View Full Version : I've been hiding something from you... *PICS ADDED POST 4*

11-08-2008, 09:38 AM
Shame on me, I know...

but last night...

while I was at work...

I saw an ad...


Safe to say, I am the mother of a new puppy! I am the mother, have no fear, I'm moving out soon and she is coming with me. Mom loves her, but she is MY pup, not mom's. Have no fear. =]

My cousin also got one, we got the last two sisters. They're estimated to be 12 weeks old. The mother was 1/2 rottweiler, 1/2 Norwegian Elkhound, and daddy was a yellow lab. Mom is mostly brown, with a little black saddle, and the pups were all pure black! Imagine that, lol.

I've named my pup Sydney, my cousin named hers Rebel. Sydney is pure black with little white tips on her back feet. Rebel is also all black, and a little bigger than Syd. Rebel is the big dopey pup, bouncing around everywhere and will come to anyone. Syd is pretty shy and quiet, and last night, she was just really scared. She didn't come to you when you called, but this morning she seems to be doing a lot better. No messes in the house yet! You take the girls out and they go potty right away. =]

Pictures soon, I promise!

11-08-2008, 09:41 AM
Oh, goodness! Hide the shoes - or anything else of value you don't want chewed - and take lots of pictures!

11-08-2008, 09:51 AM
Congrats :)
Can't wait to see pictures of Sydney.

11-08-2008, 10:17 AM
Here you go!

Sydney bean:

This is what she thinks of the camera...

Syd in back, big ol Rebel in the front. Reb was doing the frog legs =p



Cuuute pups!

Rebel looks way bigger than Syd, but she was just antsy and closer to the camera. This was right before she dive-bombed my camera.

That's all for now =p

11-08-2008, 10:26 AM
Awww, shiny puppies! I love Sydney's red collar - something about shiny black doggies and red collars always make me smile! They look so very much like Black Lab - Daddy's genes obviously came to the forefront!

11-08-2008, 10:26 AM
Beautiful pups, congratulations on getting Sydney! A great name for a gorgeous sweet girl. Enjoy! :love:

11-08-2008, 10:27 AM
OMG they are both so cute :love:

11-08-2008, 10:53 AM
Oh my goodness, they are just precious. That's so cool that you and your cousin each got a sister. :D
Can't wait to watch these two grow up!! :)

11-08-2008, 11:49 AM
Oh aren't they just adorable! I just wanna give them a big ol' hug:D

11-08-2008, 12:01 PM
Oh my - they are truly beautiful!! Those shiny, shiny coats - and those sweet puppy eyes :love:

11-08-2008, 12:13 PM
They are beautiful! Those shiny coats! Welcome, Puppies!

11-08-2008, 12:19 PM
We've already had an incident...

We have a small, 3ft x 3ft area by our front door (we dont use much except for mail) and that's where they've been staying overnight and when we're gone. I took Syd to work to show the girls and left Rebel home. I came home and Rebel had jumped the gate! Great, so I dropped Syd off, locked them both in the bathroom, took everything off the floor, put everything on the counter so they couldn't get into anything.

I came home to a curling iron cord in 3 pieces.... :eek::eek:
I'm still wondering how they got a hold of it!

11-08-2008, 12:53 PM
Adorable!!!!! :)

11-08-2008, 01:10 PM
OMG!!! Sydney & Rebel are just adorable, and so gorgeous! CONGRATULATIONS!!

11-08-2008, 04:48 PM
Too cute!!! Gott alove puppy antics! Have fun and enjoy them!

11-08-2008, 09:26 PM
And just think..the best is yet to come! Along with never ending surprises! Enjoy every second with your smashingly beautiful Sydney and her sis!

Ginger's Mom
11-09-2008, 08:26 AM
Congrats, Megan, she is adorable. :D They both are. Actually Sydney reminds me very much of my sister's dog Daisy (boxer/lab mix). I can't wait to hear more of their antics. My one puppy is a handful, two puppies to help each other get into things is just too much. ;) :D

11-09-2008, 04:23 PM
Today's been pretty good, I took them both (yes, both, silly me) for a walk. It went better than I thought it would. It took a little coaxing to get Sydney to actually walk kinda nice on the leash. Bear (yes, Kate changed her named AGAIN! They've settled on Bear!) walks nice on the leash, but boy, I got tangled up! I might get a splitter for the leash, but really, Bear is only going to be with us for a few more weeks before they move out.

All's good!

11-09-2008, 05:46 PM
Congratulations! They are so adorable! They definitely look black lab but the wrinkly foreheads also say Rotti to me! :)

11-09-2008, 06:14 PM
Congratulations!! They're both adorable. I wouldn't get a leash coupler if I were you for taking them both on walks. They can be more disastrous than separate leashes if the dogs (and puppies especially) aren't used to walking on one.

11-09-2008, 06:22 PM
Absolutely adorable! Nothing beats seeing a couple of cute puppies!

11-09-2008, 06:54 PM
They are very cute. :) Congrats!

4 Dog Mother
11-10-2008, 01:11 PM
Oh, my gosh, what cuties! Oh, but puppies, what won't they get into! I also see a little of the Rottweiler in their faces especially in Bears.

11-10-2008, 03:06 PM
They've both been doing good, Syd has really started to blossom. Syd went from shy and hardly moving to getting into everything! She's the one tearing up puppy pads and eating little things off the carpet.

One question, how often should I be taking them out? They hadn't had an accident at all in the first 36-48 hours we had them, now all of a sudden I'll catch one of them peeing on the floor in the kitchen. What should I do as far as discipline and getting them on a regular schedule?

11-10-2008, 03:26 PM
One question, how often should I be taking them out? They hadn't had an accident at all in the first 36-48 hours we had them, now all of a sudden I'll catch one of them peeing on the floor in the kitchen. What should I do as far as discipline and getting them on a regular schedule?

We just got Taggart yesterday (he's 6 months old). He had two accidents in the first couple hours (oops!:eek:). After that I made it a rule that he should go out as soon as he wakes from a nap or when ever he is wandering around a lot and hasn't been out in a while.

Do not discipline them for going in the house. You want to praise the dickens out of them for going outside. Decide on a command to use (for example we say "get busy" my family says "take a break") and use that while you are out and while they are going. Then, if possible, have a snack handy (that's optional) and praise, praise, praise. Praise alone worked for Zoee, but I think Taggart is going to be snack motivated.

Good luck!! :D

11-10-2008, 03:50 PM
whata lovely couple!!... I see Lab on Syd and lab/Rott on Bear...

they are sooo cute and shiny!!...love them puppies

11-12-2008, 11:48 PM
Congrats!!! They're both adorable.:D