View Full Version : Remember Hunters friend Dudley

11-06-2008, 12:22 PM
member me telling you all about dudley passing away and the reason he passed is because he fell like 10feet and was not taken to the vet's right away well here is an update on his owner/jerk he was taken to jail a couple days later cause they wanted to do an autopsy for doggies and he got a year in jail and a 5000 fine (not enough in my opion) and he had to sign a paper saying that he would never own a pet again.. and the reason i know all these is because i am one of the main people who say dudley fall and told his owner that he needs to take him to the vet's and make sure he was ok.. there were people that were outside when they heard dudley cry that were willing to help pay for it..

I miss that lil stinker he was a good boy and i know hunter misses him

well i thought that you all would wanna know..

11-06-2008, 07:36 PM
I do remember Dudley. And while the penalty doesn't seem like much to us, I guess it will have to do. At least he didn't get away with this all together.

Dudley is in a much better place. Away from that man. And he will never feel pain again. I'm sure he's having a good time at the bridge with all the other wonderful animals. :)

Ginger's Mom
11-07-2008, 05:54 AM
I am glad to hear that he got something. He will probably only spend about four months in jail, but maybe they will get his attention by hitting his wallet. I hope he really doesn't ever own any more pets.

11-07-2008, 08:00 PM
It's good to hear this guy got some kind of punishment. Thanks for updating.

11-08-2008, 12:33 AM
Well if i was the judge he would be spending the rest of his life there.. that litle man did not even make it to his first b-day. but i am sure that he will celabrate it with the rest of the RB babies