View Full Version : Tongue Piercing?

11-19-2008, 01:06 PM
Any opinions, suggestions, comments? I've been doing quite a bit of research on these and I might be getting mine done Friday.

What do you think?

11-19-2008, 01:15 PM
WHY??? What's the purpose? It makes as much sense as piercing your nipple or bellybutton - or other parts!! :rolleyes:
Don't get mad - you asked for opinions or comments. :D

11-19-2008, 01:30 PM
I was wondering the same thing. I'm sure it won't be too pleasant trying to eat with that. I would be worried about an infection myself or maybe some loss of taste.

11-19-2008, 01:40 PM
My opinion is this: Don't do it! You may get all sorts of infections and a lot of pain throughout your life. I really don't think it's a cool thing to do. You can be different in lots of other ways, if that's what you want. ;)

11-19-2008, 01:41 PM
OK - let me take this one step further - maybe it will discourage you from doing it. I worked with a girl that had her tongue pierced and I found it to be very distracting. First of all - it actually made her talk with a lisp that she did not previously have. But most annoying was actually talking with her face to face. She was a very attractive girl, but I always found myself looking at her tongue when she spoke, and not the rest of her as a whole. Don't you want people to look at YOU - and not just your tongue???

11-19-2008, 01:42 PM
Don't clack it against your teeth - you can chip the enamel easily, then you'll be more prone to cavities and breaking teeth. I have never seen the appeal of it, myself, and keep in mind you'd have to take it out for interviews, etc., so as not to offend people.

11-19-2008, 02:10 PM
I don't understand body mutilation. My ears are pierced with one hole only in each; that is all and that is all there ever will be. Thank you very much.

11-19-2008, 02:14 PM
I know quite a few people who got their tongues pierced in fact one of my employees got it done and was at work the next day. She was already lightly playing with it. I've been told numerous times that it really doesn't hurt when you get it done, but afterward it's pretty soar. You'll definitely want to eat ice for a few days. Other than that just make sure you get it done by someone who knows what their doing.

11-19-2008, 02:31 PM
I have had a few piercings done, but that one is the only one that I would never consider. It's just too risky for infection and long term damage to teeth, which are SO expensive to fix!!

11-19-2008, 02:35 PM
Do you know the reason for tongue piercing? Besides cosmetic reasons. It's for adult pleasure (I'll leave it at that).
One person I knew that had it done had his tongue swell up so big he couldn't eat or talk.
Another person (my very good friend) ruined her teeth with it because she was always messing around with it and clicking it on her teeth. She had to have major work done to her teeth to fix it.
It can be distracting while you talk, but I've talked to people who have them and I hardly notice. I guess it depends on the size of jewlery you wear.
However, it is your mouth and your tongue. So you do what you want. :)

11-19-2008, 02:39 PM
Yes I know the common reason for tongue piercings, and no, that is is NO WAY why I'm getting it. As far as ruining your teeth, it all depends on how much you play with it. They have plastic barbells that won't damage your teeth. Nearly all of my friends have it, and they said that the swelling is only bad for a couple days. And the chance of infection is very low if you take care of it properly.

I'm still in the deciding phase. We'll see what happens. =]

11-19-2008, 03:08 PM
I got my tongue pierced when I was about 19 but I was already married at the time. Keep in mind that men who see that you have one will most likely assume that you got it for the reason listed above. If that doesn't bother you then more power to you. I love my little tongue stud. I was very much teh sweet innocent teacher's pet as a child and considered my piercing my first BIG act of rebellion even though I had already left college, gotten married, and moved to Japan.

Be sure that the piercing is done by a professional with a hollow needle. Numbing sprays are not recommended as they can cause delays with healing and make swelling worse. The tongue piercing hurt a little more than an ear lobe but it didn't hurt as bad as my nose or ear cartilage. It will swell quite a bit, which is why the piercer MUST pierce you with a bar that is longer than what you will be wearing once you are healed up. You can return to the piercer and have it changed out for a regular length barbell in a few weeks. Immediately after I got mine done I ate a Popsicle, which was remarkably soothing. I'd recommend getting a box or two. Sucking on a straw is not recommended for a week or so (don't remember how long) because it can cause problems with healing.

Yes, once you are COMPLETELY healed you can get "plastic barbells" BUT, acrylic bars are not meant to be worn all of the time because they are porous and can harbor bacteria. I suggest either getting bioplast, or using a metal bar and just putting acrylic balls on it. You will need to change them every couple of days if you don't want them to get stinky and nasty, but thankfully they are cheap.

If you have a job I would suggest speaking with your employer first. You will not be able to switch to a clear barbell until it is healed so you will be wearing a big ugly metal barbell for at least 6-8 weeks.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. I've had mine for five years now and though my dentist rolls his eyes at me every time he sees me, I have never had a dental problem due to my barbell.

I forgot to add, diluted Listerine (never full strength!!!!) and salt water soaks (1/4tsp non iodized salt per 8 oz cup warm water) will be your friend several times a day for the first few weeks.

11-19-2008, 03:13 PM
There's a girl at work that has one currently, and she's been working there for years. She's had hers for 6 years, and I'm pretty sure she's been working there for at least 5. Our employer really doesn't care... another girl has a tattoo on her wrist. Oh, and the one who has her tongue pierced, she wears a bright orange ball on the top of hers. =]

Thanks for mentioning the straw thing. I know how much that sucks, cuz I got my wisdom teeth taken out and couldn't use a straw forever! (never mind that I was afraid to, so I probably went on the straw hiatus longer than I had to, lol)

Most of the people that know me know that I am not "that kind" of girl. For me, it's purely because I want to. We'll see. I'm afraid I'm going to chicken out, lol.

11-19-2008, 03:17 PM
I got my tongue pierced when I was about 19 but I was already married at the time. Keep in mind that men who see that you have one will most likely assume that you got it for the reason listed above. If that doesn't bother you then more power to you. I love my little tongue stud. I was very much teh sweet innocent teacher's pet as a child and considered my piercing my first BIG act of rebellion even though I had already left college, gotten married, and moved to Japan.

Be sure that the piercing is done by a professional with a hollow needle. Numbing sprays are not recommended as they can cause delays with healing and make swelling worse. The tongue piercing hurt a little more than an ear lobe but it didn't hurt as bad as my nose or ear cartilage. It will swell quite a bit, which is why the piercer MUST pierce you with a bar that is longer than what you will be wearing once you are healed up. You can return to the piercer and have it changed out for a regular length barbell in a few weeks. Immediately after I got mine done I ate a Popsicle, which was remarkably soothing. I'd recommend getting a box or two. Sucking on a straw is not recommended for a week or so (don't remember how long) because it can cause problems with healing.

Yes, once you are COMPLETELY healed you can get "plastic barbells" BUT, acrylic bars are not meant to be worn all of the time because they are porous and can harbor bacteria. I suggest either getting bioplast, or using a metal bar and just putting acrylic balls on it. You will need to change them every couple of days if you don't want them to get stinky and nasty, but thankfully they are cheap.

If you have a job I would suggest speaking with your employer first. You will not be able to switch to a clear barbell until it is healed so you will be wearing a big ugly metal barbell for at least 6-8 weeks.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. I've had mine for five years now and though my dentist rolls his eyes at me every time he sees me, I have never had a dental problem due to my barbell.

I forgot to add, diluted Listerine (never full strength!!!!) and salt water soaks (1/4tsp non iodized salt per 8 oz cup warm water) will be your friend several times a day for the first few weeks.

This just cracks me up:D It seems so out of character for you.

I think I am too old to comment on this:D

11-19-2008, 03:20 PM
We'll see. I'm afraid I'm going to chicken out, lol.

I *almost* chickened out until I heard my husband's voice in my head swearing that I wouldn't go through with it and would come home with another ear piercing or something. :D I took a 1.5 hour train ride with some girlfriends to the Harajuku district in Japan and came home with EXACTLY what I told him I would.:D

11-19-2008, 03:21 PM
This just cracks me up:D It seems so out of character for you.

I think I am too old to comment on this:D

Most people think that this is out of character:D I am the quiet, shy, stay at home mom to two little boys, but I DO have a dark side buried somewhere in there:D

11-19-2008, 03:51 PM
Most people think that this is out of character:D I am the quiet, shy, stay at home mom to two little boys, but I DO have a dark side buried somewhere in there:D

I am sure your hubby likes the mix;)

11-19-2008, 03:52 PM
I always wanted one as well until I read a nursing journal about a young 20 something that had it done and was having problems with infection. About a week later she returned to the ER with stroke symptoms and they did a CT on her and she had a HUGE abscess in her brain that had to be removed via surgery and at the time of the article was in a nursing home.
So I decided I didn't want one after that!

11-19-2008, 03:55 PM
I always wanted one as well until I read a nursing journal about a young 20 something that had it done and was having problems with infection. About a week later she returned to the ER with stroke symptoms and they did a CT on her and she had a HUGE abscess in her brain that had to be removed via surgery and at the time of the article was in a nursing home.
So I decided I didn't want one after that!

WOW! Talk about a freak accident:eek: Poor girl:eek:

11-19-2008, 06:11 PM
I say if you want it, go for it.

You can easily take it out later if you decide you no longer want it.

11-19-2008, 09:06 PM
I say if you want it, go for it.

You can easily take it out later if you decide you no longer want it.

That's my thought. I talked to someone who's daughter has one, and she is a doctor. She just takes her barbell out and goes to work.

That's what I told my dad... if it doesn't work out in the future at a future job, I'll take it out.

11-20-2008, 03:43 AM
I haven't read the responses to the thread but I can imagine that most people aren't too thrilled with the idea. That's okay.. to each their own.

Here's my .02. If you want it, get it.

A tongue piercing is incredibly easy to remove and you don't have to worry about unattractive scars. Yes you will absolutely hear about negative experiences. There are just as many bad experiences as there are horrible, unethical, ignorant piercers. All you hear about are the idiots who play with their piercings against their teeth, then complain about those awful piercings when they chip their tooth. Duh? Or those who don't follow healing treatment to a T.

A clean studio is a must. You absolutely have to get pierced with a new needle (14 gauge or a lower number ie: 12 gauge.. the lower the number, the bigger the needle). This is because anything like a 16 gauge will rip through your tongue with incredible ease. Healing jewelry must be surgical stainless steel or titanium. Titanium is a lighter, easier for your body to accept, and is a better choice for allergy sufferers. However, surgical stainless steel ("316L") is absolutely fine for most piercees. Internal threading is a must. External threading (when the post has the threading, rather than the ball having the threading) is a no-no.. especially for healing piercings. Your tissue was just cut. The external threading will tear it again.

Healing is a pain in the butt. You can't chew, spit, suck out of a straw.. you can't do anything really. I lived off slurpees for the first few days. After a week of congee, soup and slurpees, I was able to eat soft food. I think the pain subsided after 2 weeks. But the healing itself wasn't complete until probably around the 6 month mark. Everyone heals differently.. I healed my first round of lip piercings after over a year. The second time around, they healed in a couple months. Be prepared for constant cleaning.

The great thing is that they won't leave an unslightly scar like facial piercings do. They're also very easy to hide. Acrylic has it's pros and cons. They can't be properly sterilized (the autoclave would melt it). They're also not as compatible with your body as surgical stainless steel or titanium are. They are cheap though, and if you get them from a reliable source, they are pretty neat to look at. A WONDERFUL alternative to acrylic for hiding purposes is glass retainers. They CAN be properly sterilized, are relatively inexpensive, and are incredibly hard to see.

Personally, I have three. I've heard it all.. I did it to be "cool", I just want the attention, I'm just doing it for that adult reason, I'm going to chip my teeth, I'm going to have a lisp, I'm going to get an infection and die, yada yada yada. I've heard it all. I didn't do it for any of those reasons, and I'm still alive, lisp-free, with all my teeth and breathing. I have three so maybe I did something right? AKA RESEARCHING respectable artists and taking proper care of my piercings. I paid an absurd amount of money for them because a good piercer is worth every penny. I love my piercings -- If I had more room, I'd probably have even more. I (note: I - not you) love them and that's all that matters.

Here's a pic of all three :)

11-20-2008, 01:09 PM
I think today might be the day... both my cousin and I are getting it done, and we've got the money, I just need to know whether or not I have to work, lol. Cuz if I have to work tonight, I really don't want to go to get my tongue pierced three hours before!

11-20-2008, 08:11 PM
Well it's done, lol.

I almost chickened out, but I did it anyway. The piercer was super nice (I'll definitely be going to him for my tattoo...). It hurt a little more than I thought it would, but now it's just sore, like I bit my tongue. Ice, popsicles and more ice. =]

11-20-2008, 09:51 PM
Yay :):p

11-20-2008, 10:14 PM
No tongue sticking out quite yet for me, lol