View Full Version : Can you help our mom?

Don Juan's mom
11-25-2008, 08:51 PM
about 2 weeks ago mom stop goin to wurk layoff she says we like havin her here to play wif us but she spend all time on compooter says she lookin for another wurk but she play games too instead of playin wif us or watches box wif moving pictures so can anybody help mom get a new wurk so she be happy and play wif us again?:(

Don Juan el Gato Magnifico y Hermoso
Zerlina Gattobello Nero

11-26-2008, 04:08 AM
Dear Don Juan and Zerlina,

My mom is also looking for a job and I am assisting her right now, sleeping hard near her on the sofa, while she is at the laptop. Perhaps you should try walking on the keyboard, standing between her and the screen. It works, trust me!

Yours catfully,


11-26-2008, 07:51 AM
Hi fellow kitties!
I'm so sorry to hear that your Meowmie has a layoff from wurk. That's something very important to them. Every day Meowmie says she wants to stay home with me but has to go make money (whatever that is)! But I do have an idea that just might help. A few years ago Soncat needed a place to wurk so he went to a place called a temp agency where they send hoomins to different places. Well, they sent Soncat to a place and they gave him a permanent job! He was there for four years until he started college full time. My Meowmie always says some money is better than no money. This just might help your Meowmie until something better comes along.
Please unnerstand that your Meowmie needs you now so maybe she won't worry too much. If there's anything I can do for you kitties just let me know.

Your friend,

PS: Please give your Meowmie some purrs and headbumpies from me?