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View Full Version : Prays for Midnight* First Vet Visit Purse String Comes Out Today.

11-28-2008, 07:22 PM
Ok...so where to begin. This morning as many of you know is the biggest shopping day and well I was joining my sister, brother, and mom to go out and I was set to meet them at 6 a.m.

I was getting ready to get going and I sent a message to my sister just to make sure everyone was on time and she told me that we need to talk so of course I called her and she said we'll talk later and I didn't think anything of it. So once I got to the store I found my sister and she told me that my parent's cat Midnight had something sticking out of her butt.

I asked her what it was and she said she wasn't sure but she was guessing three things: tumor, hemorrhoids, or her intestines.

I don’t really like to say this but you guys are just like my family so I figured you guys would understand. My father lost his job about a month or so ago and well it hasn’t been a good time at all for my mother. She has a lot of medical problems of her own so for my father to have lost his job when she was going to have surgery on her knee next year (her knee needs replaced) just has put a huge amount of stress on her and well he finally did find another job but it’s going to take a while for his first check to come in. He also had to take a pay cut but a check is better than no check. Yes he could sign up but got denied.

So needless to say she didn’t have the money to take Midnight to the vets which she should know I would help her out but I know it’s not been a great time for my husband and I either but we manage. I wrecked my car last Saturday and right now it’s not drivable but I’m going to be getting it fixed with some help from my insurance but I have to pay my $500 deductable.

Ok back to Midnight, so once my sister told me that I knew I needed to go over and check on her to see what’s up and what this thing looks like. My mom didn’t want my sister to tell me because she knows I already have a huge vet bill to finish paying off.

I finally got over to my mom’s place around 6:30 a.m. and Midnight’s butt was very red but nothing was hanging out which to be honest I was really glad. I called the vets to make sure they were going to be open on Friday and they were thank God. I waited around till about 8:30 a.m. and called the vets and they had an appointment at 2:30 p.m.

So since we had her scheduled and everything was back in, I felt that it was okay if we went to a few shops and then came back home to check on her. Well it was a little after 12 and we came in and her thing was sticking out again. Immediately I called the vets and told them that it was sticking out again.

They told me to bring her in right away. So I did but they were working on 2 other emergency cases before Midnight’s and she cried the whole way there….I’ve never heard a cat scream and I mean scream.

Finally after waiting about 45 minutes the vet came in and she took Midnight out of the cat carrier and saw it and said it’s Rectal Prolapse and she has to have surgery tonight.

I didn’t really expect to hear that at all but I knew it was a possibility. I also took noticed that before she weighed Midnight that she acciendently peed and some blood was in it but we thought that was from her rectum bleeding some.

The vet told me that she would give me a call later that evening and let me know how she made out from surgery.

At about 5 p.m. the vet called and said that Midnight was just about waking up now and she was doing fine. The vet also said that during surgery Midnight peed a little bit more on the table and they saw blood in her urine and they took a sample of it and ran a test on it and found out that one of her levels were 1,000 and it was supposed to be 0.

The vet said she wanted to make sure Midnight wasn’t diabetic so she ran another test and that came back fine as well as some other blood work. They did an x-ray on her and found a bladder stone. A pretty big size one from what the vet said which is why she developed this rectal prolapse.

She said if we didn’t do the bladder surgery she will have another rectal prolapse. I agreed for her to go ahead and do this second surgery on her. The vet said she is going to try to get Midnight into surgery tomorrow as long as she doesn't have any other emergency cases come in but if she does she will do the surgery on Midnight on Monday.

I have no idea what the cost of the surgery’s or her blood work are going to be but I’m going to start researching some places to help possibly if not I’ll work out something with the vets.

My mom is on disability right now due to her shoulder and knee issues. I’m just asking for everyone to say a huge pray for Midnight and if you don’t mind throwing in one for my mom that would be great.

Thank you all so much for listening to me,

Queen of Poop
11-28-2008, 07:30 PM
Prayers from the kittens, Sasha and I for Midnight, your Mom and your entire family.

11-28-2008, 08:42 PM
Prayers that Midnight's second surgery will go well. She is a beautiful cat. :)
I had a ferret once that had a prolapsed rectum and required surgery. She went on to live a good long life afterward. I'm glad she is over the first hurdle and hope the second one goes just as well. Please post an update when you can.

11-29-2008, 07:06 AM
Prayers are going up right now for Midnight that all will be well, a beautiful Tuxie to be sure. :)

11-29-2008, 09:47 AM

11-29-2008, 10:05 AM
I just stopped by to see Midnight and they had a towel in front of her cage because she was upset and I take it make a lot of noise.

When the vet assistant opened the cage door Midnight started to meow loudly and then I petted her and she just started to purr like crazy.

She was so happy to see someone that she knew. So I stayed with her for about 10-15 minutes and the vet showed me her x-ray and you could see the stone, it is pretty big. The vet said that Midnight has pushed her stuff back out again but she was able to get it back in and tighten the purse string.

Poor Girl.

The vet said that she will be doing her surgery today because she needs it and she will be keeping Midnight under sedation this weekend so that way she doesn't strain again. She also has a lot of back up poop in her so she will be giving her something so Midnight can release that. The vet will be giving me a call later today after she does Midnight's surgery.

I'll keep you guys posted.


11-29-2008, 11:56 AM
Prayers for Midnight that her surgery goes well, and prayers for you all.

11-29-2008, 03:14 PM
Oh my gosh... pooor little thing! I hope that the vet will be able to fix everything and that it won't happen again! That has to be scary for everyone involved.

Best wishes for Midnight and her family.

11-29-2008, 03:44 PM
Well her surgery is going to be pushed off till Sunday.

The vet called us and told me that she was able to pass some stool and keep her other part in tack so that's great news. So the vet said it would be better to do the surgery tomorrow on Midnight.

She'll call us tomorrow with the update about Midnight.

Please say a pray for her tonight.


11-29-2008, 04:18 PM
Come on, spirits up! midnight will be fine........prayers coming your way!!

11-29-2008, 06:33 PM
Lots of prayers for Midnight, and good wishes and healing energies..

11-30-2008, 07:18 PM
The vet called us today and said that Midnight is doing just fine. She had another rectal prolapse again this morning and Midnight was able to remove this purse string that she attached to her bum.

The vet was able to get it back in again and she was able to get the purse string back on as well.

The stone was removed today and she said it was very jagged but Midnight should do very well.

My mom and I are going to pick Midnight up after 5 p.m. tomorrow and she will be put on stool softeners.

The vet also said that she will need to come back in a week to have the purse string removed.

The total for all this was $550.

I've found a few good places online and I just applied to one place for my mom so I'm hoping we get some grants here.

Please cross your fingers!

Also, please say a pray that Midnight heals fine.


12-01-2008, 11:19 AM
I called the vets today and she is doing fine so far.

I can't wait to pick her up. Please continue to say prays that she heals quickly and isn't in pain.


12-01-2008, 06:44 PM
That is wonderful. God bless Midnight, and you, and that wonderful vet, and all of you who love Midnight so much.

12-01-2008, 06:50 PM
Woohoo! Prayers for Midnight, that she is comfy, and just needs mild painkillers for a few days.

I hope those grants come through!


12-01-2008, 08:02 PM
Glad to hear Midnight's doing will. :)

12-02-2008, 09:27 AM
Hi all again, well Midnight made it home safe and sound last night. The vet said that Midnight tried to strain on Sunday last afternoon into evening and they had to take her litter box away so she wouldn't do it. They gave it back to her yesterday and she didn't do it at all so that's good at least.

Midnight went home with no pain kills and bag special food. She ate like a champ last night. She is supposed to get hairball meds 3 times a day to help losen her stool.

She is scheduled to have her purse string removed this Friday and hopefully she won't strain or have another rectal prolapse the vet said if she starts to strain then we have to contact the vet right away.

I'm still looking for grants, so far we got denied twice but we are still looking and hoping something might come up.

Please continue to say a pray for her for a fast healing and this week goes well.


12-02-2008, 12:03 PM
I'm sending prayers for Midnight, your mom and your family. I defintely have had my share of financial tough times, so I hope things work out for all of you. Take care and good luck! :)

12-02-2008, 12:27 PM
:love: Aweee so glad Midnight is home now.. Get Lots Better Wittle Baby.. Sending Lots of Prayers Huggss..

12-02-2008, 12:50 PM
I'm glad to read that things are coming together for Midnight. :)

12-02-2008, 02:47 PM
Sorry, just reading about Midnight. I am so glad that she is doing ok. That was a huge vet bill, but I really thought it would be more. I am so sorry that your parents are having such a hard time financially. That is rough, so many are right now. If you can't find a grant you could apply for Care Credit. It is a type of credit card for medicals, whether it's human or pet. Your vet may know about it. I have one to help my sister with her dental bills, she doesn't have any insurance. It has 90 days same as cash, too. Anyway, I hope that Midnight continues to do well. And, good luck with those grants!


12-02-2008, 03:05 PM
Well my mom just got word that one place will be sending the vets $50 towards Midnight so that's just wondering.

We also received another one from UAN but we have to wait for our vet to submit a fax to them and hopefully we'll get it, they said they normally do $100 but I said hey any little bit helps. Like we said from the beginning though if we don't get any grants we will work something out.

12-02-2008, 06:29 PM
Well tonight I stopped by my mom's house to check on Midnight and my mom told me that Midnight hasn't pooped at all today or last night since we brought her home. My mom said that she went into the bathroom but nothing happened and she didn't strain. She did pee a lot today so the vet wants to see her again tomorrow to see if she's constipated so my mom will be dropping her off about 9 a.m. and hopefully we'll pick her up at 2 p.m.

At least the purse string has stayed intake so that's good.

Please continue to say prays. Thanks,

12-03-2008, 10:06 AM
Well Midnight finally went to the bathroom overnight. Right now we are just watching her very closley and hopefully things will go ok.

Please continue prays.

12-03-2008, 10:20 AM
Prayers continuing for Midnight, gladly! :love:

12-03-2008, 02:30 PM
We're praying for Midnight and all of you.

12-05-2008, 11:14 AM
Well today at 2:30 p.m. Midnight is going back to the vets to have her purse string removed. I hope all is well with her.

Poor girl. I really hope she doesn't have another rectal prolapse after this purse string is removed.

Please say a quick pray for her that everything heals well. I will update more when I can.


12-05-2008, 01:05 PM
Prayers for you, Midnight, that your vet visit goes well and you heal quickly and comfortably.. and that you have no more rectal problems.

Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and Bob

12-05-2008, 02:57 PM
Oh my. I'm so sorry. She's a beautiful Tuxie and we are hoping everything goes well. :love: Midnight, get better SOON, real SOON!!

12-08-2008, 07:48 AM
Well we had Midnight to the vets on Friday afternoon and the vet said that she was looking really good except she seemed a little constipated so they wanted to keep her for an hour and give her another enama to make sure she doesn't have another rectal prolapse and well she didn't so I'm so glad for that.

I went to visit Midnight yesterday and she's getting very anixous to be let out of her cage that she's been in for a week but I just hope she doesn't have another rectal prolapse.

The vet said everything there looked well so I'm very glad about that.

We'll just have to wait now for the results of her bladder stone to make sure she doesn't need to be on special food because she's super picky about her food.

Thank you all for your prays. My mom was able to get $450 in donations from organizations. Last night she received a call and a place said they would be sending out a check in today's mail for $300!

I couldn't believe it but I'm so glad. So it's just a $100 extra onto my bill which won't be too bad now. Just so I can keep my kids out of the vets until I get this bill paid off.

Thank you all again for your prays.


12-08-2008, 11:53 AM
I am so glad that Midnight continues to do well.

It is totally awesome that your Mom was able to get so much help with the vet bill!!! What a huge blessing!


12-08-2008, 04:33 PM
Such nice news to read.. that Midnight has been doing so well and that you've been able to get this financial help.

Prayers are continuing!

12-08-2008, 09:20 PM
Glad to read that your Mom was able to get financial help and pray that beautiful Midnight continues to do well.

12-12-2008, 12:39 PM
Thank you all so much for your prays. Midnight is doing very well so far. I'm so glad that she's responded to healing so well and she's getting back to her old self again.

She's still not eating a ton but I guess since I haven't had 1 cat since 2001 so maybe I've just forgotton how much a single cat eats, most of the cat's we've had in the bathroom have been food hogs so they always tended to eat more.

I have to post some more recent photos of her outside of her cage.

Thank you all again,