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View Full Version : GoodSearch update

11-30-2008, 03:08 PM
To all who have used GoodSearch for One by One cat Rescue, Kutztown, PA, here is an update.....

We just received a check from GoodSearch for $116.41 for Oct 07 thru Sept 08.

So I assume they send out once a year (someone asked me this once, but I did not know the answer)

This total is from the searches as well as purchases through Shop GoodSearch.

So keep searching and if you plan to buy online, go through GoodSearch or iGive.com (another site to help a charilty of your choice) in order for your purchases to help charity!

Thanks for a good year, we could not have done this without help from loyal PetTalkers! :love: :cool:


11-30-2008, 06:40 PM
That is great! I've been making some small purchases off ebay through GoodSearch so hopefully that will add a few more cents to the tally.

11-30-2008, 07:02 PM
I think I may have asked about how often they send a check. I'm sorry it is only once a year, but it is nice to know that you received a nice sized check from them. I have been using goodsearch to shop and search. Thanks for letting us know about this.