-2008, 04:26 PM
Way to go Richard, an excellent post and request. I do hope all is well with you and that nothing serious prompted this.

When I turned 40 (3 years ago) I went for my first mammogram which was supposed to just be a baseline for future reference. No so, they found a lump. It was as close to being breast cancer as you can get without actually having cancer. If I had waited till 50 for my first mammogram I would have had full blown cancer by then. The lump was removed and no further treatment was required. But I faithfully go every year for my mammogram. Yes, they pinch a bit, but I figure a wee pinch once a year is better than the potential outcome I could have had.

Get em done!!!

12-02-2008, 04:49 PM
Richard posted some sad news in the prayer thread.

Your right and I need to do all that stuff and I don't! Thanks for the reminder I will get off my behind.

12-02-2008, 05:02 PM
Had my annual squish-o-gram yesterday, so I need not even think about that for another year. Thanks for the reminder, Richard. Flu shots, too if your doctor recommends one! It only hurts for less than a second!

12-02-2008, 05:13 PM
Richard - I'm so sorry. I hadn't read the prayer thread and did not know that your mother had passed on.
She's at peace now, and I hope you can find peace in knowing this. You have my most sincere sympathy.
God bless you both.

12-02-2008, 05:15 PM
Richard - what prompted this? Are you trying to tell us something, or am I reading between the lines? :( You just didn't think of this out of the blue - did you?

And at my age - how I hate being reminded - since it makes me take note of my own mortality!

Richard's mother died today. She had been suffering from cancer.

Paul and I have lost two women we knew this year to breast cancer. I think of them, and the cancer-vivors I know, when I am driving to my yearly squish-o-gram.

12-02-2008, 05:28 PM

Back in Dec 2006 I went for my annual checkup. Somehow, I missed a year - I am normally really good about these things - but anyway, I was sent for an ultrasound.

In March of 2007 had a stent put in one ureter as my left kidney was almost completely cut off. On May 22, I had a hysterectomy.

I HAD NO SYMPTOMS!!!! What I had was a 1 3/4 lb benign (thank God) fibroid tumour.

Again - I HAD NO SYMPTOMS! If you feel good, this is the PERFECT time to get things checked, before something has a chance to really settle in.

Please get your checkups. I and all PTRS and many people love you. Please check up on yourself. :love:

12-04-2008, 03:36 PM
Great advice, RICHARD! Right now I'm being treated for a variety of ailments, atrial fibrillation, diabetes,beginning Parkinson's all of which is being controlled by medications. My medical history reads like War and Peace! So therefore I echo RICHARD's advice.

12-04-2008, 03:52 PM
I know where this is coming from. :(

My doctors and I are right on top of my medical "condition". I do have regular mammograms, regular dental appointments, regular bloodwork done and now that I'm "mature" ...:rolleyes:...the doctor checks for colon cancer.

Men, don't be afraid to practice TSE, testicular self examination. You can contact your doctor or any ACS to find out about it.

As Nike says "Just do it!"

As for my Estate, well that's all taken care of, isn't it Karen?? ;)

12-04-2008, 04:14 PM
Please go for all your annual tests, prostate, mammograms, blood and x-rays.

What a timely thread since I had my mammogram this morning.....OUCH! Better to suffer a couple of seconds than to be walking around in ignorance. Richard I commend you for posting this because men usually don't take very good care of themselves. My hubby avoids the doctor at all costs and I can't even tell you the last time he had a physical or blood work. I have quit nagging. It only makes him mad. :(

12-04-2008, 04:28 PM
My hubby avoids the doctor at all costs and I can't even tell you the last time he had a physical or blood work. I have quit nagging. It only makes him mad. :(

Pam - please be the biggest nag that you can - so what if he gets mad - he'll get over it and maybe even thank you one day.

My brother suffered a massive stroke at the age of 59 and never worked or walked or lived any kind of normal life after that. He passed away from complications (pneumonia) at the age of 64! He looked like the picture of health - however he had high blood pressure, but refused to take any medication that the doctor prescribed. He said he was "just fine" without it!

How I miss him!!!!

12-04-2008, 04:44 PM
Sadly a lot of men are just not good at taking caring of these matters, i nagg and nagg my husband lol, in the end he reluctantly goes,just had his bloods all done, and all good,

I certainly keep up with my mammograms after my mother had breast cancer, and i have regular blood tests of everything every year at my own request, you cannot rely on the doctors, you have to be on to it yourself and look after yourself, even my vet is better than the doctors, after requesting more of Ash's medication he rings me to see how he is getting on and we speak for about 15 mins, if only our own medical doctors were as diligent eh?

12-04-2008, 06:25 PM
What a timely thread since I had my mammogram this morning.....OUCH! Better to suffer a couple of seconds than to be walking around in ignorance. Richard I commend you for posting this because men usually don't take very good care of themselves.

I know that things that I post are probably a coincidence when they happen just so in someone's life.......But I like to think that we all have special bonds with people sometimes.

Good on you and do it for yourselves and you loved ones.:)

12-04-2008, 06:30 PM
Called and scheduled the dread colonoscopy THIS MORNING! (have it in January) I have been putting it off but had the instructions and phone number on the kitchen counter - read this thread and made the appointment - now am so proud of myself. Had the "squish-o-gram" last month.:cool: Good reminder post!

12-04-2008, 06:33 PM
Called and scheduled the dread colonoscopy THIS MORNING! (have it in January) I have been putting it off but had the instructions and phone number on the kitchen counter - read this thread and made the appointment - now am so proud of myself. Had the "squish-o-gram" last month.:cool: Good reminder post!

And I will not mind when you think, "That SOB Richard.....":D

12-04-2008, 08:47 PM
I am going to try to force myself in for a squishy test within the next week in Angelita's honor. I have a dear friend that just got diagnosed with breast cancer, the one year she missed her test, luckily it was still caught early.

My doctor has sent me letters telling me off.

12-04-2008, 09:17 PM
I am going to try to force myself in for a squishy test within the next week in Angelita's honor. I have a dear friend that just got diagnosed with breast cancer, the one year she missed her test, luckily it was still caught early.

Would you?

THat would mean a great deal to me and her.:cool:


Some women have no problem taking off their tops for beads during Mardi Gras or Girls Gone Wild!

LOL, the squishy test is nothing compared to a prostate test.:rolleyes::eek:

You just have to take off you tops, We have bend over and relax!:D

12-04-2008, 09:35 PM
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and hers wasn't even caught with a mammogram but when she was having a physcial.:( Their were lumps under her armpit so it had spread to her lymph nodes. She decided to have a double mastectomy and also went through chemo and radiation.

She's still alive today and her doctor calls her a walking miracle. She has to take medication as a percaution for the rest of her life but I'm so glad that she's still here and a part of my life.:) I've been having annual mammograms ever since this happend which was about 9-10 years ago. I sure could've used PT prayers and support back then.

12-04-2008, 09:39 PM
LOL, the squishy test is nothing compared to a prostate test.:rolleyes::eek:

You just have to take off you tops, We have bend over and relax!:D

That reminds - the tech would position my body just so, place my arm where it should go and then say "Now, okay, relax that shoulder ..." The second time she said it I said "The shoulder is not relaxed 'cause it knows this is gonna hurt! I'll hold it down, but "relax" is just not going to happen." She smiled and said, "okay, just move it down, I can live with that."

12-04-2008, 10:55 PM
I'm going for my annual squishy and other exam :rolleyes: on Monday. When I told my Richard I had an appointment he started singing "Caribbean Gyno" from an SNL Eddie Murphy skit.

I do have to ask, is it really necessary to make them flat as a pancake? :eek:

I also want to add that we ladies need to do monthly self exams also. My mother found her tumor herself and even though she and the doctor could feel it the mammogram never showed it.

My 80 year old aunt on my father's side just had a mastectomy two weeks ago. Dad and I went to visit her at the nursing home where she's staying for a few weeks before going home and she's doing well.

12-05-2008, 04:22 AM
but "relax" is just not going to happen."

I love it when you are standing there under the *vise* and she says "now don't move." How in the world could you move? It's not like you can walk out of the room at that point or really even take a deep breath! :p

12-05-2008, 08:17 AM
http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y98/Iam1ofakind/LOL/49f6fcfa.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.eons.com/groups/topic/667242&usg=__oa2sL-uzdRwlls1fQ7vN9r2swWk=&h=114&w=160&sz=32&hl=en&start=48&sig2=Hlv1p1erK_OTgyE95W2ZXg&tbnid=dp4Lm-xVm_ELoM:&tbnh=70&tbnw=98&ei=gTc5SaPsHKDEeYv9sfwG&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhumour%2Bmammogram%26start%3D36%26gbv %3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN


I actually kept my mammogram appointment. I was met with, "Hi! I'm Belinda!" This perky clipboard carrier smiled from ear to ear, tilted her head to one side and crooned, "All I need you to do is step into this room right hereee, strip to the waist, thennnn slip on this gown. Everything clearrrr?"

I'm thinking, "Belinda--try decaf. This ain't rocket science."

Belinda skipped away to prepare the chamber of horrors.

Call me crazy, but I suspect a man invented this machine. It takes a perfectly healthy cup size of 36-B to a size 38-LONG in less than 60 seconds. Also, girls aren't made of sugar and spice and everything nice it's Spandex. We can be stretched, pulled and twisted over a cold 4-inch piece of square glass and still pop back into shape.

With the right side finished, Belinda flipped me (literally) to the left and said, "Hmmmm. Can you stand on your tippy toes and lean in a tad so we can get everything?"

Fine, I answered. I was freezing, bruised, and out of air, so why not use the remaining circulation in my legs and neck and finish me off?

My body was in a holding pattern that defied gravity (with my other boob wedged between those two 4" pieces of square glass) when we heard, ssssssssssszzzzzzzzzzz then I felt a zap! Complete darkness and the power went off! "What?" I yelled.

"Oh, maintenance is working. Bet they hit a snag." Belinda headed for the door.

"Excuse me! You're not leaving me in this vise alone, are you?" I shouted.

Belinda kept going and said, "Oh, you fussy puppy .. the door's wide open so you'll have the emergency hall lights. I'll be righttttt backkkk."

Before I could shout "NOOOO!" she disappeared. And that's exactly how Bubba and Earl, maintenance men extraordinaire, found me, half-naked and part of me dangling from the Jaws of Life and the other part smashed between glass! After exchanging polite "Hi, how's it going" type greetings, Bubba (or possibly Earl) asked, to my utter disbelief, if I knew the power was off.

Trying to disguise my hysteria, I replied with as much calmness as possible. "Uh, yes, yes I did thanks."

"You bet, take care" Bubba replied and waved good-bye as though I'd been standing in the line at the grocery store.

Two hours later, Belinda breezes in wearing a sheepish grin and making no attempt to suppress her amusement, she said. "Oh I am soooo sorry! The power came back on and I totally forgot about you! And silly me, I went to lunch. Are we upset?"

And that, Your Honor, is exactly how her head ended up between the clamps........

12-05-2008, 11:40 AM
Richard, what a heartfelt and caring thread! I just discovered that Pam's and your mom both have passed on. I am so very sorry! (((HUGS)))

12-05-2008, 01:37 PM
Thank you, Richard, for this excellent advice that cannot be given too often!!!!!

I can vouch first-hand for the value of regular checkups. Thanks to keeping to them, a malignant breast lump was detected before it had started to spread. I had a mastectomy and needed no further treatment.

This was in 1985. Since then, I've continued as before with a physical twice a year, a mammogram every year, and regular self-exams. And going on 24 years later I'm doing just fine!

So ladies.. when it's squish time, just grin and bear it... Sure, it's uncomfortable but nowhere near so much as, say, chemotherapy is! :eek::D:love:

As for after I'm gone.. I made a will arranging for my pets to be cared for for the rest of their lives, and then what's left of my estate goes to Best Friends Animal Society and a couple of other organizations doing the kind of good work I want to support.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-05-2008, 03:46 PM
Hey Richard, that is the best advize ever!! I wish my hubby was more like you, because he never goes to a doctor unless he has no other choise :rolleyes:
Since my BIL died so suddenly last week, I have begged him to go for a general control tests; but no use :mad:;he is 52, and in my opinion this is the perfect time for this!!

I am being a"good girl" though :D;)

01-25-2009, 05:13 PM
I am checking up on all of you!

I was watching Lance Armstrong racing in Australia (He's coming to do the Tour of California next month and it ends up the street from my house!) and I got very sad.

The announcers were saying that since he announced his retirement the last time that 23 MILLION people have died of cancer.

That made me very sad and for the first time I wondered how things would be different for my family had my mom simply gone for more tests.

Since then, my sister is under going treatment for Breast cancer and my niece was in the hospital for what they thought was an ovarian cyst but turned out to be a twisted intestine!

I was never more happy to hear about someones pain not being related to cancer.

So get off your rear ends and GO GET A CHECKUP!

I don't have the funds to got to each of your homes and kick your arses to make you go do it, so I have to rely on humiliating you!

Thanks again!

04-30-2009, 04:54 PM
I'm bumping this as a reminder. I keep it in the back of my mind quite often, but as of yet haven't done it myself.

My next door neighbor and dear friend was diagnosed today with stage IV ovarian cancer, it has spread to her lungs. She has had no symptoms indicating this, and we are all in shock. Her sister-in-law and daughter finally made her go to the doctor last week because she was having difficulty breathing after she tried walking next door to her son's house. They found one of her lungs was half full of fluid. Last Friday they drained 3 cups out of her lung and did a CT scan. They called her Tuesday to tell her that the fluid showed she had cancer. Yesterday she had more CT scans of different areas of her body. A tumor was found on her ovary, and sadly as I mentioned it has spread to her lungs. They are getting another opinion and looking into the options she has right now, but it does not sound good at all.

05-02-2009, 05:47 PM
Sorry to hear the news, sending out prayers....

11-06-2009, 12:48 PM
Here is a little birthday present for you Richard.

In your dear Mother's honor I finally got my mammogram and the good news letter in the last few weeks, this I probably would not have done without your reminder.

11-06-2009, 01:31 PM
Here is a little birthday present for you Richard.

In your dear Mother's honor I finally got my mammogram and the good news letter in the last few weeks, this I probably would not have done without your reminder.

Thank you and I am over the moon about the results. I know my mom would be happy too.

Thank you again and ALL YOU ALL, GET MOVING!:mad::cool:;)

11-06-2009, 01:42 PM
My mom had breast cancer in 2006, she's thankfully fully recovered and in remission now. It taught me to do this when I am older, I hope everyone else does to!

11-06-2009, 02:07 PM
Thank you and I am over the moon about the results. I know my mom would be happy too.

Thank you again and ALL YOU ALL, GET MOVING!:mad::cool:;)

Okay, if you insist. :)

Edwina's Secretary
11-06-2009, 02:08 PM
Perhaps one day when all Americans have access to adequate health care...

11-06-2009, 02:11 PM
I have my annual physical later this month, and will schedule a squishogram after that, as always. Too many people in my life who have battled breast cancer for me to ever NOT do it!

11-06-2009, 03:15 PM
Thanks to everyone who did for no other reason than for themselves.

And thanks turning a 'little favor thread' into a political statement. My mother would have loved for everyone to have HCI. Its too bad we can't.

I attribute that lack of basic HC for the people to the people who just want to push ahead with no idea of where they are headed -did I mention the lack of compassion too?:(

Keep rocking on.

11-06-2009, 03:31 PM
This is going to sound naughty?

I couldn't help but misread the signatures of you all and I thought they said,

"I've been BOOBED".:confused:

It wasn't THAT bad?:eek: Remember, us guys get poked and prodded too!:D

11-06-2009, 03:39 PM
Make sure you get your pokes and prods also Richard.

Edwina's Secretary
11-06-2009, 04:07 PM
My mother would have loved for everyone to have HCI. Its too bad we can't.

Of course we can. If we get the naysayers out of the way your mother's dream can come true.

11-06-2009, 05:52 PM
How true.:) It is possible :) People should never take their health for granted.

Richard, I went yesterday for the 1 yr recheck of my aneurysm & I'll
find out results next week. I appreciate your advice to people on making
and keeping all medical checkups.

Where the is a will?

I have seen all kinds of programs where people can be screened for free or at a low cost. And while the 'look' is free, there is always the good news related to it and the possibility of seeing something before it's a problem


Yes, I have been 'prodded' recently.:eek:

Everything works!

11-06-2009, 07:29 PM
Richard, I have had yearly physicals for I don't know how long.

And every year I would have breast exams. Since I got lumps quite often, when I was in my mid-30s they started having me also get yearly mammograms. Then a few years later one of these was suspicious, so it was biopsied.

Turned out to be "malignant but non-invasive," and I wound up having a mastectomy.

This happened in 1985. I have been all-clear ever since.. thanks to it having been caught early enough before it had started to spread.

So I speak from experience urging all of you to get your regular checkups!

11-06-2009, 07:32 PM
Just last Monday I had the bad news that my father in law has prostate cancer. They told him that it is still in a primary phase. He just started the treatment.

Say a prayer for him please.

Laura's Babies
11-06-2009, 07:40 PM
Had my colonscopy several months ago, annuals are due next month (I think it) is but I will be working then but will do in January. I try to keep up with when those things are due and get them done.

Also a reminder for those of you with elderly parents, schedule appointments for them for their annuals and take them to keep those appointments. Keep up with what they need done and make sure it gets done! My Captain's Mother died 2 months ago from breast cancer. This is a woman that every female in her family has died with cancer, he doctor did not schedule her mammo for THREE years. It took a nurse in the nursing home giving her a bath to feel the mass in her breast. The mass was fixing to break through the skin when it was found, by the time she had surgery, it was to late, the cancer had spread. Her family assumed the doctor was on top of things and had been having all that done (mammo's, pap smears) and he had NOT!

11-06-2009, 08:04 PM
Had my colonscopy several months ago, annuals are due next month (I think it) is but I will be working then but will do in January. I try to keep up with when those things are due and get them done.

Also a reminder for those of you with elderly parents, schedule appointments for them for their annuals and take them to keep those appointments. Keep up with what they need done and make sure it gets done! My Captain's Mother died 2 months ago from breast cancer. This is a woman that every female in her family has died with cancer, he doctor did not schedule her mammo for THREE years. It took a nurse in the nursing home giving her a bath to feel the mass in her breast. The mass was fixing to break through the skin when it was found, by the time she had surgery, it was to late, the cancer had spread. Her family assumed the doctor was on top of things and had been having all that done (mammo's, pap smears) and he had NOT!

Almost the same scenario happened to my BF's MIL. Her parents were from "the old country", so she grew up with a fear of doctors. A hospital meant you weren't coming home. Strong and independent, you'd think she would have learned from her husband's demise from colon cancer a few years earlier. (He passed blood for over 6 months before admitting it and by then it was too late Going to the casinos overruled everything). The MIL never, ever had a mammogram. By the time her daughter screamed and yelled and finally dragged her to a doctor, the tumor was just about breaking the skin. Tsk. Tsk. I saw her a week before she passed. Her daughter feels so guilty. She insisted her mom get a mammogram every year, but she refused. Not her fault. My mom was similiar..nothing was ever wrong. Yeah, right.

Anyway, thanks to my health insurance, as of 2010, they'll only pay for my gyn exams every 2 years. I have to wait until 2011. I can call if there's an emergency. Regardless of the fact I've had pre-cancerous cervical problems, endometiosis and a slew of other problems. Oh Goody!!! :o

11-06-2009, 09:04 PM
Thank you all for being so forthright and up front.

My mom had a very rare kind of BC, she was stubborn and very brave at the same time.

Part of the reason that she would not go back to see the doc was the fact that he was a young dude and "she didn't like a young man looking at her".:eek::rolleyes:

She also told me about my grandfather who would chide my GM for going to the doctor's office.

"He just wants to look at your arse!" was his retort towards my G-Ma..

But, heaven help him when he needed to go see the MD. In a strange way I have a little animosity towards him just for THAT reason. I wonder how much that impacted my mom's attitude toward seeking help.:(

Again, thanks for all your notes and stories.

All of you do not owe me anything to 'git r done'.....But, I hope you do think about YOUR loved ones and do it for them.

You all really rock.