View Full Version : Pix of Taggart and poodle friend.

11-27-2008, 11:16 AM
Taggart is such a goofball. And that's actually what his personality was documented as on his ARF paper work. LOL But even with being a goofball he is the most mellow dog.
I had the sheets in the wash and he was hanging out on the (unmade) bed with me.
Do you think he's comfortable in his new home?
I just love his baggy lips, they crack me up.

Then it was time to make the bed and he wouldn't move. So I just made the bed around him. First the fitted sheet.

I pulled the fitted sheet under him, he still didn't move. Then I continued to put the top sheet and comforter on.

Here is a picture of Taggarts first destructive act.
This is an old chair and I think he found a spot where a previous dog had scratched at it and just went to town. Bruce was not happy. :mad: But all I said was "well you should have been watching him". Yeah, that didn't go over well either. LOL

A few more pix coming up......

11-27-2008, 11:21 AM
The other night our neighbors poodle was visiting through the fence. I've always tried to get pictures of him but he usually runs back into his yard while I go get the camera. I think he likes Taggart because he hung out for a long time at the fence wanting to play.
I think his name is Bon. His owners are German, so Bruce wasn't sure of the name due to the accent. I tried looking at his tag but it was too dark and I was reaching through the fence. :D
I think Pam's Bella might fall in :love: with this boy. :)
And I took one over the fence so I could get at least one clear picture of him.

Isn't he beautiful!! I'm going to get in touch with his owners and possibly set up a play date. He really seems to want to play with Taggart. He was whining and jumping up on the fence.

That's it. Thanks for looking and I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!! :D :D

11-27-2008, 11:47 AM
I think Taggart just might be adjusting to his new home very well.;) What a gorgeous poodle! :D

11-27-2008, 02:19 PM
What a goof! Cute pics! :)

11-28-2008, 07:54 PM
Thanks chocolatepuppy and wolf_Q. :D

I took him into work today (there were only three people working) just to visit. He was such a good boy. He :love:'s attention and is just so calm, it's amazing. The HR lady wanted to take him home with her. LOL
Then we went to lunch with my friend (co-worker) and he sat nicely while we ate outside. He sure is a charmer. :p

11-29-2008, 12:14 PM
Taggart is adorable! What a spiffy poodle boy that is too!

11-30-2008, 04:41 PM
I would love to have to fix the bed around a sweetie like that! LOL! You can send him to PA anytime you want to!

I know that won't happen, but I can wish!

Please give out hugs and kisses for me!

11-30-2008, 05:01 PM
:eek: He looks like such a Pyr!! That face!!:love:

When am I going to meet (and possibly train :D) this beautiful boy?!

11-30-2008, 05:03 PM
Taggart is a sweetheart! The poodle neighbour looks like he really wants to play :) That would be great.

I frequently make my bed on over around my cats, but I've never seen anyone dog in that position lol.


11-30-2008, 05:21 PM
Very cute pics of Taggart, I think he's very happy in his new home :love: :D I love his sleeping postion LOL, and the poodle is cute.

11-30-2008, 06:02 PM
Thanks everyone! :D Jennie, I will gladly deliver hugs and kisses for you. :)

:eek: He looks like such a Pyr!! That face!!:love:

When am I going to meet (and possibly train :D) this beautiful boy?!

Well, I'm going to need your help more with Zoee. Taggart seems to be an easy boy to train. But I think I said the same thing with Zoee when she was younger. :p
I am going to be home every weekend for the month of December (except Xmas, of course). I work at arf on Saturday afternoons (and one Sunday the 7th) and then we have training at noon on Sundays. Other than that my weekends are free, so far. :)

11-30-2008, 06:55 PM
Is she just leash reactive? That's my FAVORITE "issue" to train :D We'll have lots of fun haha!

Hmm, daylight savings makes it a bit difficult to get anything accomplished after 4:30, and my Saturdays are booked up. How about Sunday December 14th after your classes? Ivy's classes end at 11:30 on Sundays and I'll be in Martinez, so you'd be right on my way home :)

11-30-2008, 07:28 PM
I think that will work for us. We are done with class at about 1pm (12:45 to be exact). :D :D Did you want to meet up at arf then we could find a place to work?
Yes, she is leash reactive among a few other things. But that's my main concern at the moment. And walking beside me on the leash is an issue.

I guess we could take this to PM's now. LOL

Ginger's Mom
12-01-2008, 10:07 AM
Tagggert is adorable. He certainly has taken no time at all to make himself right at home. He seems to know that this is where he was meant to be all along. That poodle really is handsome, I think you are right, Bella is going to go crazy over that guy.