View Full Version : Digi's coat & my boyfriend

12-01-2008, 11:05 AM
My boyfriend has been at my place since last thur (little work during this time of year) & has been taking her for walks. He said she looked a little chilled when they went out on Fri. I told him to put her coat on as she has no body fat & no warm fur. So today he called me at work asking where her coat is so he can take her out for a walk.

He is so sweet & so good to Digi!! Hes not a fan of animals at all esp dogs. He can usually tollerate them but wants little to do with them. But Digi is such a sweet, cute, playful pup that its soo hard not to like her. So hes always playing with Digi & cuddling with her. He use to get mad when she would lick his face, now its just EWWW, moves out of the way & giggles.

Here she is modeling her jacket last spring

I'll be makign her a warm winter jacket soon, as she'll need it for when it gets to -20C

12-01-2008, 11:29 AM
besides looking terrificly cute.. she look sooooo Collie in that pic....

glad they are being friends.... how´s the flock btw.. ;)

12-01-2008, 12:59 PM
Hee hee - yeah, she's probably not gonna grow thicker fur in time for the arctic cold! I vote for red trim on the new coat! ;) It is good that she is winning him over to the side of dog lovers!

12-01-2008, 12:59 PM
:eek: Just look at this Lovley Digi in her coat.. Just too Cute & Sweet..

12-01-2008, 10:47 PM
Everytime I see Digi, I want to jump into the computer and grab her widdle face and smother her with kisses! She always looks so happy and smiley! And her ears? Well.. don't get me started..I LOVE them!

Hmmmm.. not hard to see how Digi wormed her way into your boyfriend's heart!!! Nice guy! Remember he needs more training than Digi:p:D:D

12-02-2008, 02:29 PM
besides looking terrificly cute.. she look sooooo Collie in that pic....

glad they are being friends.... how´s the flock btw.. ;)

They are doing well. I bought some birdy meds to help with feathers and vitamin issues & a few other things just incase. She looks a LOT better now!! I gave it to Bobbie too as it wouldn't hurt. I found out why they were both sneezing too. I knew it wasn't an illness as they didn't have ANY of the other signs & the sneezes were so far & few inbetween, & they were eating & dring very well, etc. I was sure something else was causing it. I looked closer at Bobbie & he had something on 1 nostril. It fell off 3 days ago & haven't heard him sneeze since. I gently dampened a Q-tip & put it on her nostril. I then ever so gently picked it off. She didn't fight at all. she just closed her eyes as I picked it all off. She hasn't sneezed since either. I'm positive the blockage was bothering them. I read up on it & its caused by hand fed birds or wet mushy foods... Both are happy once again :)

hehe no red trim. Just black so it doesn't look like shes wearing a coat hehehe
Oh Digi has won him over thats for sure!! but he still isn't a dog fan. He just really likes her :)

She is a kiss/lick crazy pup. She doesn't stop & she gets crazy hyper when the kiss/lick war starts. She wiggles & jumps all over while licking anything her silly tongue can lick. Its funny when she starts to lick & just holds her tongue on you while looking at you.. She knows I giggle a lot when she does it, so she does it quite often :D I think my sister has a video of Digi attacking her boyfriend with kisses. It was really funny & cute! I'll try to find it for you :)

Oddly enough the boyfriend doesn't need much training. Hes very well behaved hehehe Well except when he tied Digi up as he was scared she would get into something while I was at work, & didn't give her any food or water hehe I have been teasing him for days about it. I said "OMG my poor baby! Your starved her, just look how thin she is!!" hehehe He knows I'm only picking on him. He hasn't tied her since. He said she was really good. she just stayed under the chair he was sitting on most of the day. He said he was expecting her to trash the house with me not being there hehe Doog Digi :D