View Full Version : One of The Muttlies...

11-06-2008, 04:48 PM
Carmen said something about wanting to see them so here's one I took last night. :)


They are not posed - they posed themselves like that. All I said was "Come", "Sit", and "Lay down." That's how they ended up. :D

11-06-2008, 04:50 PM
WHAT??!!.. one pic??... weŽd love to see more of them... weŽve missed threads full of pics of them....

look at those lovely faces.... awww....

11-06-2008, 04:51 PM
OOOOOhhhhh Thank you!
They are so adorable.
You told me that you took pictures last night but they didn't turn out too good.
What are you talking about girl!? It's a great picture!
How do you get them to look at you at the same time? :)
I have such a hard time with mine.
Mooman looks like he's bigger than Kiara.

11-06-2008, 05:08 PM
WHAT??!!.. one pic??... weŽd love to see more of them... weŽve missed threads full of pics of them....

look at those lovely faces.... awww....

Ah okay, I'll stop being lazy and resize a few more. :p

11-06-2008, 05:09 PM
OOOOOhhhhh Thank you!
They are so adorable.
You told me that you took pictures last night but they didn't turn out too good. What are you talking about girl!? It's a great picture!
How do you get them to look at you at the same time? :)
I have such a hard time with mine.
Mooman looks like he's bigger than Kiara.

My secret last night was the pumpkin dog treats that I had just finished baking. Recipe I came up with on my own and it was a huge hit. I had everyone's full attention. :p

Moo is a bit taller and longer than her, but they weigh about the same. :)

11-06-2008, 05:17 PM
My handsome Simba boy. He hasn't been doing too well lately. Very stiff, having a hard time moving about, jumping onto the bed, etc. Hate to admit it but he's getting old.

Mufasa and Kiara are two of the nosiest most attached dogs I know. I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth and this is my audience.

Nala wanted me to show everyone her booboo. It happened about a week ago. She was running around the house going amok, jumped off the bed, lost her balance and busted her jaw on the tile. She acted as nothing happened, I freaked out and took her to the vet. They wanted to sedate her and get x-rays but I didn't think that was necessary, as if something was broken, she wouldn't let me fool around with it like I do. I just had them give me antibiotics and I've been keeping it clean. So far, it's healing nicely and it doesn't even bother her.

Mufasa at the SPCA's fundraiser.

Simba giving my nephew, Noah, a kiss. Noah LOVES Simba... he has two dogs and he says Simba is his favorite dog ever.

It freaked Mufasa out when Noah would dive. He got so worried and followed him until he came up each time.

Bailey (brother's Golden) LOVES Kiara. She follows her a lot. I think most dogs like to do that simply because Kiara is always on the go.

Kiara and Bailey after a ball.

THAT'S IT!!! :p

11-06-2008, 05:23 PM
thank you!!

those pics are great!!... oh, Simba you silly... giving mom the tongue.. haha

love the audience.. hahaha.... they look so intrigued on what you were doing.. LOL

poor Nala... but that happens to horsies by horsing around... take care sweetie

how cute of Moo to care for Noah... awww....

Bailey is so cute too!!...

11-06-2008, 05:24 PM
Oooh, Poor Nala! You're a goofy girl! :p
We're sorry you got a boo boo.
Pumpkin treats huh?
We want the recipe thank you very much!

11-06-2008, 05:32 PM
Poor Nala. Hope that heals up quick! Your pack is so adorable. :love:

11-06-2008, 05:45 PM
Thanks guys. As for the recipe, it really was just a bunch of stuff I threw together. I always save the pumpkin insides/pieace we carved out to make treats for puppies. This year I pureed a bunch of pumpkin, some eggs, a tad bit of honey and cinnamon, and then threw in oatmeal and flour until it was a nice consistency. I spread it out on a baking sheet and baked until it was crispy enough to crumble.

What the heck, here are a few more. I found a few more cute ones I liked.

Sweet Simba Lou

All four

and one of Bailey for good measure.

11-06-2008, 06:01 PM
Thanks again for posting!

Ginger's Mom
11-06-2008, 06:21 PM
Aww, I have missed seeing the Muttlies. :) They are all as gorgeous and well-trained as ever. Don't be a stranger, please.

11-06-2008, 07:42 PM
Great pictures, as always Kay! I love them! Baily is a beautiful dog!

11-06-2008, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the pics, Kay! The Muttlies are looking as fantastic as ever. And wow, has Bailey ever grown since the last time you posted pictures of her! She's very pretty.

11-06-2008, 09:55 PM
Yay! Lots of Muttlie pictures!! :D
I love Moo's face in the first picture. hee hee

Poor Nala, be careful silly girl. No more owies, k?

Simba is just so darn handsome, I can see why he's your nephews favorite. :)

And of course Miss Kiki, what can I say? Beautiful, as usual.

11-06-2008, 10:43 PM
Come, Sit, Down for that Flashy thing? Right, sez MZ Logan. :rolleyes::p

I swear, Kay, you must be part Dog Whisperer. You are amazing.

I see the white in Simba's face now. I met you when he was your only dog, remember?

Poor Beautiful Nala. I hope your boo boo heals quickly and painlessly. Kisses, Kisses.

And what can I say? 2 velcro pups watching their mom brush her teeth! The look on their faces is priceless.

Thanks for the fab pictures! I never ever tire of them!

ps..Bailey is a beauty!

11-06-2008, 11:14 PM
Your photography just gets better and better, Kay!!

But then your subjects are the most beautiful and talented group you could ask for.

11-06-2008, 11:19 PM
you've got them so well trained you don't even have to do anything anymore but aim & click, lol! Beautiful pics - I love the one of Moo & Ki.

11-07-2008, 05:08 AM
Great to see the Muttlies!:love: Nice pics!

11-08-2008, 12:18 PM
Yaaaaay, pictures of the precious Muttlies! Nala, I am sorry about your ouchie lip. I hope it heals very fast, and I'm glad it doesn 't bother you. Sweet Simba, I love how you keep track of Noah and give kisses! And Moo and Kiki, what adorable bathroom helpers you are! Make sure mommy brushes every tooth! *kisses*

11-08-2008, 10:01 PM
Great pictures of the muttlies!! :) Hope Nala's "owie" heals up soon!

11-08-2008, 10:39 PM
I love your dogs and your pics!

11-09-2008, 07:36 AM
I must say Kay, those are some of the cutest pictures I've seen in a long time of your dogs:D They all look so cute and happy.

I especially love the picture of your audience, that's too cute:)

Sorry to hear about Nala's booboo. Hope it heals fast.

Lots of hugs to them all!