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View Full Version : I think Amy (wolf_Q) was right about Taggart!! (pix included)

11-19-2008, 09:41 AM
I took Taggart to our family vet last night for a follow up. One of the techs said she thought he might be mixed with Great Pyrenees. Then the vet came in and she said the same thing. Now, I did not ask anyone's opinion on what they thought his breed was. They all just told me this. On the way out another tech said the same thing!!!
So we were calling him an Australian Pyrenees. :p And now I must go look up that breed and learn more about them.
Oh, and while I was talking to the doctor Taggart just zonked out on the floor. And when the doc got down on the floor with him he just rolled over with his head in her lap for a belly rub. That is complete opposite of Zoee. She is a nervous wreck at the vets.
I'm sure being in a shelter for who knows how long made him more comfortable with that environment.
And the doctor said she thinks he might get as big as 50lbs. Whew! I was worried I might end up with a dog weighing almost 100lbs!! :eek: Now I can handle TWO dogs weighing about 100lbs together. LOL
The doctor kept saying what a good dog I had. She never said anything like that about Zoee. hee hee She said Zoee was very pretty, of course.

Ok, I figured I'd better post some pictures of him again. I apologize that most of his pictures look exactly the same. But I promise you these are different. I just took these this weekend.

This is the normal scene in the office while I'm on the computer.

The next few are very similar to some pictures I have of Zoee. Same poses.


A slight head tilt. LOL

Zoee says - I'm NOT looking at him!!!

Then she says - What? A treat! Ok, I'll look.

That's all. Thanks for looking!!

11-19-2008, 09:47 AM
I just looked up Great Pyrenees. And I've always pronounced it (and so did the vet staff last night) Peer-Rah-Knees. On one of the sites I just found there is a sound clip and it's pronounced Pie-Rah-Knees.

Yorkie Lover
11-19-2008, 09:50 AM
I just looked up Great Pyrenees. And I've always pronounced it (and so did the vet staff last night) Peer-Rah-Knees. On one of the sites I just found there is a sound clip and it's pronounced Pie-Rah-Knees.

Yes I think you can pronounce it both ways. I have always said Pie-ra-nee-s

11-19-2008, 12:26 PM
:love: Well I think somewhat the Great P could be in this baby.. I just keep seeing a Lot of Cuteness in this baby.. Both babies are just too Adorable..

critter crazy
11-19-2008, 02:02 PM
Taggart is way too cute, no matter what he is!! But there definitely could be some Great Pyrenees in him!! What a doll!!:love:

Ginger's Mom
11-19-2008, 02:26 PM
He really is so darn cute. :D Well if the doctor thinks he will only be around 50 pounds that isn't bad at all (that is what a male aussie would be anyway, right?), and he should be the perfect size for playing with his big sister.
Oh, and I always pronounced it Peer-a-nees, too.

11-19-2008, 02:49 PM
Here's a pic of my friend's border collie/great pyr mix.

http://www.bigpawsonly.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=13627.0;attach=356 24;image

Taggart def looks like one! A cute one at that.:D

11-19-2008, 04:00 PM
Here's a pic of my friend's border collie/great pyr mix.

http://www.bigpawsonly.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=13627.0;attach=356 24;image

Taggart def looks like one! A cute one at that.:D

Wow, that does look like him! The color of the few spots he has is brown with black in it, just like your friends. :D Thanks!

Thanks lvpets2002, critter crazy, and Ginger's mom, Zoee is about 53lbs so if he is around the same that will be perfect! :D

Suki Wingy
11-19-2008, 05:11 PM
Taggart reminds me a lot of my grandparents' dog Gus. Gus's mother was a collie and father was unknown.

11-19-2008, 06:17 PM
Taggart's so adorable! You've got two good looking pups!:)

11-19-2008, 11:16 PM
Thanks! :D

11-19-2008, 11:18 PM
Hehe I'm glad I was right. ;) He sure is one handsome pup!! How much does he weigh now?

11-20-2008, 09:14 AM
Hehe I'm glad I was right. ;) He sure is one handsome pup!! How much does he weigh now?

Tuesday night at the vet he weighed 34.7lbs. The shelter had his weight at 33.5 when we adopted him.

We were a little worried about him being part GP, because we didn't know if we could handle a LARGE dog. But the vet said he should be the same size as Zoee. Of course I love big kitties, so I'm sure I'd love a big doggie too. :D

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! He is such a character. He is not a chewer (which is good because niether was Zoee). But he will get things and just carry them around with him. I'll come home and my slippers will be all over the house, or a shoe or piece of clothing. He just likes to have someting in his mouth. One good thing is now Bruce is better about not leaving his clothes on the floor!! LOL :D
Zoee and Taggart play more now. I think Taggart has learned Zoee's play style and joins in. This makes me very happy. :D
Oh, and Paizly is more comfortable with him now too. So there is peace in this house now.

11-20-2008, 09:19 AM
Ohhhhh how Cute!!!!!!!!