View Full Version : Your thoughts...getting a company vehicle...rock and hard place

11-03-2008, 10:21 PM

Started my new job as a computer tech with Need Computer Help?

Have worked one emerg job with the team and today invoiced my first job with my first real customer. Netted about $488 so far. (I need about $1500 per month to do okay.) I get a monthly stipend from some investments, and also over $1000 quarterly. And my mortgage is up for renewal and I have cut about $120 off the monthly payments.

I've done the plastering of pull-tabs and business cards, gotten two very promising calls, two "tire kickers", etc.

The company is moving towards black panel HHRs with all the company decals on them - white and yellow decals on black, with the consultant's cell number and business URL in nice big fonts.

One fellow who was with the company has created and is running his own business. He has a fully decaled HHR, 2007, on a 0% financed loan from the dealership. I can sell my Toyota and put about $7,000 against the loan, bringing the payments down to $240 a month, interest free, after taking over the loan.

Now - every cost associated with this car is a write-off as it is a billboard wherever it goes or is parked. It might generate a lot more business.

Write-offs are good, but there is initial income to consider now. My financial guy and I can arrange some 'bridge' money til I am up and running more.

Question - should I get this vehicle or not?

11-03-2008, 11:12 PM
I think its a good investment. Having been (and still am) in the computer tech racket for a while I know the key to generating customers is exposure. Someone will see your vehicle parked and think about computers, which generates a lot of customers with problems that they otherwise would just "live with" for a while because they just don't want to deal with looking for a tech. (I've had people tell me this lol) Seeing a number while out and about gets them in the mode of thinking about what services they want.
Congrats on your new job! :D

11-03-2008, 11:44 PM

Also, you see where the logo guy ("Chip") has his hand out? Although it's missing on this vehicle, what gets attached there is a business card holder. You leave cards in it while the vehicle is parked.

I'll REALLY have to pay attention to the weather forecasts! Soggy cards are just NO good.

Thanks for the encouragement - sometimes a leap of faith is necessary.

Laura's Babies
11-04-2008, 08:19 AM
I've had several HHR's as rentals and I loved them. They are a little larger than the PT Crusier and they are comfortable cars, good for long trips and so much fun to drive! The only thing is there isn't a lot of room for 2 peoples, months worth of luggage but it will fit.

I say do what you are comfortable with. Have you checked on what insurance will cost for the car and factored that in? Is that with the monthly note manageable for you with? You will love the car.

11-04-2008, 08:39 AM
Actually, Laura, I can get business insurance for only $30 a year more than what I am paying now on my 2001 Toyota! That will be $680, or $700 worst case scenario.

I am being phoned by the dealership today or tomorrow, so that's the first hurdle - passing the credit app.

11-04-2008, 08:53 AM
:) Oh I think the vehicle is so Cute.. I just love all of the advertising on it.. Good Luck

11-04-2008, 10:18 AM
We got one as a rental in Hawaii...it was cute and pretty roomy but basically had none of the comforts of my car so I really didn't care for it, maybe we got the chopped down model or something.

11-04-2008, 11:20 AM
The HHR has been chosen as the company vehicle because it is a good height to be a "billboard" and has lots of storage compartments. Plus, with it being a 4 cylinder, it can get better gas mileage than a lot of other NA vehicles its size. Highway, it's rated as good as my Toyota, which managed 44 mpg on the last tankload.

Anyone wanna buy a Toyota? :D

The WEIRDEST thing happened. My former bosses - who took me out for a wonderful dinner last night since I left - called today. The gal they hired just quit after 2 days!

SO - I am there when I can be...and the other people they interviewed thought they were applying for part time only. So MAYBE I can just be there two days a week while the computer biz is shaping up. At least it will be some steady income while I get the other biz going.

Pray for more money and it's funny what God comes up with! :D

11-04-2008, 12:00 PM
I thought computer people were smart?

While the pic was loading up I noticed the word "WINDOWS" on the door of the truck.

Like, aren't people gonna see that and say, These people don't know the difference between doors and windows? So how can I trust them with my computer?;)

11-04-2008, 12:24 PM
RICHARD, please come up to Canada so I can give you a wee affectionate *smack* upside the head. :p:D

11-04-2008, 12:45 PM
RICHARD, please come up to Canada so I can give you a wee affectionate *smack* upside the head. :p:D

Or you can close the door on my head?:eek:

11-04-2008, 02:46 PM
Well, it can't be a window, now, can it? :D

11-04-2008, 02:52 PM
LOL, Touche'!


Is it powered by Windows or power windows?:confused:

11-04-2008, 06:01 PM
Not to be a party pooper, and just to play all the angles, . . .

What happens if / when you leave this company? You have NO vehicle? How quickly will you be able to arrange for one on your own?

Never had a company car, so no idea on these answers.

On the other hand . . . I needed someone to install the ceramic tile on my back splash in my new kitchen so I just hung out in the Home Depot parking lot looking at the vehicles coming and going until I got a few numbers!