View Full Version : Laser Pointer!

11-25-2008, 07:33 PM
My kitty enjoys a good laser chase. He thinks he can climb walls! Hours of fun for both of us.

12-01-2008, 02:54 PM
I just bought a laser pointer this weekend for Paizly. At first she wasn't sure of it. Then she was jumping up and trying to grab it with her paws. She'd reach for it and then bring her paws to her face, but there was nothing there. LOL I sorta felt bad though. But she has fun with it anyway. :D :D

12-03-2008, 02:11 PM
I had to put the Laser away for a while. With my CREW as soon as the light hits the floor I have 3-7 cats crashing into each other to get it. They know what it looks like and if it is any where near my chair I'll have a bunch sitting in front of me untill I play, if I'm not fast enough I might get a hit by one or more (I know they are just saying "lets play Dad').

01-02-2009, 12:15 AM
At our house we call it the 'DOT'. It's a dollar store keychain laser pointer and when I pick it up the chain will rattle. She'll come running and I'll say "Do you want your DOT? Do you?!" and she'll chatter back at me, looking around on the floor for it.
I was hesitant to try it with her because I had heard of someone's cat getting obsessed with it and crying when playtime was over, incessantly looking for the dot.
She took to it really well and it's always her who says when the game is over by just laying down and ignoring it. It's great when she's restless and I give her a good run for her money back and forth in our apartment. A good time is had by all.

01-28-2009, 10:01 PM
My kitty enjoys a good laser chase. He thinks he can climb walls! Hours of fun for both of us.

Aww I love it when I play with a laser! My little kitty does too. It's one of our favorite games.:)

Sometimes I like to run all around the house with one, shining it on doors and such, little Louie chases it everywhere! Little does he know, my friend is standing behind the open door and POW! We like to slam the door shut so it knocks his noggin and makes him sleepy, it's pretty darned cute. :love:

He's also a very bitey cat :mad:, so the lasers work nice. Or holding little lighters up to his kitty paws in his sleep, he tosses and turns all night, must be dreamin of walking on hot sand, LOL!

02-08-2009, 02:31 PM
My kitty enjoys a good laser chase. He thinks he can climb walls! Hours of fun for both of us.cool i have one two only i do it this way: she bites the laser an brings it \ / me::::signals::wants::to::play:::so i click on the dot picture:::::and millie:::my::cat::::jumps and dances::we:call:it::tagdancer: :love:

Pinot's Mom
02-26-2009, 03:05 PM
Ah well, all kitties are not created equal...

I tried the laser pointer (thank goodness only a cheap one) and Pinot looked at me as if I'd lost my mind. Then she turned tail and completely ignored it. As I said, only $2.99 down the drain...

I'm glad others enjoy it! :)

02-27-2009, 09:21 AM
I don't want to through a wet blanket on the fun of a laser pointer. You
should be aware that a laser should never be pointed at a face, human,
feline, or canine. Depending on the class of the laser it can be dangerous
to the eye. You're better off with a laser like the one that Pinot's Mom has than a laser designed for lecture pointing. Just be careful how you point it.

02-27-2009, 12:17 PM
My kitties love the laser. I read on the package to never shine it in their eyes so I never do that. The first one I had had a chain on it and after they knew the sound all I had to do was pick it up and 3 cats would come running. Now if I want to play with just one I am very quiet about it but they all sense somehow when it is being used and still come running. Very fun game and good exercise for the kitties running around trying to catch it.

03-07-2009, 11:45 PM
Other than "hiss at me" and "attack me like I am evil" and "snuggle as long as I remain quiesent" Leela loves laser pointer. The problem is when she won't come inside UNLESS I use the pointer. At that point, it's time to dial back and let it be a fun thing for every now and then. I can live with the scratches on my hands...